* * $Id: hplist.F,v 1.2 1999/05/18 08:50:56 couet Exp $ * * $Log: hplist.F,v $ * Revision 1.2 1999/05/18 08:50:56 couet * - Protection added if NCOL is too large * * Revision 1996/01/19 10:50:09 mclareni * Hplot * * #include "hplot/pilot.h" *CMZ : 5.12/01 12/03/92 11.50.17 by O.Couet *-- Author : O.Couet 23/10/90 SUBROUTINE HPLIST(LISTNB,NI,LISTI) *.===========> *. *. Define a list of attributes *. *. _Input parameters: *. *. INTEGER LISTNB : List number *. INTEGER NI : Number of elements to be define *. INTEGER LISTI : List elements *. *. If NI <= 0, an automatic palette is defined from 9 to *. NCOL (defined by IGSET NCOL). If NCOL <= 8 *. the palette is defined from 1 to NCOL also *. but the color definitions are not changed. *. If LISTNB <= 0, the list of the defined palettes is printed. *. *..==========> (O.Couet) #include "hplot/hpl14.inc" DIMENSION LISTI(*) DIMENSION LUT(8) DATA LUT /0,5,7,3,6,2,4,1/ *.______________________________________ * * * Print the list of the Defined the palette * IF(LISTNB.LE.0)THEN PRINT*,'The define lists are :' DO 10 I=1,NBLIST IF(LSTTYP(I).NE.0)PRINT*,I 10 CONTINUE RETURN ENDIF * * The palette LISTNB is defined automatically * LN=MIN(NBLIST,LISTNB) IF(NI.EQ.0)THEN LSTTYP(LN)=1 CALL IGQ('NCOL',RVAL) N=INT(RVAL) IF(N.LE.8)THEN DO 20 I=1,N ILIST(LN,I)=LUT(I) 20 CONTINUE ELSE N=MAX(N-8,2) IF (N.GT.MXLIST) THEN CALL IGERR('NCOL is too large','HPLIST') N = MXLIST ENDIF DEC=240./N H=240. DO 30 I=1,N CALL IGHTOR(H,0.4,1.,R,G,B) CALL ISCR(1,I+7,R,G,B) ILIST(LN,I)=I+7 H=H-DEC 30 CONTINUE ENDIF NBEL(LN)=N RETURN ENDIF * * Define the list * N=MIN(NI,MXLIST) NBEL(LN)=N LSTTYP(LN)=1 DO 40 I=1,N ILIST(LN,I)=LISTI(I) 40 CONTINUE * END