* * $Id: hplfil.F,v 1.2 1997/05/22 11:00:01 couet Exp $ * * $Log: hplfil.F,v $ * Revision 1.2 1997/05/22 11:00:01 couet * - The file name position was controlled with YLAB. * * Revision 1996/01/19 10:49:58 mclareni * Hplot * * #include "hplot/pilot.h" *CMZ : 5.20/00 19/04/95 10.26.37 by O.Couet *-- Author : O.Couet 13/01/89 SUBROUTINE HPLFIL *.==========> *. *. Draw the current FILE name on the current histogram. *. *..==========> (O.Couet) #include "hbook/hcdire.inc" #include "hplot/hpl1.inc" #include "hplot/hpl6.inc" #include "hplot/hpl2.inc" #include "hplot/hpl4.inc" #include "hplot/hpl13.inc" #include "hplot/hplstr.inc" DIMENSION RTXFP(2) *._____________________________ * IF(.NOT.LOFILE.OR.IOPTU.NE.0)RETURN * CALL IGQ('TXFP',RTXFP) TVCOM = TVSIZ(5) * * Set file name font and precision * NTWOLD = NTWIN KFONT = IABS(IHFONT(5)) ITXFON = KFONT/10 ITXPRE = MOD(KFONT,10) IF(IHFONT(5).LT.0)ITXFON = -ITXFON CALL ISTXFP(ITXFON,ITXPRE) CHTEMP = ' ' CHTEMP = HFNAME(ICDIR) IF(ITXFON.EQ.0)CALL IGTCCH(CHTEMP(1:96)) * * Draw the file name * IF(TVSIZ(5).EQ.0.)TVSIZ(5) = 0.28 IF(IFILE.EQ.1)THEN KFLG = 1 XK = XLOW YK = YHIGH+0.8-XLVAL-TVSIZ(5) ELSEIF(IFILE.EQ.2)THEN KFLG = 3 XK = XHIGH YK = YHIGH+0.8-XLVAL-TVSIZ(5) ELSEIF(IFILE.EQ.3)THEN KFLG = 1 XK = XLOW YK = YLOW-0.8 ELSEIF(IFILE.EQ.4)THEN KFLG = 3 XK = XHIGH YK = YLOW-0.8 ENDIF CALL HPLTXT(XK,YK,CHTEMP,5,1,KFLG) * TVSIZ(5) = TVCOM * * Reset NT * IF(NTWIN.NE.NTWOLD)THEN NTWIN = NTWOLD CALL ISELNT(NTWOLD) ENDIF IF(LOZFL)CALL IZPICT(' ','O') * CALL ISTXFP(INT(RTXFP(1)),INT(RTXFP(2))) END