* * $Id: hplcha.F,v 1996/01/19 10:49:58 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: hplcha.F,v $ * Revision 1996/01/19 10:49:58 mclareni * Hplot * * #include "hplot/pilot.h" *CMZ : 5.20/00 26/04/95 09.26.27 by O.Couet *-- Author : SUBROUTINE HPLCHA(NT,XLOC,YLOC,IDH,XLOCH,YLOCH,ICX,ICY) *.==========> *. To convert a point as returned by the HIGZ routine *. IRQLC in histogram coordinates and to return the *. value IDH of the latest plotted histogram in selection *. transformation NT. *..=========> #include "hbook/hcbits.inc" #include "hplot/hpl0.inc" #include "hplot/hpl1.inc" #include "hplot/quest.inc" CHARACTER*8 CHPID(15) DIMENSION IPID(15) LOGICAL HEXIST *._____________________________ * IDH = 0 ICX = 0 ICY = 0 IQUEST(3) = 0 * * Convert to histogram coordinates if LOG scales * IW = NT/10 IF(IW.LE.0.OR.IW.GT.100)RETURN IF(IPICT(IW,1).NE.0)THEN XLOCH = 10.**XLOC ELSE XLOCH = XLOC ENDIF IF(IPICT(IW,2).NE.0)THEN YLOCH = 10.**YLOC ELSE YLOCH = YLOC ENDIF * IF(LOZFL)THEN CALL IGPICK(NT,XLOC,YLOC,NBLEV,CHPID,IPID,' ') IF(NBLEV.LE.1)GOTO 10 IDH = IPID(1) IF(CHPID(1)(1:2).EQ.'1d')THEN IF(HEXIST(IDH))THEN CALL HXI(IDH,XLOCH,ICX) ELSE IDH = 0 ENDIF ELSEIF(CHPID(1)(1:2).EQ.'2d')THEN IF(HEXIST(IDH))THEN CALL HXYIJ(IDH,XLOC,YLOC,ICX,ICY) ELSE IDH = 0 ENDIF ELSEIF(CHPID(1)(1:6).EQ.'ntuple')THEN IQUEST(3) = 1 ICX = IPID(2) ENDIF GOTO 20 ENDIF * * Get IDH from NT * 10 IDH = IPICT(IW,3) IF(HEXIST(IDH))THEN CALL HFIND(IDH,'HPLCHA') CALL HDCOFL IF(I1.NE.0)THEN CALL HXI(IDH,XLOCH,ICX) ELSE CALL HXYIJ(IDH,XLOCH,YLOCH,ICX,ICY) ENDIF ELSE IDH=0 ENDIF * 20 IQUEST(1) = 0 IQUEST(2) = 0 IF(IPICT(IW,1).NE.0)IQUEST(1) = 1 IF(IPICT(IW,2).NE.0)IQUEST(2) = 1 * END