* * $Id: izpict.F,v 1996/02/14 13:11:12 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: izpict.F,v $ * Revision 1996/02/14 13:11:12 mclareni * Higz * * #include "higz/pilot.h" #if defined(CERNLIB_ZEBRA) *CMZ : 1.19/16 22/10/93 09.33.30 by O.Couet *-- Author : O.Couet SUBROUTINE IZPICT(PNAMEI,CHOPT) *.===========> *. *. This routine acts on the picture representation in the ZEBRA data *. base according to the values of CHOPT. The following diagram shows *. the general structure of an HIGZ picture. *. *. *. General structure of an HIGZ picture *. ______________________________________ *. *. LPICT *. | *. | *. +----+----+----+----+-V-+----------------------------------\ *. | -4 | -3 | -2 | -1 | | Top control bank (TCB) > *. +--+-+--+-+--+-+--+-+---+----------------------------------/ *. |LHC |LHF |LHI |LHNT0 *. | | | | +----------\ *. | | | +-------->| NT banks > *. | | | +----------/ *. | | | +--------------+ *. | | +------------->| Integer bank | *. | | +--------------+ *. | | +-----------+ *. | +------------------>| Real bank | *. | +-----------+ *. | +----------------+ *. +----------------------->| Character bank | *. +----------------+ *. *. Content of the Top Control bank *. _________________________________ *. *. 1 2 3 4 *. +--------------+-----------------+-----------------+----------------+ *. | PNAME length | Integer bank | Real bank | Character bank | *. | in character | pointer: INTPTR | pointer: IFLPTR | pointer: ISTPTR| *. +--------------+-----------------+-----------------+----------------+ *. *. 5 6 7 8 *. +--------+--------+--------+--------+ *. | IRISIZ | IRFSIZ | IRSSIZ | INBNT | *. +--------+--------+--------+--------+ *. *. Content of a NT bank *. ______________________ *. *. 1 2 3 4 *. +-----------+----------------------------+------------------+-------+ *. | NT Number | Window and Viewport adress | Display Priority | ITBPTR| *. +-----------+----------------------------+------------------+-------+ *. *. 5 6 7 *. +-------+--------------------------+-----------------------+ *. | Level | Integer Attributes Flags | Real Attributes Flags | *. +-------+--------------------------+-----------------------+ *. *. 8 *. +------------------------------------------+ *. | Adress of the default Integer attributes | *. +------------------------------------------+ *. *. 9 *. +---------------------------------------+ *. | Adress of the default real attributes | *. +---------------------------------------+ *. *. 10 ... *. +---------- - - - - - - - - *. | Graphics primitives and attributes *. +---------- - - - - - - - - *. *. Content of the Integer bank *. _____________________________ *. *. 1 .... NBIATT *. +------------------------------------------+ *. | Integer attributes word of the NT 0 | *. +------------------------------------------+ *. *. NBIATT ... *. +----------- - - - - - - *. | Graphics Integer data *. +----------- - - - - - - *. *. Content of the Real bank *. __________________________ *. *. 1 .... NBRATT *. +---------------------------------------+ *. | Real attributes word of the NT 0 | *. +---------------------------------------+ *. *. NBRATT ... *. +----------- - - - - - - *. | Graphics Real data *. +----------- - - - - - - *. *. Content of the Character bank *. _______________________________ *. *. 1 .... 5 *. +-----------------+ *. | Picture name | *. +-----------------+ *. *. 6 ... *. +----------- - - - - - - *. | Character data *. +----------- - - - - - - *. *. _Input parameters: *. *. CHARACTER PNAMEI : Picture name . Input parameter with the options : *. M,D,S,P,C,O *. CHARACTER CHOPT : Option . *. *. CHOPT='M'ake a new picture. *. CHOPT='D'isplay the picture PNAMEI. *. CHOPT='S'cratch picture. *. CHOPT='N'ext picture. *. CHOPT='L'ist pictures. *. CHOPT='AL' Full listing of the pictures. *. CHOPT='F'irst picture. *. CHOPT='P'rint the contain of a picture. *. CHOPT='C'urrent picture. *. CHOPT='R'etrieve picture name. *. CHOPT='Q'uiet (not error message). *. CHOPT='G' retrieve the dispalyed (Graphic) picture name. *. CHOPT='O'rder the NT banks in the picture PNAMEI *. in the order of creation. *. *. _Output parameters: *. *. CHARACTER PNAMEI : Picture name . *. Output parameter with the option : R or G *. *. N.B. PNAMEI is not used if CHOPT='L' or CHOPT='AL' *. *..==========> (O.Couet) #include "higz/hipaw.inc" #include "higz/hilun.inc" #include "higz/hiflag.inc" #include "higz/hiatnb.inc" #include "higz/hiatt.inc" #include "higz/hiflat.inc" #include "higz/hicur.inc" DIMENSION IRFLAT(NBRATT),IIFLAT(NBIATT) EQUIVALENCE (IRFLAT(1),KMKSC),(IIFLAT(1),KPLCI) CHARACTER*(*) CHOPT,PNAMEI CHARACTER*80 STR,OLDDIR,PNAME CHARACTER*80 CHARS CHARACTER*10 CHPTNO DIMENSION IOPT(13),INAME(5) EQUIVALENCE (IOPT(1) ,IOPTM),(IOPT(2) ,IOPTD),(IOPT(3) ,IOPTS) EQUIVALENCE (IOPT(4) ,IOPTN),(IOPT(5) ,IOPTL),(IOPT(6) ,IOPTF) EQUIVALENCE (IOPT(7) ,IOPTP),(IOPT(8) ,IOPTC),(IOPT(9) ,IOPTR) EQUIVALENCE (IOPT(10),IOPTG),(IOPT(11),IOPTQ),(IOPT(12),IOPTA) EQUIVALENCE (IOPT(13),IOPTO) *.______________________________________ * CALL UOPTC (CHOPT,'MDSNLFPCRGQAO',IOPT) PNAME=PNAMEI IQUEST(1)=0 * * Adressing pictures by number * INUM=IGASCI(PNAME(1:1)) IF(49.LE.INUM.AND.INUM.LE.57)THEN IF(IOPTM.NE.0)GOTO 20 CALL IZCTOI(PNAME,INUM) IF(IQUEST(1).NE.0)GOTO 20 IF(INUM.GT.NBPICT)THEN IF(IOPTQ.EQ.0)CALL IGERR('Picture not in memory',' ') RETURN ENDIF LP=LQ(LHIGZ) DO 10 I=1,INUM-1 LP=LQ(LP) 10 CONTINUE LCH=LQ(LP-4) CALL UHTOC(IQ(LCH+1),4,STR,IQ(LP+1)) PNAME=STR(1:IQ(LP+1)) GOTO 30 20 IF(IOPTQ.EQ.0)CALL IGERR('PNAME must begin with a letter' +, 'IZPICT') RETURN ENDIF 30 CONTINUE *.______________________________________ * * First picture * IF(IOPTF.NE.0)THEN IF(NBPICT.NE.0)THEN IF(LPICT.GT.0)CALL IZWIP(LPICT) CALL IZSCPI(LQ(LHIGZ)) ZFLAG=.TRUE. GLFLAG=(ZFLAG.OR.PFLAG.OR.MFLAG) ELSE IF(IOPTQ.EQ.0)CALL IGERR('No picture in memory',' ') RETURN ENDIF ENDIF *.______________________________________ * * Current picture * IF(IOPTC.NE.0)THEN IF(NBPICT.NE.0)THEN IF(LPICT.GT.0)CALL IZWIP(LPICT) IF(PNAME.EQ.' '.OR.PNAME.EQ.'*')GOTO 40 LP=IZRPIP(PNAME) IF(LP.NE.0)THEN CALL IZSCPI(LP) ZFLAG=.TRUE. GLFLAG=(ZFLAG.OR.PFLAG.OR.MFLAG) ELSE IF(IOPTQ.EQ.0)CALL IGERR('This picture is not in memory' +, ' ') RETURN ENDIF ELSE IF(IOPTQ.EQ.0)CALL IGERR('No picture in memory',' ') RETURN ENDIF ENDIF 40 CONTINUE *.______________________________________ * * Next picture * IF(IOPTN.NE.0)THEN IF(NBPICT.NE.0)THEN IF(LPICT.LT.0)THEN IF(IOPTQ.EQ.0)CALL IGERR('No current picture',' ') RETURN ENDIF CALL IZWIP(LPICT) IF(LQ(LPICT).NE.0)THEN CALL IZSCPI(LQ(LPICT)) ELSE CALL IZSCPI(LQ(LHIGZ)) ENDIF ELSE IF(IOPTQ.EQ.0)CALL IGERR('No picture in memory',' ') RETURN ENDIF ENDIF *.______________________________________ * * Make a new picture in memory with name PNAME * IF(IOPTM.NE.0)THEN * * HIGZ is automatically set in the state 'Z' or 'GZ' * ZFLAG=.TRUE. GLFLAG=(ZFLAG.OR.PFLAG.OR.MFLAG) * * Automatic naming of the picture if PNAME=' ' or PNAME='*' * IF((PNAME.EQ.' ').OR.(PNAME.EQ.'*'))THEN WRITE (CHPTNO,10100) IPICT IPICT=IPICT+1 NLAST=LENOCC(CHPTNO) NFIRST=1 50 IF(CHPTNO(NFIRST:NFIRST).EQ.' ')THEN NFIRST=NFIRST+1 GOTO 50 ENDIF PNAME='PICT'//CHPTNO(NFIRST:NLAST) ENDIF * * Automatic saving of the current picture in the RZ data base * IF(LPICT.GT.0)THEN CALL IZWIP(LPICT) IF(ASFLAG)THEN CALL VBLANK(INAME,5) LOOP=(IQ(LPICT+1)+3)/4 DO 60 I=1,LOOP INAME(I)=IQ(LQ(LPICT-4)+I) 60 CONTINUE LPSAV=LPICT CALL RZCDIR(OLDDIR,'R') CALL RZCDIR(HICDIR,' ') CALL RZOUT(IXHIGZ,LPSAV,INAME,ICYCLE,' ') CALL RZSAVE CALL RZCDIR(OLDDIR,' ') IF(LQ(LPSAV).NE.0)THEN CALL IZSCPI(LQ(LPSAV)) ELSE CALL IZSCPI(LQ(LHIGZ)) ENDIF CALL MZDROP(IXHIGZ,LPSAV,' ') NBPICT=NBPICT-1 IF(NBPICT.EQ.0)THEN CALL MZDROP(IXHIGZ,LHIGZ,' ') LHIGZ=0 LPICT=-1 ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF * * Create a small bank (LHIGZ) onto the all HIGZ structure is linked * IF(LHIGZ.EQ.0)THEN CALL MZBOOK(IXHIGZ,LPICT,LHIGZ,1,'PICT',1,1,5,2,0) ENDIF * * If PNAME already exist * IF(IZRPIP(PNAME).NE.0)THEN IF(IOPTQ.EQ.0)CALL IGERR('This picture already exist' +, 'IZPICT') RETURN ENDIF * * Compute the link of the last picture in memory. The new picture * is linked to the last picture in memory (LPICT=LAST) * LP=LHIGZ 70 IF(LP.NE.0)THEN LAST=LP LP=LQ(LP) GOTO 70 ENDIF LPICT=LAST * * Create the Top Control Bank * CALL MZBOOK(IXHIGZ,LHP,LPICT,0,'PICT',4,4,8,2,0) LPICT = LHP LAST = LPICT * * Create the Normalisation Transformation Bank number 0 * CALL MZBOOK(IXHIGZ,LHNT0,LPICT,-1,'HZNT',0,0,INSIZ,2,0) * * Create the Integer Data Bank * CALL MZBOOK(IXHIGZ,LHI,LPICT,-2,'PICI',0,0,IISIZ,2,0) * * Create the Floating Point Data Bank * CALL MZBOOK(IXHIGZ,LHF,LPICT,-3,'PICF',0,0,IFSIZ,3,0) * * Create the Character Data Bank * CALL MZBOOK(IXHIGZ,LHC,LPICT,-4,'PICC',0,0,ISSIZ,5,0) * * (Number of pictures in memory) = (Number of pictures in menory) + 1 * NBPICT = NBPICT+1 * * Links initialisation * LHNT = LHNT0 LHNTLA = LHNT * * Number of Normalisation Transformation in the current picture * INBNT = 1 * * The structure level number is 0 * INBLEV = 0 * * Pointers initialisation * * ITBPTR = Last free adress in the current transformation bank * INTPTR = Last free adress in the INTEGER bank data * IFLPTR = Last free adress in the REAL bank data * ISTPTR = Last free adress in the CHARACTER bank data * IIAPTR = Default INTEGER attributes adress * IRAPTR = Default REAL attributes adress * ITBPTR = 10 INTPTR = NBIATT+1 IFLPTR = NBRATT+1 ISTPTR = 1 IIAPTR = 1 IRAPTR = 1 * * Initialisation of the real size of the bank * * IRNSIZ = Real size of the current transformation bank * IRISIZ = Real size of the current INTEGER bank * IRFSIZ = Real size of the current REAL bank * IRSSIZ = Real size of the current CHARACTER bank * IRNSIZ = INSIZ IRISIZ = IISIZ IRFSIZ = IFSIZ IRSSIZ = ISSIZ * * Names the picture. The picture name is truncated to 20 characters * NCHP = LENOCC(PNAME) IF(NCHP.GT.20)NCHP=20 IF(NCHP.NE.0)THEN CALL UCTOH(PNAME,IQ(LHC+1),4,NCHP) CALL IZINCS(5) ENDIF * * Initialisation of the top control bank * IQ(LPICT+1) = NCHP IQ(LPICT+2) = INTPTR IQ(LPICT+3) = IFLPTR IQ(LPICT+4) = ISTPTR IQ(LPICT+5) = IRISIZ IQ(LPICT+6) = IRFSIZ IQ(LPICT+7) = IRSSIZ IQ(LPICT+8) = INBNT * * Initialisation of the Normalisation Transformation bank 0 * IQ(LHNT+1) = 0 CALL SBIT0(IQ(LHNT0+2),1) IQ(LHNT+3) = 1 IQ(LHNT+4) = ITBPTR IQ(LHNT+5) = 0 IQ(LHNT+8) = 1000000*NBIATT+IIAPTR IQ(LHNT+9) = 1000000*NBRATT+IRAPTR CALL IZCDA(0) * * Attributes flags initialisation * DO 80 I=1,NBRATT IRFLAT(I) = 0 80 CONTINUE DO 90 I=1,NBIATT IIFLAT(I) = 0 90 CONTINUE * * Sets the current displayed picture pointers * IF(GFLAG)THEN LPICD = LPICT LDNT0 = LQ(LPICD-1) LDI = LQ(LPICD-2) LDF = LQ(LPICD-3) LDC = LQ(LPICD-4) LDNT = LDNT0 LDNTLA = LDNT ENDIF ENDIF *.______________________________________ * * Sort NT banks in the picture PNAME * IF(IOPTO.NE.0)THEN IF(NBPICT.NE.0)THEN * * Order all pictures in memory * IF(PNAME.EQ.'*')THEN LPSAV = LQ(LHIGZ) DO 120 I=1,NBPICT LN = LQ(LPSAV-1) DO 100 J=1,IQ(LPSAV+8) IF(LN.EQ.0)GOTO 110 IQ(LN+3) = J LN = LQ(LN) 100 CONTINUE 110 LPSAV = LQ(LPSAV) IF(LPSAV.EQ.0)GOTO 140 120 CONTINUE ENDIF * * Order one picture in memory * IF(PNAME.EQ.' ')THEN LP = LPICT ELSE LP = IZRPIP(PNAME) ENDIF IF(LP.NE.0)THEN LN = LQ(LP-1) DO 130 I=1,IQ(LP+8) IF(LN.EQ.0)GOTO 140 IQ(LN+3) = I LN = LQ(LN) 130 CONTINUE ELSE IF(IOPTQ.EQ.0)CALL IGERR('This picture is not in memory' +, ' ') RETURN ENDIF ELSE IF(IOPTQ.EQ.0)CALL IGERR('No picture in memory',' ') RETURN ENDIF ENDIF 140 CONTINUE *.______________________________________ * * Display pictures in memory * IF(IOPTD.NE.0)THEN IF(NBPICT.NE.0)THEN * * Display all pictures in memory * IF(PNAME.EQ.'*')THEN LPSAV=LQ(LHIGZ) DO 150 I=1,NBPICT CALL IZDIPI(LPSAV) LPSAV=LQ(LPSAV) IF(LPSAV.EQ.0)RETURN 150 CONTINUE RETURN ENDIF * * Display the current picture in memory * IF(PNAME.EQ.' ')THEN IF(LPICT.LT.0)THEN IF(IOPTQ.EQ.0)CALL IGERR('No current picture',' ') RETURN ENDIF CALL IZDIPI(LPICT) RETURN ENDIF * * Display the picture PNAME in memory * LP=IZRPIP(PNAME) IF(LP.NE.0)THEN CALL IZDIPI(LP) ELSE IF(IOPTQ.EQ.0)CALL IGERR('This picture is not in memory' +, 'IZPICT') RETURN ENDIF ELSE IF(IOPTQ.EQ.0)CALL IGERR('No picture in memory',' ') RETURN ENDIF ENDIF *.______________________________________ * * Scratch the picture PNAME from memory * IF(IOPTS.NE.0)THEN IF(NBPICT.NE.0)THEN * * Delete all pictures in memory * IF(PNAME.EQ.'*')THEN LPSAV=LQ(LHIGZ) DO 160 I=1,NBPICT CALL MZDROP(IXHIGZ,LPSAV,' ') LPSAV=LQ(LPSAV) IF(LPSAV.EQ.0)GOTO 170 160 CONTINUE 170 NBPICT=0 LPICT=-1 LPICD=-1 CALL MZDROP(IXHIGZ,LHIGZ,' ') LHIGZ=0 RETURN ENDIF * * Delete one picture in memory * IF(PNAME.EQ.' ')THEN LP=LPICT ELSE LP=IZRPIP(PNAME) ENDIF IF(LP.NE.0)THEN IF(LP.EQ.LPICD)LPICD=-1 IF(LP.EQ.LPICT)THEN IF(LQ(LPICT).NE.0)THEN CALL IZSCPI(LQ(LPICT)) ELSE CALL IZSCPI(LQ(LHIGZ)) ENDIF ENDIF CALL MZDROP(IXHIGZ,LP,' ') NBPICT=NBPICT-1 IF(NBPICT.EQ.0)THEN CALL MZDROP(IXHIGZ,LHIGZ,' ') LHIGZ=0 LPICT=-1 ENDIF ELSE IF(IOPTQ.EQ.0)CALL IGERR('This picture is not in memory' +, ' ') RETURN ENDIF ELSE IF(IOPTQ.EQ.0)CALL IGERR('No picture in memory',' ') RETURN ENDIF ENDIF *.______________________________________ * * List the pictures in memory * IF(IOPTL.NE.0)THEN IF(NBPICT.NE.0)THEN CALL IGSA(0) LP=LQ(LHIGZ) IF(IOPTA.NE.0)WRITE(LUNOUT,10400) DO 190 I=1,NBPICT LCH=LQ(LP-4) CALL UHTOC(IQ(LCH+1),4,STR,IQ(LP+1)) CHARS=STR(1:IQ(LP+1)) * * Full listing * IF(IOPTA.NE.0)THEN LN=LQ(LP-1) IP=IQ(LN+3) NT=IQ(LN+1) IS=IQ(LP+2)+IQ(LP+3)+IQ(LP+4) DO 180 J=1,IQ(LP+8) IS=IS+IQ(LN+4) IF(IQ(LN+3).GT.IP)THEN IP=IQ(LN+3) NT=IQ(LN+1) ENDIF LN=LQ(LN) 180 CONTINUE IF(LP.EQ.LPICT)THEN WRITE(LUNOUT,10300) I,CHARS(1:20),IS,IQ(LP+8),NT ELSE WRITE(LUNOUT,10200) I,CHARS(1:20),IS,IQ(LP+8),NT ENDIF ELSE * * Simple listing * IF(LP.EQ.LPICT)THEN CHARS=CHARS(1:LENOCC(CHARS))//' <-- Current ' + //'Picture' IF(ZFLAG)THEN CHARS=CHARS(1:LENOCC(CHARS))//' (Active)' ENDIF ENDIF WRITE(LUNOUT,10000) I,CHARS(1:LENOCC(CHARS)) ENDIF LP=LQ(LP) 190 CONTINUE ELSE IF(IOPTQ.EQ.0)CALL IGERR('No picture in memory',' ') RETURN ENDIF ENDIF *.______________________________________ * * Print the picture data structure * IF(IOPTP.NE.0)THEN CALL IGSA(0) IF(PNAME.NE.' ')THEN LP=IZRPIP(PNAME) IF(LP.NE.0)THEN CALL IZWIP(LP) CALL DZSHOW(PNAME,IXHIGZ,LP,'BV',0,0,0,0) ELSE IF(IOPTQ.EQ.0)CALL IGERR('This picture is not in memory' +, ' ') RETURN ENDIF ELSE IF(LPICT.GT.0)THEN CALL IZWIP(LPICT) CALL DZSHOW(PNAME,IXHIGZ,LPICT,'BV',0,0,0,0) ELSE IF(IOPTQ.EQ.0)CALL IGERR('No current picture',' ') RETURN ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF *.______________________________________ * * Retrieve current picture name * IF(IOPTR.NE.0)THEN PNAMEI=' ' IF(LPICT.LT.0)RETURN CALL UHTOC(IQ(LHC+1),4,STR,IQ(LPICT+1)) PNAMEI=STR(1:IQ(LPICT+1)) ENDIF *.______________________________________ * * Retrieve displayed picture name * IF(IOPTG.NE.0)THEN PNAMEI=' ' IF(LPICD.LT.0)RETURN CALL UHTOC(IQ(LDC+1),4,STR,IQ(LPICD+1)) PNAMEI=STR(1:IQ(LPICD+1)) ENDIF * 10000 FORMAT(1X,I5,': ',A) 10100 FORMAT(I10) 10200 FORMAT(1X,I5,': ',A,3X,I6,10X,I5,10X,I6) 10300 FORMAT(1X,I5,': ',A,'*',2X,I6,10X,I5,10X,I6) 10400 FORMAT(1X,/,' PICTURE NAME ' +,'SIZE IN WORDS ','NUMBER OF NT ','CURRENT NT'/) END #endif