* * $Id: izin.F,v 1996/02/14 13:11:10 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: izin.F,v $ * Revision 1996/02/14 13:11:10 mclareni * Higz * * #include "higz/pilot.h" #if defined(CERNLIB_ZEBRA) *CMZ : 1.07/00 24/05/89 16.36.33 by O.Couet * Control if the current directory is a picture data base. *-- Author : SUBROUTINE IZIN(PNAME,ICYCLE) *.===========> *. *. This routine manages the INput of the pictures on RZ files . *. *. _Input parameters: *. *. CHARACTER PNAME : Picture name . *. INTEGER ICYCLE : Cycle number of the picture on the RZ file . *. *. Special cases: *. *. If ICYCLE<0 then IABS(ICYCLE) is assumed to be the *. picture serial number in the RZ file. *. In this case PNAME is an output parameter containing *. the name of the picture. *. If this serial number does not exist, then PNAME is set to ' ' *. and IQUEST(1)=1 *. *. If PNAME='*' all pictures on disk are put in memory *. *..==========> (O.Couet) #include "higz/hipaw.inc" CHARACTER*(*) PNAME CHARACTER*20 PNAMEI CHARACTER*32 CHPATH DIMENSION NAME(5) CHARACTER*1 CHOPT CHARACTER*8 CHTAG(5),CHFORM *.______________________________________ * * Verify if the picture PNAME is in memory * IF(IZRPIP(PNAME).NE.0)THEN CALL IGERR('Picture already in memory','IZIN') RETURN ENDIF * * Verify if the current working directrory * is a pictures data base * CALL RZKEYD(NWKEY,CHFORM,CHTAG) IF(CHTAG(2).NE.'PICTURE')RETURN * * Create the bank LHIGZ if it does'nt exist * LPSAV=LPICT IF(LHIGZ.EQ.0)THEN CALL MZBOOK(IXHIGZ,LPICT,LHIGZ,1,'PICT',1,1,5,2,0) ENDIF * * Compute the link of the last picture in memory * LP=LHIGZ 10 IF(LP.NE.0)THEN LAST=LP LP=LQ(LP) GOTO 10 ENDIF * * Get the number of pictures on disk * CALL RZCDIR(CHPATH,'RP') NKEYS=IQUEST(7) * * Put all pictures on disk in memory * IF(PNAME.EQ.'*')THEN DO 40 I=1,NKEYS CALL RZIN(IXHIGZ,LAST,0,I,9999,'S') LP=LHIGZ 20 IF(LP.NE.0)THEN LAST=LP LP=LQ(LP) GOTO 20 ENDIF CALL IZSCPI(LAST) IF(IQUEST(1).EQ.0)NBPICT=NBPICT+1 CALL IZPICT(PNAMEI,'R') LP=IZRPIP(PNAMEI) IF((LP.GT.0).AND.(LP.NE.LPICT))CALL IZPICT(' ','S') LP=LHIGZ 30 IF(LP.NE.0)THEN LAST=LP LP=LQ(LP) GOTO 30 ENDIF 40 CONTINUE CALL IZSCPI(LPSAV) RETURN ENDIF * * Put one picture on disk in memory (by name or by number) * IF(ICYCLE.GE.0)THEN CHOPT=' ' LP=IZRPIP(PNAME) NCH=LENOCC(PNAME) CALL VBLANK(NAME,5) CALL UCTOH(PNAME,NAME,4,NCH) ICY=ICYCLE ELSE NAME(1)=-ICYCLE PNAME=' ' IF(NAME(1).GT.NKEYS)THEN IQUEST(1)=1 RETURN ENDIF NCH=LEN(PNAME) NCH=MIN(NCH,20) CHOPT='S' LP=0 ICY=9999 ENDIF IF(LP.GT.0) CALL MZDROP(IXHIGZ,LP,' ') IF(LAST.EQ.0)THEN CALL RZIN(IXHIGZ,LHIGZ,1,NAME,ICY,CHOPT) ELSE CALL RZIN(IXHIGZ,LAST,0,NAME,ICY,CHOPT) ENDIF IF(IQUEST(1).EQ.0)THEN NBPICT=NBPICT+1 IF(ICYCLE.LT.0) CALL UHTOC(IQUEST(21),4,PNAME,NCH) ENDIF CALL IZSCPI(LPSAV) * END #endif