* * $Id: iptext.F,v 1.3 1996/03/08 16:53:41 couet Exp $ * * $Log: iptext.F,v $ * Revision 1.3 1996/03/08 16:53:41 couet * Comment line added after \ at the end of the line * * Revision 1.2 1996/02/29 16:30:41 cernlib * This had \\ at the end of some comments, which on osf disturbed the * following line-- was indented by a few blanks -- and the label ended * up beyond col. 6 * * Revision 1996/02/14 13:11:07 mclareni * Higz * * #include "higz/pilot.h" *CMZ : 1.23/02 28/08/95 14.31.19 by O.Couet *-- Author : P.Juillot 13/08/92 SUBROUTINE IPTEXT(XX,YY,CHARS) *.===========> *. *. This routine writes the a into a PostScript file *. according to the IGTEXT control characters. *. *. _Input parameters: *. *. REAL XX,YY : Text position in world coordinates . *. CHARACTER CHARS : Text string . *. *..==========> (P.Juillot) #include "higz/hiatt.inc" #include "higz/hipost.inc" * * npiece= max number of pieces of text ( separated by escape characters) PARAMETER (NPIECE=50) DIMENSION IFNB(NPIECE),IFNS(NPIECE),LEVEL(NPIECE),LBACK(NPIECE) * maximum length of a (PostScript) string CHARACTER*(*) CHARS CHARACTER*512 NEWTXT CHARACTER*512 CHAR2 CHARACTER*80 PIECE(NPIECE) * this common is needed for some routines in CHPACK (KERNLIB M432) COMMON /SLATE/ND,NE,NF,NG,DUMMY(36) CHARACTER*30 PSFONT(42) DIMENSION PSRAP(30) CHARACTER*3 PSTMP CHARACTER*13 CFLIP CHARACTER*3 CFLIPC(13) LOGICAL UPPER,LOWER,ESCAPE LOGICAL ROMAN,GREEK,SPECIA,ZAPF,NORMAL,SUB,SUPER LOGICAL OSHOW DATA CFLIP /'["?^]#!~&$<>@'/ DATA CFLIPC /'133','42','77','136','135','43','41', + '176','46','44','74','76','100'/ DATA PSRAP /1.031,1.000,1.026,0.932,0.931,0.931,0.930,1.204,1.204, + 1.168,1.166,1.007,1.026,0.964, + 16*1.0/ DATA PSFONT /'/Times-Italic','/Times-Bold','/Times-BoldItalic' +,'/Helvetica','/Helvetica-Oblique','/Helvetica-Bold' +,'/Helvetica-BoldOblique','/Courier','/Courier-Oblique' +,'/Courier-Bold','/Courier-BoldOblique','/Symbol','/Times-Roman' +,'/ZapfDingbats','/Times-Italic','/Times-Bold','/Times-BoldItalic' +,'/Helvetica','/Helvetica-Oblique','/Helvetica-Bold' +,'/Helvetica-BoldOblique','/Symbol','/Times-Roman','/ZapfDingbats' +,'/Special','/ZapfChancery-MediumItalic','/AvantGarde-Book' +,'/AvantGarde-BookOblique','/AvantGarde-Demi' +,'/AvantGarde-DemiOblique','/Bookman-Demi','/Bookman-DemiItalic' +,'/Bookman-Light','/Bookman-LightItalic','/Palatino-Roman' +,'/Palatino-Italic','/Palatino-Bold','/Palatino-BoldItalic' +,'/NewCenturySchlbk-Roman','/NewCenturySchlbk-Italic' +,'/NewCenturySchlbk-Bold','/NewCenturySchlbk-BoldItalic'/ *.______________________________________ * #include "higz/hiwcps.inc" * X = XX Y = YY NOLD = MIN(LENOCC(CHARS),512) * * Text colour and vertical alignment * CALL IPSCOL(ITXCI) IF((ITXALV.EQ.2).OR.(ITXALV.EQ.1))THEN Y = Y-RCHH*COS((3.14159/180.)*RANGLE) X = X+RCHH*SIN((3.14159/180.)*RANGLE) ELSEIF(ITXALV.EQ.3)THEN Y = Y-(RCHH/2.)*COS((3.14159/180.)*RANGLE) X = X+(RCHH/2.)*SIN((3.14159/180.)*RANGLE) ENDIF * * Compute the fonts size. Exit if it is 0 * NFON = ABS(IFONT) IF(NFON.GT.42.OR.NFON.LT.1)NFON = 1 FONRAP = 75./51. IF(NFON.LE.14.AND.NFON.GE.1)FONRAP = FONRAP*PSRAP(NFON) IS = IYWCPS(RCHH*FONRAP)-IYWCPS(0.) IF(IS.LE.0)GOTO 999 NP = IPREC * * The hollow fonts are set on by the roman font number * The number of passes define the width of the hollow text * OSHOW = .FALSE. IF (NFON.GT.14.AND.NFON.LT.25) THEN OSHOW = .TRUE. CALL IPIOUT(INPASS) CALL IPPSTR(' lw') ENDIF * * Start a first parsing: * - looking for the < and > escape characters, * - remove them and build a new string changing * upper <=> lower characters * - manage the '@' escape character * - check if the input string is not too long (J<=505) * ESCAPE = .FALSE. UPPER = .FALSE. LOWER = .FALSE. NEWTXT = ' ' PSTMP = ' ' J = 0 DO 10 I=1,NOLD IF(J.GE.505)GOTO 360 IF(ESCAPE)THEN ESCAPE = .FALSE. GOTO 10 ENDIF IF(CHARS(I:I).EQ.'@')THEN IFLIP=INDEX(CFLIP,CHARS(I+1:I+1)) IF(IFLIP.NE.0)THEN J = J+1 NEWTXT(J:J) = BSLASH J = J+1 NEWTXT(J:) = CFLIPC(IFLIP) J = LENOCC(NEWTXT) ESCAPE = .TRUE. GOTO 10 ENDIF ENDIF IF (CHARS(I:I).EQ.'<') THEN LOWER = .TRUE. UPPER = .FALSE. ELSEIF(CHARS(I:I).EQ.'>') THEN LOWER = .FALSE. UPPER = .TRUE. ELSE PSTMP(1:1)=CHARS(I:I) IF(LOWER)CALL CUTOL(PSTMP(1:1)) IF(UPPER)CALL CLTOU(PSTMP(1:1)) J = J+1 NEWTXT(J:J) = PSTMP(1:1) ENDIF 10 CONTINUE NCHP = LENOCC(NEWTXT) * * Now a second parsing to search for the PostScript * characters (following a \) and ( , ), \ * CHAR2 = ' ' * loop on NCHP old characters and look for \ * IOLD=0 INEW=0 20 IOLD=IOLD+1 IF(IOLD.EQ.NCHP+1) GO TO 70 * * 1. find an antislash * IF (NEWTXT(IOLD:IOLD).EQ.BSLASH) THEN * if this \ is not the last character of the string, then * study the character following this \ * IF(IOLD.EQ.NCHP) GO TO 60 * * 1.1 the character following this \ is also an \ * IF (NEWTXT(IOLD+1:IOLD+1).EQ.BSLASH) THEN * copy both \\, INEW=INEW+1 CHAR2(INEW:INEW)=BSLASH INEW=INEW+1 CHAR2(INEW:INEW)=BSLASH * and go to the next character IOLD=IOLD+1 GO TO 20 ENDIF * * 1.2 the character following this \ is a parenthesis: ( or ) * IF(NEWTXT(IOLD+1:IOLD+1).EQ.'(' .OR. + NEWTXT(IOLD+1:IOLD+1).EQ.')') THEN * copy the \ and the parenthesis, INEW=INEW+1 CHAR2(INEW:INEW)=BSLASH INEW=INEW+1 CHAR2(INEW:INEW)=NEWTXT(IOLD+1:IOLD+1) * and go to the following character IOLD=IOLD+1 GO TO 20 ENDIF * * 1.3 the character following this \ is also a special * PostScript character: * \n linefeed (newline) * \r carriage return * \t horizontal tab * \f form feed * IF(NEWTXT(IOLD+1:IOLD+1).EQ.'n' .OR. + NEWTXT(IOLD+1:IOLD+1).EQ.'r' .OR. + NEWTXT(IOLD+1:IOLD+1).EQ.'t' .OR. + NEWTXT(IOLD+1:IOLD+1).EQ.'f') THEN * copy nothing and go to the following character IOLD=IOLD+1 GO TO 20 ENDIF * * 1.4 the character following this \ is the special * PostScript character: * \b back space * IF(NEWTXT(IOLD+1:IOLD+1).EQ.'b') THEN * replace the sequence \b by the & escape character INEW=INEW+1 CHAR2(INEW:INEW)='&' * and forget the b IOLD=IOLD+1 GO TO 20 ENDIF * * 1.5 the character following this \ is a digit between 0 and 7, * which means that the input text contains a string like \123 where * 123 is an octal number the accepted ranges are 40-176 and 241-376 * ( all others are ASCII control characters ) * * => first, study the range 40-77 (case of 2 digits after the \) * PSTMP=' ' DO 40 K=40,77 WRITE(PSTMP(1:2),'(I2.2)') K IADD = 0 IF(PSTMP(1:2).EQ.NEWTXT(IOLD+1:IOLD+2))GOTO 30 IF(NEWTXT(IOLD+1:IOLD+1).EQ.'0'.AND. + PSTMP(1:2).EQ.NEWTXT(IOLD+2:IOLD+3))THEN IADD = 1 GOTO 30 ENDIF GOTO 40 * OK: copy the \ and the 2 following digits and add a 0 30 CHAR2(INEW+1:INEW+1) = BSLASH CHAR2(INEW+2:INEW+2) = '0' CHAR2(INEW+3:INEW+4) = NEWTXT(IOLD+1+IADD:IOLD+2+IADD) INEW = INEW+4 * and go parsing the next following old character IOLD=IOLD+2+IADD GO TO 20 40 CONTINUE * * => then, study the ranges 100-177 and 241-377 * (case of 3 digits after the \) PSTMP=' ' DO 50 K=100,377 IF(K.GE.178 .AND. K.LE.240) GO TO 50 WRITE(PSTMP(1:3),'(I3.3)') K IF(PSTMP(1:3).EQ.NEWTXT(IOLD+1:IOLD+3))THEN * OK: copy the \ and the 3 following digits CHAR2(INEW+1:) = NEWTXT(IOLD:IOLD+3) INEW = INEW+4 * and go parsing the next following old character IOLD = IOLD+3 GO TO 20 ENDIF 50 CONTINUE * * 1.6 this \ is followed by nothing understandable in PostScript, * it is an "isolated \" which will appear as \\ (leave one space for cpp) * copy two \\ (leave one space for cpp) * 60 INEW=INEW+1 CHAR2(INEW:INEW)=BSLASH INEW=INEW+1 CHAR2(INEW:INEW)=BSLASH GO TO 20 * * 2. find ( or ) not preceeded by an \ : include one \ * ELSEIF(NEWTXT(IOLD:IOLD).EQ.'(' + .OR. NEWTXT(IOLD:IOLD).EQ.')') THEN * 2.1 if this (,) is not preceeded by a \, include one \ * IF(I.EQ.1 .OR. NEWTXT(IOLD-1:IOLD-1).NE.BSLASH) THEN INEW=INEW+1 CHAR2(INEW:INEW)=BSLASH INEW=INEW+1 CHAR2(INEW:INEW)=NEWTXT(IOLD:IOLD) GO TO 20 ENDIF GO TO 20 * 3. treat normal text ELSE INEW=INEW+1 CHAR2(INEW:INEW)=NEWTXT(IOLD:IOLD) ENDIF GO TO 20 70 CONTINUE NCHP=LENOCC(CHAR2) ** now a third parsing to cut the text into pieces *** for each piece of text, I define * a. the string content = PIECE(I) * b. the font # = IFNB(I)= NFON: roman, 12: greek , * 14: ZapfdingBats * c. the font size = IFNS(I) * d. a level flag = LEVEL(I) = 1: normal * 2: superscript * 3: subscript * e. a "backward" flag = LBACK(I) = 0: normal text , * = 1: superscript and * subscript start at * the same x * = -n: for n backspaces * DO 80 I=1,50 PIECE(I)=' ' IFNS(I)=0 IFNB(I)=0 LEVEL(I)=0 LBACK(I)=0 80 CONTINUE ROMAN=.TRUE. GREEK=.FALSE. SPECIA=.FALSE. ZAPF=.FALSE. NORMAL=.TRUE. SUPER=.FALSE. SUB=.FALSE. *NT=number for pieces of text NT=0 I=0 90 I=I+1 IF(I.GT.NCHP) GO TO 140 NBAS=0 * * read character number I and check if it is an escape character * using KERNLIB M432 with NG in /SLATE/ as return code * JX=ICFMUL(CFLIP,CHAR2,I,I) IF(NG.GT.0) THEN * * find [ : go to greek * IF(CHAR2(I:I).EQ.CFLIP(1:1)) THEN GREEK=.TRUE. * * find " : go to special * ELSE IF(CHAR2(I:I).EQ.CFLIP(2:2)) THEN SPECIA=.TRUE. * find ? : go to subscript ELSE IF(CHAR2(I:I).EQ.CFLIP(3:3)) THEN SUB=.TRUE. SUPER=.FALSE. * find ^ : go to superscript ELSE IF(CHAR2(I:I).EQ.CFLIP(4:4)) THEN SUPER=.TRUE. SUB=.FALSE. * find ] : end of greek or of Zapf=> go to roman ELSE IF(CHAR2(I:I).EQ.CFLIP(5:5)) THEN GREEK=.FALSE. ZAPF=.FALSE. ROMAN=.TRUE. * find # : end of special or of Zapf => go to roman ELSE IF(CHAR2(I:I).EQ.CFLIP(6:6)) THEN ROMAN=.TRUE. ZAPF=.FALSE. SPECIA=.FALSE. * find ! : go to normal level of script ELSE IF(CHAR2(I:I).EQ.CFLIP(7:7)) THEN NORMAL=.TRUE. SUPER=.FALSE. SUB=.FALSE. * find ~ : go to ZapfDingbats ELSE IF(CHAR2(I:I).EQ.CFLIP(8:8)) THEN ZAPF=.TRUE. * find & : backspace is required ELSE IF(CHAR2(I:I).EQ.CFLIP(9:9)) THEN NBAS=1 * check if many backspaces are required: * compute how many consecutive backspaces * in the NCHP-I remaining characters DO 100 J=I+1,NCHP IF(CHAR2(J:J).EQ.CFLIP(9:9)) THEN NBAS=NBAS+1 ELSE GO TO 110 ENDIF 100 CONTINUE 110 CONTINUE * * Since I have to backspace some text, (part of the preceeding piece), * I define two pieces: * * a. the string which follows normally the & ( i.e. up to the next * escape character) * * b. the string to be backspaced, i.e. a part of the preceeding piece so * I create a new piece which is a copy the preceeding with LBACK<0 * NT=NT+1 LBACK(NT)=-NBAS * and the other parameters identical PIECE(NT)=PIECE(NT-1) IFNB(NT)=IFNB(NT-1) IFNS(NT)=IFNS(NT-1) * except the level, since the backspaced piece is not printed LEVEL(NT)=0 * however, in case of multiple backspaces, take the &&&...&&& as a * whole IF(NBAS.GT.1) THEN I=I+NBAS-1 GO TO 90 ENDIF * find $ : optional terminaison character ELSE IF(CHAR2(I:I).EQ.CFLIP(10:10)) THEN IF(I.EQ.NCHP) GO TO 140 ENDIF * the character is not a control character ELSE * * START of a new text: on the first character, or on the * first non escape char. which follows an escape char. IF(I.NE.1)JX=ICFMUL(CFLIP,CHAR2,I-1,I-1) IF(NG.NE.0.OR.I.EQ.1) THEN IDEB=I NT=NT+1 * set font # (IFNB) IF(ROMAN) IFNB(NT)=NFON IF(GREEK) IFNB(NT)=12 IF(ZAPF) IFNB(NT)=14 IF(SPECIA) IFNB(NT)=25 * set font size (IFNS) JSIZP=NINT(0.7*IS) JSIZB=NINT(0.7*IS) IFNS(NT)=IS IF(SUPER) IFNS(NT)=JSIZP IF(SUB) IFNS(NT)=JSIZB * set level flag (LEVEL) NYPOS=0 NYSUP=NINT(IS/2.) NYSUB=NINT(-IS/3.) LEVEL(NT)=NYPOS IF(SUPER) LEVEL(NT)=NYSUP IF(SUB) LEVEL(NT)=NYSUB ENDIF *set LBACK flag (1 for sub/uperscript) IF(SUPER.OR.SUB) LBACK(NT)=1 * END of a this text: on the last character or on * the last non escape which preceeds an escape (but * the terminating escape character itself is not known) IF(I.NE.NCHP)JX=ICFMUL(CFLIP,CHAR2,I+1,I+1) IF(NG.NE.0.OR.I.EQ.NCHP) THEN IFIN = I * compute text length and make one piece if length <74 * and not 80, because of the () and \040 on the PostScript file ILEN = IFIN-IDEB+1 IF(ILEN.LT.74) THEN PIECE(NT) = CHAR2(IDEB:IFIN) * if the last character is ' ' it is replaced with \040 IF(CHAR2(IFIN:IFIN).EQ.' ')THEN PIECE(NT)(ILEN:ILEN) = BSLASH PIECE(NT)(ILEN+1:) = '040' ENDIF * make several pieces if length > 74 ELSE I1 = IDEB I2 = I1+73 NTS = NT * check if CHAR2 will not be cut in the middle of an octal code 120 IB = INDEX(CHAR2(I2-2:I2),BSLASH) IF (IB.NE.0.AND.I2-I1.EQ.73.AND.I2.NE.NCHP) I2 = I2-4+IB * copy CHAR2 in the piece number NT with I2 readjusted PIECE(NT) = CHAR2(I1:I2) * if the last character is ' ' it is replaced with \040 IF(CHAR2(I2:I2).EQ.' ')THEN ILP = LENOCC(PIECE(NT))+1 PIECE(NT)(ILP:ILP) = BSLASH PIECE(NT)(ILP+1:) = '040' ENDIF IF (I2.EQ.ILEN) GOTO 130 I1 = I2+1 I2 = MIN(ILEN,I1+73) NT = NT+1 IFNB(NT) = IFNB(NTS) IFNS(NT) = IFNS(NTS) LEVEL(NT) = LEVEL(NTS) LBACK(NT) = LBACK(NTS) GOTO 120 ENDIF 130 CONTINUE ENDIF ENDIF GO TO 90 140 CONTINUE * * Finally, a fourth parsing for 3 reasons: * DO 160 I=1,NT *** 1. LEVEL of sub/superscript after a multiple backsp. text: * one has: * i-2: text normally output lback=0 * i-1 : text following in superscript mode * i : part of the preceeding (not printed) in which one * computes the backspace * i+1: text following the backspace * => since PIECE(i-1) and PIECE(I+1) are superposed; * I increase the level such that LEVEL(I-1)=IFNS(I-1) IF(LBACK(I).LT.-1) THEN IF (I.GT.1) THEN * superscript IF(LEVEL(I-1).GT.0) LEVEL(I-1)=IFNS(I-1) * subscript IF(LEVEL(I-1).LT.0) LEVEL(I-1)=-IFNS(I-1) ENDIF ENDIF *** 2. LEVEL of sub/ superscript after ONE backspaced text: * put the LEVEL to +(actual font size) for superscript * and to - (actuel font size) for subscript IF (I.GT.1) THEN IF(LBACK(I-1).EQ.-1) THEN * superscript IF(LEVEL(I).GT.0) LEVEL(I)=IFNS(I) * subscript IF(LEVEL(I).LT.0) LEVEL(I)=-IFNS(I) ENDIF ENDIF *** 3. correct in the greek text the 4 characters in the /Symbol font * which are not " at their correct place" w.r.t. the HIGZ official table IF(IFNB(I).EQ.12) THEN DO 150 J=1,LENOCC(PIECE(I)) IF(PIECE(I)(J:J).EQ.'J') THEN PIECE(I)(J:J)='I' ELSEIF(PIECE(I)(J:J).EQ.'V') THEN PIECE(I)(J:J)='C' ELSEIF(PIECE(I)(J:J).EQ.'C') THEN PIECE(I)(J:J)='H' ELSEIF(PIECE(I)(J:J).EQ.'H') THEN PIECE(I)(J:J)='C' * ELSEIF(PIECE(I)(J:J).EQ.'j') THEN PIECE(I)(J:J)='i' ELSEIF(PIECE(I)(J:J).EQ.'v') THEN PIECE(I)(J:J)='c' ELSEIF(PIECE(I)(J:J).EQ.'c') THEN PIECE(I)(J:J)='h' ELSEIF(PIECE(I)(J:J).EQ.'h') THEN PIECE(I)(J:J)='c' ENDIF 150 CONTINUE ENDIF 160 CONTINUE * * write PS * position of text from arguments * PSANGL=RANGLE * CALL IPPSTR('@') * 1. text is left aligned IF(ITXALH.LE.1) THEN CALL IPSVRT(1) CALL IPDRAW(0,X,Y) CALL IPPSTR('@') WRITE (LUNPS,10000,ERR=350) NINT(PSANGL) 10000 FORMAT(' t ',I3,' r 0 0 m') * * 2. the text is centered or right-adjusted => compute * the whole length * ELSEIF(ITXALH.EQ.2.OR.ITXALH.EQ.3) THEN * initialize the variable containing the string length WRITE(LUNPS,10100,ERR=350) 10100 FORMAT(' /xs 0 def ') * loop on all pieces and add the length of each piece IPIECE=0 170 IPIECE=IPIECE+1 IF(IPIECE.GT.NT) GO TO 250 * * 2.1. ONE bakspaced text: forget the piece to be backspaced * and the piece which follows * IF(LBACK(IPIECE).EQ.-1) THEN IPIECE=IPIECE+1 GO TO 170 ENDIF * * 2.2 backspaced text by more than one backspace * IF(LBACK(IPIECE).LT.-1) THEN ILEN=LENOCC(PIECE(IPIECE)) WRITE(LUNPS,13100,ERR=999) PIECE(IPIECE)(1:ILEN) WRITE(LUNPS,13400,ERR=350) ABS(LBACK(IPIECE)) +, PSFONT(IFNB(IPIECE))(1:LENOCC(PSFONT(IFNB(IPIECE)))) +, IFNS(IPIECE) GO TO 170 ENDIF * * 2.3 many superscript and many subscript at the same x * IF(LBACK(IPIECE).EQ.1.AND.LBACK(IPIECE+1).EQ.1) THEN * * loop on pieces, computes how many pieces withe LBACK=1 * and check if they are all at the same level; * if yes, this is "standart" text N1=0 N2=0 DO 180 J=IPIECE,NT IF(LBACK(J).NE.1) GO TO 190 IF(LEVEL(J).EQ.LEVEL(IPIECE)) THEN N1=N1+1 ELSE N2=N2+1 ENDIF 180 CONTINUE 190 CONTINUE IF(N1.EQ.0.OR.N2.EQ.0) GO TO 240 * * since many fonts are possible in sub/superscript, we output all * the pieces in super/subscript then thoses in sub/superscript * * a) first pieces subscript or superscript WRITE(LUNPS,10200) 10200 FORMAT(' /s1 0 def ') DO 200 J=IPIECE,NT IF(LEVEL(J).NE.LEVEL(IPIECE)) GO TO 210 WRITE(LUNPS,13200,ERR=350) + PSFONT(IFNB(J))(1:LENOCC(PSFONT(IFNB(J)))),IFNS(IPIECE) ILEN=LENOCC(PIECE(J)) WRITE(LUNPS,10300,ERR=999) PIECE(J)(1:ILEN) 10300 FORMAT(' (',A,') sw pop s1 add /s1 exch def') * NEW=J 200 CONTINUE 210 CONTINUE * b) then superscript or subscript WRITE(LUNPS,10400) 10400 FORMAT(' /s2 0 def ') NEW=NEW+1 DO 220 J=NEW,NT IF(LEVEL(J).NE.LEVEL(NEW)) GO TO 230 WRITE(LUNPS,13200,ERR=350) + PSFONT(IFNB(J))(1:LENOCC(PSFONT(IFNB(J)))),IFNS(IPIECE) ILEN=LENOCC(PIECE(J)) WRITE(LUNPS,10500,ERR=999) PIECE(J)(1:ILEN) 10500 FORMAT(' (',A,') sw pop s2 add /s2 exch def') NNEW=J 220 CONTINUE 230 CONTINUE * * between subscript and superscript, which one is the longest? WRITE(LUNPS,10600,ERR=350) 10600 FORMAT(' s1 s2 ge { xs s1 add /xs exch def}' + ,' { xs s2 add /xs exch def} ifelse ') * * since many pieces are treated :increase piece counter accordingly IPIECE=NNEW GO TO 170 ENDIF * * 2.4. "standart" text: * 240 CONTINUE IF(LBACK(IPIECE).EQ.0.OR.LBACK(IPIECE).EQ.1) THEN ILEN=LENOCC(PIECE(IPIECE)) WRITE(LUNPS,13100,ERR=999) PIECE(IPIECE)(1:ILEN) WRITE(LUNPS,10700,ERR=350) + PSFONT(IFNB(IPIECE))(1:LENOCC(PSFONT(IFNB(IPIECE)))) +, IFNS(IPIECE) 10700 FORMAT(1X,A,1X,I6,' stwn ') ENDIF GO TO 170 250 CONTINUE * * Centered text * IF(ITXALH.EQ.2) THEN CALL IPSVRT(1) CALL IPDRAW(0,X,Y) CALL IPPSTR('@') WRITE(LUNPS,10800,ERR=350) NINT(PSANGL) 10800 FORMAT(' t ',I3,' r ',' xs 2 div neg 0 t 0 0 m') * * Right adjusted text * ELSEIF(ITXALH.EQ.3) THEN CALL IPSVRT(1) CALL IPDRAW(0,X,Y) CALL IPPSTR('@') WRITE(LUNPS,10900,ERR=350) NINT(PSANGL) 10900 FORMAT(' t ',I3,' r ',' xs neg 0 t 0 0 m') ENDIF ENDIF * now output the pieces IPIECE=0 260 IPIECE=IPIECE+1 IF(IPIECE.GT.NT) GO TO 340 * * make the PostScript file: * * 1. ONE bakspace: output "piece" to be backspaced AND following piece * first save current graphic state, compute backward distance, * and move to that point * IF(LBACK(IPIECE).EQ.-1) THEN CALL IPSVRT(1) WRITE(LUNPS,11000,ERR=350) + PSFONT(IFNB(IPIECE))(1:LENOCC(PSFONT(IFNB(IPIECE)))) +, IFNS(IPIECE) 11000 FORMAT(A,' findfont ',I4,' sf ') ILEN=LENOCC(PIECE(IPIECE)) WRITE(LUNPS,13100,ERR=999) PIECE(IPIECE)(1:ILEN) WRITE(LUNPS,11100,ERR=350) 11100 FORMAT( ' dup length 1 sub 1 getinterval ') WRITE(LUNPS,11200,ERR=350) LEVEL(IPIECE) 11200 FORMAT( ' stringwidth pop 2 div neg ',I4,' rm ') * then, text following one backspace: backspace also 1/2 of text * ( normally one character) print and restore preceeding graphic state WRITE(LUNPS,11300,ERR=350) + PSFONT(IFNB(IPIECE+1))(1:LENOCC(PSFONT(IFNB(IPIECE+1)))) +, IFNS(IPIECE+1),LEVEL(IPIECE+1) 11300 FORMAT(1X,A,' findfont ',I4,' sf 0 ',I4,' rm ') ILEN=LENOCC(PIECE(IPIECE+1)) WRITE(LUNPS,13100,ERR=999) PIECE(IPIECE+1)(1:ILEN) WRITE(LUNPS,11400,ERR=350) 11400 FORMAT(' stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rm ') ILEN=LENOCC(PIECE(IPIECE+1)) WRITE(LUNPS,13100,ERR=999) PIECE(IPIECE+1)(1:ILEN) IF(OSHOW) THEN WRITE(LUNPS,'('' oshow'')',ERR=350) CALL IPSVRT(-1) ELSE WRITE(LUNPS,'('' show'')',ERR=350) CALL IPSVRT(-1) ENDIF * since two pieces are treated increase piece counter IPIECE=IPIECE+1 GO TO 260 ENDIF * * 2. Many Backspaces * IF(LBACK(IPIECE).LT.-1) THEN * first, protect against a number of bakspaces larger than * the total number of characters in the string to be * backspaced ILEN=LENOCC(PIECE(IPIECE)) WRITE(LUNPS,13300,ERR=350) ABS(LBACK(IPIECE)) +, PIECE(IPIECE)(1:ILEN) * then output WRITE(LUNPS,13200,ERR=350) + PSFONT(IFNB(IPIECE))(1:LENOCC(PSFONT(IFNB(IPIECE)))) +, IFNS(IPIECE) WRITE(LUNPS,13100,ERR=999) PIECE(IPIECE)(1:ILEN) WRITE(LUNPS,11700,ERR=350) 11700 FORMAT(' dup length nbas sub nbas getinterval stringwidth ' + ,'pop neg 0 t ') GO TO 260 ENDIF * * 3. superscript and subscript at the same x IF(LBACK(IPIECE).EQ.1.AND.LBACK(IPIECE+1).EQ.1) THEN * * loop on pieces, computes how many pieces withe LBACK=1 * and check if they are all at the same level; * if yes, this is "standart" text N1=0 N2=0 DO 270 J=IPIECE,NT IF(LBACK(J).NE.1) GO TO 280 IF(LEVEL(J).EQ.LEVEL(IPIECE)) THEN N1=N1+1 ELSE N2=N2+1 ENDIF 270 CONTINUE 280 CONTINUE IF(N1.EQ.0.OR.N2.EQ.0) GO TO 330 * * since many fonts are possible in sub/superscript, we output all * the pieces in super/subscript then thoses in sub/superscript * * a) first pieces subscript or superscript CALL IPSVRT(1) CALL IPSVRT(1) WRITE(LUNPS,11900,ERR=350) LEVEL(IPIECE) 11900 FORMAT(' 0 ',I4,' rm ') * DO 290 J=IPIECE,NT IF(LEVEL(J).NE.LEVEL(IPIECE)) GO TO 300 WRITE(LUNPS,13200,ERR=350) + PSFONT(IFNB(J))(1:LENOCC(PSFONT(IFNB(J)))),IFNS(IPIECE) ILEN=LENOCC(PIECE(J)) WRITE(LUNPS,13100,ERR=999) PIECE(J)(1:ILEN) IF(OSHOW) THEN WRITE(LUNPS,12000,ERR=350) 12000 FORMAT(' dup oshow true charpath currentpoint pop' + ,' /s1 exch def') ELSE WRITE(LUNPS,12100,ERR=350) 12100 FORMAT(' show currentpoint pop /s1 exch def') ENDIF * NEW=J 290 CONTINUE 300 CONTINUE CALL IPSVRT(-1) * * b) then superscript or subscript NEW=NEW+1 * WRITE(LUNPS,11900,ERR=350) LEVEL(NEW) DO 310 J=NEW,NT IF(LEVEL(J).NE.LEVEL(NEW)) GO TO 320 WRITE(LUNPS,13200,ERR=350) + PSFONT(IFNB(J))(1:LENOCC(PSFONT(IFNB(J)))),IFNS(IPIECE) ILEN=LENOCC(PIECE(J)) WRITE(LUNPS,13100,ERR=999) PIECE(J)(1:ILEN) IF(OSHOW) THEN WRITE(LUNPS,12300,ERR=350) 12300 FORMAT(' dup oshow true charpath currentpoint pop ' + , ' /s2 exch def') ELSE WRITE(LUNPS,12400,ERR=350) 12400 FORMAT(' show currentpoint pop /s2 exch def') ENDIF NNEW=J 310 CONTINUE 320 CONTINUE CALL IPSVRT(-1) * * at which x- value, should one translate the current state? WRITE(LUNPS,12500,ERR=350) 12500 FORMAT(' s1 s2 ge {s1 0 t} {s2 0 t} ifelse ') * * since many pieces are treated :increase piece counter accordingly IPIECE=NNEW GO TO 260 ENDIF * * 4. "standart" text: output current "piece" of text * 330 CONTINUE IF(LBACK(IPIECE).EQ.0.OR.LBACK(IPIECE).EQ.1) THEN WRITE(LUNPS,12600,ERR=350) + PSFONT(IFNB(IPIECE))(1:LENOCC(PSFONT(IFNB(IPIECE)))) +, IFNS(IPIECE),LEVEL(IPIECE) 12600 FORMAT(1X,A,' findfont ',I4,' sf 0 ',I4,' m ') ILEN=LENOCC(PIECE(IPIECE)) WRITE(LUNPS,13100,ERR=999) PIECE(IPIECE)(1:ILEN) IF(OSHOW) THEN WRITE(LUNPS,12700,ERR=350) 12700 FORMAT(' dup oshow') * move currentpoint ( if not last piece of text) IF(IPIECE.NE.NT) WRITE(LUNPS,12800,ERR=350) 12800 FORMAT(' true charpath currentpoint pop 0 t ') ELSE WRITE(LUNPS,12900,ERR=350) 12900 FORMAT(' show ') * move currentpoint ( if not last piece of text) IF(IPIECE.NE.NT) WRITE(LUNPS,13000,ERR=350) 13000 FORMAT(' currentpoint pop 0 t ') ENDIF GO TO 260 ENDIF * end of loop on pieces 340 CONTINUE * restore graphic state after the last piece of text CALL IPSVRT(-1) GOTO 999 * 350 CALL IGERR('Cannot write in the PostScript file','IPTEXT') GOTO 999 * 360 CALL IGERR('Too many characters in input string','IPTEXT') 13100 FORMAT('(',A,')') 13200 FORMAT(1X,A,' findfont ',I4,' sf') 13300 FORMAT(1X,I4,' /nbas exch def ',/,1X,'(',A,')',/, +' length /tlen exch def nbas tlen gt { /nbas tlen def } if ') 13400 FORMAT(' ',I2,' ',A,I4,' stwb ') * 999 END