* * $Id: ipdef.F,v 1.2 1999/07/20 14:09:03 couet Exp $ * * $Log: ipdef.F,v $ * Revision 1.2 1999/07/20 14:09:03 couet * - New version of the pattern polygon filling. It now uses the Pattern * functionality provided by PostScript level 2. This allows to have * colored pattern and a better drawing of the pattern. * * Revision 1996/02/14 13:11:06 mclareni * Higz * * #include "higz/pilot.h" *CMZ : 1.23/02 07/06/95 17.36.12 by O.Couet *-- Author : O.Couet SUBROUTINE IPDEF *.===========> *. *. This routine initialise the following PostScript procedures: *. *. +------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+ *. | Macro Name | Input parameters | Explanation | *. +------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+ *. | l | x y | Draw a line to the x y position | *. +------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+ *. | m | x y | Move to the position x y | *. +------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+ *. | box | dx dy x y | Define a box | *. +------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+ *. | bl | dx dy x y | Draw a line box | *. +------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+ *. | bf | dx dy x y | Draw a filled box | *. +------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+ *. | sw | text | Return string width of text | *. +------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+ *. | t | x y | Translate | *. +------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+ *. | r | angle | Rotate | *. +------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+ *. | rl | i j | Roll the stack | *. +------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+ *. | d | x y | Draw a relative line to x y | *. +------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+ *. | X | x | Draw a relative line to x (y=0) | *. +------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+ *. | Y | y | Draw a relative line to y (x=0) | *. +------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+ *. | rm | x y | Move relatively to x y | *. +------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+ *. | gr | | Restore the graphic context | *. +------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+ *. | lw | lwidth | Set line width to lwidth | *. +------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+ *. | sd | [] 0 | Set dash line define by [] | *. +------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+ *. | s | | Stroke mode | *. +------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+ *. | c | r g b | Set rgb color to r g b | *. +------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+ *. | cl | | Close path | *. +------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+ *. | f | | Fill the last describe path | *. +------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+ *. | mXX | x y | Draw the marker type XX at (x,y) | *. +------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+ *. | Zone | ix iy | Define the current zone | *. +------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+ *. | black | | The color is black | *. +------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+ *. | C | dx dy x y | Clipping on | *. +------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+ *. | NC | | Clipping off | *. +------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+ *. | R | | repeat | *. +------------+------------------+-----------------------------------+ *. *..==========> (O.Couet) #include "higz/hiatt.inc" #include "higz/hipost.inc" #include "higz/hiflag.inc" CHARACTER*80 CHPS1,CHPS2 #include "higz/hivers.inc" *.______________________________________ * #include "higz/icmtop.inc" NPAGES=1 * * Mode is last digit of Postscript Workstation type * mode=1,2 for portrait/landscape black and white * mode=3 for Encapsulated PostScript File * mode=4 for portrait colour * mode=5 for lanscape colour * MODE=MOD(ABS(IPSWTY),10) IF(MODE.LE.0.OR.MODE.GT.5)GOTO 20 * * NX (NY) is the total number of windows in x (y) * NX=MOD(ABS(IPSWTY),1000)/100 NY=MOD(ABS(IPSWTY),100)/10 IF(NX.LE.0.OR.NY.LE.0)GOTO 20 IXZ=1 IYZ=1 * * IFMT = 0-99 is the European page format (A4,A3 ...) * IFMT = 100 is the US format 8.5x11.0 inch * IFMT = 200 is the US format 8.5x14.0 inch * IFMT = 300 is the US format 11.0x17.0 inch * IFMT=ABS(IPSWTY/1000) IF(IFMT.EQ.0)IFMT=4 IF(IFMT.EQ.99)IFMT=0 IF(TFLAG)GOTO 10 * CHPS1='%%Title: ' INQUIRE(UNIT=LUNPS,NAME=CHPS2) CHPS1(10:)=CHPS2(1:LENOCC(CHPS2)) ILEN=MIN(LENOCC(CHPS1),60) CALL IPPSTR(CHPS1(1:ILEN)) IF(MODE.NE.3)THEN IF(MODE.EQ.1.OR.MODE.EQ.4)CALL IPPSTF(10,' (Portrait') IF(MODE.EQ.2.OR.MODE.EQ.5)CALL IPPSTF(11,' (Landscape') IF(IFMT.LE.99)THEN CALL IPPSTF(2,' A') CALL IPIOUT(IFMT) CALL IPPSTF(1,')') ELSE IF(IFMT.EQ.100)CALL IPPSTF(8,' Letter)') IF(IFMT.EQ.200)CALL IPPSTF(7,' Legal)') IF(IFMT.EQ.300)CALL IPPSTF(8,' Ledger)') ENDIF CALL IPPSTR('@') CALL IPPSTR('%%Pages: (atend)@') ELSE CALL IPPSTR('@') ENDIF * CALL IPPSTF(23,'%%Creator: HIGZ Version') CALL IPPSTR(CHVERS) CALL IPPSTR('@') * CALL IPPSTF(15,'%%CreationDate:') CALL IGDATE(CHPS1) CHPS2=' ' CHPS2(2:)=CHPS1(1:LENOCC(CHPS1)) CALL IPPSTR(CHPS2) CALL IPPSTR('@') CALL IPPSTR('%%EndComments@') CALL IPPSTR('%%BeginProlog@') * IF(MODE.EQ.3)CALL IPPSTR('80 dict begin@') * * Initialization of PostScript procedures * CALL IPPSTR('/s {stroke} def /l {lineto} def /m {moveto} def /t {t +ranslate} def@') CALL IPPSTR('/sw {stringwidth} def /r {rotate} def /rl {roll} def + /R {repeat} def@') CALL IPPSTR('/d {rlineto} def /rm {rmoveto} def /gr {grestore} def + /f {eofill} def@') CALL IPPSTR('/c {setrgbcolor} def /lw {setlinewidth} def /sd {setd +ash} def@') CALL IPPSTR('/cl {closepath} def /sf {scalefont setfont} def /blac +k {0 setgray} def@') CALL IPPSTR('/box {m dup 0 exch d exch 0 d 0 exch neg d cl} def@') CALL IPPSTR('/NC{systemdict begin initclip end}def/C{NC box clip n +ewpath}def@') CALL IPPSTR('/bl {box s} def /bf {box f} def /Y { 0 exch d} def /X + { 0 d} def @') * CALL IPMARK CALL IPFON CALL IPSPEC * * mode=1 for portrait black/white * IF (MODE.EQ.1) THEN RPXMIN = 0.7 RPYMIN = SQRT(2.)*RPXMIN IF (IFMT.EQ.100) THEN WIDTH = (8.5*2.54)-2.*RPXMIN HEIGTH = (11.*2.54)-2.*RPYMIN ELSEIF (IFMT.EQ.200) THEN WIDTH = (8.5*2.54)-2.*RPXMIN HEIGTH = (14.*2.54)-2.*RPYMIN ELSEIF (IFMT.EQ.300) THEN WIDTH = (11.*2.54)-2.*RPXMIN HEIGTH = (17.*2.54)-2.*RPYMIN ELSE WIDTH = 21.0-2.*RPXMIN HEIGTH = 29.7-2.*RPYMIN ENDIF ENDIF * * mode=2 for landscape black/white * IF (MODE.EQ.2) THEN RPYMIN = 0.7 RPXMIN = SQRT(2.)*RPYMIN IF (IFMT.EQ.100) THEN WIDTH = (11.*2.54)-2.*RPXMIN HEIGTH = (8.5*2.54)-2.*RPYMIN ELSEIF (IFMT.EQ.200) THEN WIDTH = (14.*2.54)-2.*RPXMIN HEIGTH = (8.5*2.54)-2.*RPYMIN ELSEIF (IFMT.EQ.300) THEN WIDTH = (17.*2.54)-2.*RPXMIN HEIGTH = (11.*2.54)-2.*RPYMIN ELSE WIDTH = 29.7-2.*RPXMIN HEIGTH = 21-2.*RPYMIN ENDIF ENDIF * * mode=3 encapsulated PostScript * 10 IF (MODE.EQ.3) THEN WIDTH = X2W HEIGTH = Y2W IFMT = 4 NX = 1 NY = 1 ENDIF * * mode=4 for portrait colour * IF (MODE.EQ.4) THEN RPXMIN = 0.7 RPYMIN = 3.4 IF (IFMT.EQ.100) THEN WIDTH = (8.5*2.54)-2.*RPXMIN HEIGTH = (11.*2.54)-2.*RPYMIN ELSEIF (IFMT.EQ.200) THEN WIDTH = (8.5*2.54)-2.*RPXMIN HEIGTH = (14.*2.54)-2.*RPYMIN ELSEIF (IFMT.EQ.300) THEN WIDTH = (11.*2.54)-2.*RPXMIN HEIGTH = (17.*2.54)-2.*RPYMIN ELSE WIDTH = (21.0-2*RPXMIN) HEIGTH = (29.7-2.*RPYMIN) ENDIF ENDIF * * mode=5 for lanscape colour * IF (MODE.EQ.5) THEN RPXMIN = 3.4 RPYMIN = 0.7 IF (IFMT.EQ.100) THEN WIDTH = (11.*2.54)-2.*RPXMIN HEIGTH = (8.5*2.54)-2.*RPYMIN ELSEIF (IFMT.EQ.200) THEN WIDTH = (14.*2.54)-2.*RPXMIN HEIGTH = (8.5*2.54)-2.*RPYMIN ELSEIF (IFMT.EQ.300) THEN WIDTH = (17.*2.54)-2.*RPXMIN HEIGTH = (11.*2.54)-2.*RPYMIN ELSE WIDTH = (29.7-2*RPXMIN) HEIGTH = (21-2.*RPYMIN) ENDIF ENDIF * IF (IFMT.LT.100) THEN VALUE = 21.*SQRT(2.)**(4-IFMT) ELSEIF (IFMT.EQ.100) THEN VALUE = 8.5*2.54 ELSEIF (IFMT.EQ.200) THEN VALUE=8.5*2.54 ELSEIF (IFMT.EQ.300) THEN VALUE = 11.*2.54 ENDIF * IF (IFMT.GE.100) IFMT = 4 * * Compute size (in points) of the window for each picture = f(NX,NY) * IPSI = IGIWIN(IPSWID) XWKSIZ(IPSI) = WIDTH/FLOAT(NX)*SQRT(2.)**(4-IFMT) YWKSIZ(IPSI) = HEIGTH/FLOAT(NY)*SQRT(2.)**(4-IFMT) WKMAX(IPSI) = FLOAT(MAX(ICMTOP(XWKSIZ(IPSI)) +, ICMTOP(YWKSIZ(IPSI)))) NPX = 4*ICMTOP(XWKSIZ(IPSI)) NPY = 4*ICMTOP(YWKSIZ(IPSI)) * IF (TFLAG) RETURN * * Procedure Zone * IF (MODE.NE.3) THEN CALL IPPSTF(33,'/Zone {/iy exch def /ix exch def ') CALL IPPSTF(10,' ix 1 sub ') CALL IPIOUT(NPX) CALL IPPSTF(5,' mul ') CALL IPFOUT(FLOAT(NY)) CALL IPPSTF(8,' iy sub ') CALL IPIOUT(NPY) CALL IPPSTR(' mul t} def@') ENDIF * CALL IPPSTR('%%EndProlog@') * CALL IPSVRT(1) IF (MODE.EQ.1.OR.MODE.EQ.4) THEN CALL IPIOUT(ICMTOP(RPXMIN)) CALL IPIOUT(ICMTOP(RPYMIN)) CALL IPPSTF(2,' t') ENDIF IF (MODE.EQ.2.OR.MODE.EQ.5) THEN CALL IPPSTF(7,' 90 r 0') CALL IPIOUT(ICMTOP(-VALUE)) CALL IPPSTF(3,' t ') CALL IPIOUT(ICMTOP(RPXMIN)) CALL IPIOUT(ICMTOP(RPYMIN)) CALL IPPSTF(2,' t') ENDIF * CALL IPPSTF(15,' .25 .25 scale ') IF (MODE.NE.3) CALL IPSVRT(1) * NBSAV0 = NBSAVE IF (MODE.NE.3) CALL IPPSTR('%%Page: number 1@') * RETURN * 20 CALL IGERR('Invalid PostScript file type','IPDEF') PFLAG=.FALSE. GLFLAG=(ZFLAG.OR.PFLAG.OR.MFLAG) * END