* * $Id: imsetco.F,v 1996/02/14 13:11:00 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: imsetco.F,v $ * Revision 1996/02/14 13:11:00 mclareni * Higz * * #if defined(CERNLIB_MACMPW) #include "higz/pilot.h" *CMZ : 1.16/05 12/10/92 14.06.41 by O.Couet *-- Author : Cees de Laat subroutine imsetco(index,r,g,b) c+ c subroutine imsetco(index,r,g,b) c Set color r,g,b for index. The requested color will be mapped to the c closest available color in the map of the screen. c c Color index management, index between 0 and 255 inclusive. c- parameter (mxcl=1000) integer irgb(0:255),indold save data irgb/256*0/,indold/-1/ c indold=-1 if(index.ge.0.and.index.le.255)then if(r.ge.0..and.r.le.1..and. + g.ge.0..and.g.le.1..and. + b.ge.0..and.b.le.1.)then ir=nint(r*(mxcl-1)) ig=nint(g*(mxcl-1)) ib=nint(b*(mxcl-1)) irgb(index)=ir+(ig+ib*mxcl)*mxcl endif endif return c----------------------------------------------------------------------- entry imgetcol(index,r,g,b) c+ c returns the requested color mapping of the index, not the on screen c actual!!! c+ if(index.ge.0.and.index.le.255)then fc=1./float(mxcl-1) ic=irgb(index) r=nint(fc*mod(ic,mxcl)) ic=ic/mxcl g=nint(fc*mod(ic,mxcl)) ic=ic/mxcl b=nint(fc*mod(ic,mxcl)) endif return c----------------------------------------------------------------------- entry imsetcc(index) c+ c entry imsetcc(index) c sets the color for all following drawing operations. c= if(index.ge.0.and.index.le.255.and.index.ne.indold)then indold=index call imacplo(irgb(indold),mxcl,4) endif end #endif