* * $Id: isvp.F,v 1.2 1996/06/05 10:21:01 cernlib Exp $ * * $Log: isvp.F,v $ * Revision 1.2 1996/06/05 10:21:01 cernlib * Move pilot.h before the ifdef for GKS * * Revision 1996/02/14 13:10:46 mclareni * Higz * * #include "higz/pilot.h" #if defined(CERNLIB_GKS) *CMZ : 1.22/03 06/01/95 11.28.12 by O.Couet *-- Author : SUBROUTINE ISVP(NT,XX1,XX2,YY1,YY2) *.===========> *. *. This routine sets the transformation normalisation viewport NT . *. *. _Input parameters: *. *. INTEGER NT : Normalization transformation number (0<=NT (O.Couet) #if !defined(CERNLIB_NTC) #include "higz/hint.inc" #endif #include "higz/hiflag.inc" #include "higz/hiatt.inc" *.______________________________________ * * Verify the viewport parameters * X1 = XX1 X2 = XX2 Y1 = YY1 Y2 = YY2 IF((X1.LT.0).OR.(X1.GT.1) + .OR. + (X2.LT.0).OR.(X2.GT.1) + .OR. + (Y1.LT.0).OR.(Y1.GT.1) + .OR. + (Y2.LT.0).OR.(Y2.GT.1) + .OR. + (Y1.GE.Y2).OR.(X1.GE.X2))THEN CALL IGERR('Invalid viewport definition','ISVP') RETURN ENDIF IF(NT.EQ.0)RETURN * SCALE = 1. IF(REDIT.NE.0.)SCALE = REDIT #if !defined(CERNLIB_NTC) * CALL IZGNT(NT,IFIND,IAWV,IPRIO,IHPRIO) * * NT exits in the main transformation storage * IF(IFIND.NE.0)THEN IF((INTR.EQ.NT).AND.GFLAG)THEN IF(GFLAG)THEN CALL GSVP(1 +, X1*SCALE-(RDWXMI*REDIT) +, X2*SCALE-(RDWXMI*REDIT) +, Y1*SCALE-(RDWYMI*REDIT) +, Y2*SCALE-(RDWYMI*REDIT)) ENDIF RVXMIN = X1 RVYMIN = Y1 RVXMAX = X2 RVYMAX = Y2 ENDIF WNVPST(IAWV+4) = X1 WNVPST(IAWV+5) = X2 WNVPST(IAWV+6) = Y1 WNVPST(IAWV+7) = Y2 * * NT does not exit in the main transformation storage * ELSE NBNT=NTSTOR(1) IF(NBNT+1.GT.NBNTMX)THEN CALL IGERR('Too many normalisation transformation','ISVP') RETURN ENDIF NTSTOR(2*NBNT+2) = NT WNVPST(8*NBNT+1) = 0. WNVPST(8*NBNT+2) = 1. WNVPST(8*NBNT+3) = 0. WNVPST(8*NBNT+4) = 1. WNVPST(8*NBNT+5) = X1 WNVPST(8*NBNT+6) = X2 WNVPST(8*NBNT+7) = Y1 WNVPST(8*NBNT+8) = Y2 NTSTOR(1) = NTSTOR(1)+1 ENDIF #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_NTC) IF(IGNSCU(NT).NE.0)THEN IF((INTR.EQ.NT).AND.GFLAG)THEN IF(GFLAG)THEN CALL GSVP(1 +, X1*SCALE-(RDWXMI*REDIT) +, X2*SCALE-(RDWXMI*REDIT) +, Y1*SCALE-(RDWYMI*REDIT) +, Y2*SCALE-(RDWYMI*REDIT)) ENDIF RVXMIN = X1 RVYMIN = Y1 RVXMAX = X2 RVYMAX = Y2 ENDIF ELSE CALL IGNCRE(NT) ENDIF CALL IGNSVP(X1,X2,Y1,Y2) #endif END #endif