* * $Id: igsgn.F,v 1.2 1996/06/05 10:20:35 cernlib Exp $ * * $Log: igsgn.F,v $ * Revision 1.2 1996/06/05 10:20:35 cernlib * Move pilot.h before the ifdef for GKS * * Revision 1996/02/14 13:10:44 mclareni * Higz * * #include "higz/pilot.h" #if defined(CERNLIB_GKS) *CMZ : 1.06/03 12/12/88 15.20.43 by O.Couet *-- Author : SUBROUTINE IGSGN *.===========> *. *. IGSGN send escape characters to clear workstation (T4107) *. The terminal must be an activated HIGZ workstation . *. *..==========> (O.Couet) #if (defined(CERNLIB_PLOT10GKS))&&(defined(CERNLIB_IBM)) #include "higz/hiatt.inc" #include "higz/hiflag.inc" INTEGER T4107 PARAMETER (T4107=410700) DIMENSION N(3),M(32) DATA N/31,27,12/ DATA M/32*22/ *.______________________________________ * CALL IGSG(0) IF(IWTYPE.EQ.T4107)THEN CALL HWRASC(3,N) DO 10 I=1,8 CALL HWRASC(32,M) 10 CONTINUE ENDIF #endif * END #endif