* * $Id: igwkty.F,v 1.4 1998/01/30 15:22:22 couet Exp $ * * $Log: igwkty.F,v $ * Revision 1.4 1998/01/30 15:22:22 couet * - APOLLO version removed * * Revision 1.3 1998/01/28 14:34:23 couet * - GGDM driver removed * * Revision 1.2 1996/09/25 14:57:21 couet * - GPR driver removed * * Revision 1996/02/14 13:10:41 mclareni * Higz * * #include "higz/pilot.h" *CMZ : 1.23/01 08/05/95 11.37.33 by O.Couet *-- Author : O.Couet 04/04/89 SUBROUTINE IGWKTY(IWKTY) *.===========> *. *. This routine get the workstation type on the standard input *. *. _Output parameters: *. *. INTEGER IWKTY : Workstation identifier choosen interactively *. *..==========> (O.Couet) #if (!defined(CERNLIB_BATCH)) #include "higz/hiatt.inc" #endif #if !defined(CERNLIB_BATCH) #include "higz/hiques.inc" #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_X11)||defined(CERNLIB_MSDOS) #include "higz/hikern.inc" #endif #if !defined(CERNLIB_BATCH) CHARACTER*48 CHMESS CHARACTER*24 CHREP #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_CCREAD) CHARACTER*24 CHCC #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_IBM)||defined(CERNLIB_AIX370) PARAMETER (LUNIN=5,LUNOUT=6) #endif #if (defined(CERNLIB_DI3000))&&(defined(CERNLIB_VAX)) CHARACTER*6 DRIVER CHARACTER*40 STRING INCLUDE '($SSDEF)' #endif #if (defined(CERNLIB_DI3000))&&(defined(CERNLIB_IBM)) INTEGER ARGLEN CHARACTER*100 ARGS #endif #if (defined(CERNLIB_DECGKS))&&(defined(CERNLIB_VAX)) CHARACTER*12 STRING INCLUDE '($SSDEF)' #endif #if (defined(CERNLIB_DECGKS))&&(defined(CERNLIB_DECS)) CHARACTER*12 STRING #endif #if (defined(CERNLIB_X11))&&(defined(CERNLIB_IBM))&&(!defined(CERNLIB_IBMMVS)) CHARACTER*3 CHLUN #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_X11) CHARACTER*80 CHWKTY(10) LOGICAL LOHOST #endif #if (!defined(CERNLIB_BATCH)) SAVE IFIRST DATA IFIRST /0/ #endif *.______________________________________ * #if (!defined(CERNLIB_BATCH)) IF(IFIRST.NE.0)THEN IWKTY = IDTY RETURN ELSE IFIRST = 1 ENDIF #endif #if (defined(CERNLIB_DI3000))&&(defined(CERNLIB_IBM)) CALL GOPARM(ARGLEN,ARGS) #endif * CALL IGDWK(IWKTY) CHMESS = 'Workstation type (?=HELP) =' LENC = LENOCC(CHMESS)+1 CALL IZITOC(IWKTY,CHMESS(LENC:)) * #if !defined(CERNLIB_BATCH) LENC = LENOCC(CHMESS) #endif #if (!defined(CERNLIB_IBM))&&(!defined(CERNLIB_AIX370))&&(!defined(CERNLIB_BATCH)) 10 PRINT 10002, CHMESS(1:LENC) #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_IBM)||defined(CERNLIB_AIX370) 10 WRITE (LUNOUT,'('' '',A,'' :'')') CHMESS(1:LENC) #endif #if !defined(CERNLIB_BATCH) CHREP = ' ' #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_CCREAD) CALL IXGETL(LCC,CHCC) CHREP = CHCC(1:LCC) #endif #if (!defined(CERNLIB_IBM))&&(!defined(CERNLIB_BATCH)) READ 10003, CHREP #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_IBM) READ (LUNIN,'(A)',END=20) CHREP #endif #if !defined(CERNLIB_BATCH) IF(CHREP.EQ.' ')RETURN IF(INDEX(CHREP,'?').NE.0)THEN PRINT 10000 #endif #if (defined(CERNLIB_DI3000))&&(defined(CERNLIB_VAX)) DO 100 I=1,9 WRITE(DRIVER,'(A2,Z1,A3)') 'YD',I,'DRV' IF (SS$_NORMAL.EQ.LIB$SYS_TRNLOG(DRIVER,ICHAR,STRING)) THEN IF (STRING(ICHAR-6:ICHAR-4).NE.'DRV') + PRINT 10001, I,STRING(ICHAR-6:ICHAR-4) ENDIF 100 CONTINUE #endif #if (defined(CERNLIB_DI3000))&&(defined(CERNLIB_IBM)) CALL TRE0EU(ARGS,ARGLEN) I = 1 J = 1 100 CONTINUE INDX = INDEX(ARGS(J:),'DRV') IF (INDX.NE.0) THEN PRINT 10001, I,ARGS(J+INDX+2:J+INDX+4) I = I+1 J = J+INDX GOTO 100 ELSE PRINT 10001, I,'DI3000 driver menu' ENDIF 200 CONTINUE #endif #if !defined(CERNLIB_BATCH) GOTO 10 ENDIF #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_X11) IP = INDEX(CHREP,'.') LOHOST = .FALSE. IF(IP.NE.0)THEN LOHOST = .TRUE. IF(IP+1.GT.LENOCC(CHREP))THEN FX11 = ' ' ELSE FX11 = CHREP(IP+1:LENOCC(CHREP)) ENDIF CHREP(IP:) = ' ' ENDIF IF(CHREP(1:1).EQ.'M'.OR.CHREP(1:1).EQ.'m')THEN CALL IXSETHN(LENOCC(FX11),FX11(1:LENOCC(FX11))) IWKTY = 999 RETURN ENDIF #endif #if !defined(CERNLIB_BATCH) CALL IZCTOI(CHREP,IWK) IF(IQUEST(1).NE.0)THEN PRINT*, ' Invalid workstation type' GOTO 10 ENDIF IWKTY = IWK #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_X11) IF(LOHOST)THEN CALL IKFILE(IWK) OPEN(UNIT=LUNWIN,FILE=FILEN,FORM='FORMATTED' +, STATUS='OLD',IOSTAT=ISTA) DO 30 I=1,10 READ(LUNWIN,'(A)')CHWKTY(I) 30 CONTINUE CLOSE(LUNWIN,STATUS='DELETE') #endif #if (defined(CERNLIB_X11))&&(defined(CERNLIB_IBM))&&(!defined(CERNLIB_IBMMVS)) WRITE(CHLUN,'(I3)')LUNWIN FILEN='FILEDEF '//CHLUN//' CLEAR' CALL VMCMS(FILEN,ISTAT) FILEN = '/HIGZWIN DATA A' #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_X11) OPEN(UNIT=LUNWIN,FILE=FILEN,FORM='FORMATTED' +, STATUS='NEW',IOSTAT=ISTA) DO 40 I=1,10 IF(I.EQ.IWK)CHWKTY(I)(22:)=FX11 WRITE(LUNWIN,'(A)')CHWKTY(I)(1:LENOCC(CHWKTY(I))) 40 CONTINUE CLOSE(LUNWIN) #endif #if (defined(CERNLIB_X11))&&(defined(CERNLIB_IBM))&&(!defined(CERNLIB_IBMMVS)) WRITE(CHLUN,'(I3)')LUNWIN FILEN = 'FILEDEF '//CHLUN//' CLEAR' CALL VMCMS(FILEN,ISTAT) FILEN = '/HIGZWIN DATA A' #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_X11) ENDIF #endif #if !defined(CERNLIB_BATCH) RETURN #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_IBM) * 20 REWIND(LUNIN) #endif #if !defined(CERNLIB_BATCH) * 10000 FORMAT(' ',/,' List of valid workstation types:',/, #endif #if (!defined(CERNLIB_DI3000))&&(!defined(CERNLIB_BATCH)) +' 0: Alphanumeric terminal',/, #endif #if (defined(CERNLIB_GKSGRAL))&&(defined(CERNLIB_NEWLIB)) +' 4714: X-Terminal'/ +' 4725: Workstation/X-Terminal (2 Terminal Mode)'/ +' 5003: IBM Graphics Terminal (e.g. 3192 G)',/, +' 7878: Falco Infinity Terminal',/, +' 470352: Atari-Workstation via 7171',/, +' 471352: Atari-Workstation via 7171 (full window)',/, +' 470353: Atari-Workstation via Terminal Server',/, +' 471353: Atari-Workstation via Terminal Server(full window)',/, +' 5005: Macintosh IBM Emulator',/, +' 5010: IBM 3820 Laserprinter LI1 (portrait-format)',/, +' 5020: IBM 3820 Laserprinter LI1 (landscape-format)',/, +' 5011: IBM Matrix-Printer PRINTER2',/, +' 13001: QMS Laserprinter L1 (portrait-Format)',/, +' 13002: QMS Laserprinter L1 (landscape-format)',/, #endif #if (defined(CERNLIB_GKSGRAL))&&(!defined(CERNLIB_SUNGKS))&&(!defined(CERNLIB_ATCGKS))&&(!defined(CERNLIB_NEWLIB)) +' 101: Tektronix 4010, 4014',/,' 102: Tektronix 4012',/, +' 103: Tektronix 4014 with enhanced graphics option',/, +' 121: Tektronix 4107, 4207, Pericom MX2000',/, +' 122: Tektronix 4109',/,' 123: Tektronix 4111',/, +' 125: Tektronix 4113',/,' 127: Tektronix 4115, Pericom +MX8000',/,' 7800: MG600, MG200',/,' 7878: Falco, Pericom +Graph Pac (old Pericom)',/,' 1020: VT240',/,' 1030: VT340' +,/,' 8601-6: Vaxstation GPX',/,' 32120-9: X-Window',/, #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_DI3000) +' -1: Alphanumeric terminal',/, +' 0: DI3000 metafile', #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_DECGKS) +' 2: GKSM Output metafile',/, +' 7: CGM Output metafile',/, +' 13: VT240 color',/, +' 14: VT240 monochrome',/, +' 16: VT330 ',/, +' 17: VT340 color',/, +' 82: Tek 4107, 4207, Pericom MX2000',/, +' 41: Vaxstation',/, +' 211: Vaxstation running DECWindows',/, +' 38: LN03 Plus Laser Printer (Assign GKS$CONID)',/, +' 72: Tektronix 4014 Emulators',/, +' 61: Postscript Printers (Assign GKS$CONID)',/, #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_GK2000) +' 445: Vaxstation',/, +' 102: Tektronix 4014 Emulators',/, +' 105: Macintosh Tektronix 4014 Emulator',/, +' 191: Ramtek R25 4014 Emulator',/, +' 324: LN03 Plus Laser Printer',/, +' 601: Talaris Printers',/, +' 700: Postscript Printers',/, #endif #if (defined(CERNLIB_SUNGKS))&&(!defined(CERNLIB_ATCGKS)) +' 3: GKS Metafile Output (ASCII)',/, +' 4: SUN Workstation',/, +' 6: HP-GL Output',/, +' 7: PostScript Output',/, +' 8: CGM Output',/, +' 10: GKS Metafile Output (binary)',/, #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_ATCGKS) +' 15nn: QMS Lasergrafix (TALARIS) 8.5x11',/, +' for TALARIS: Use PRINT/NOFORM/PASSALL ',/, +' 19nn: POSTSCRIPT 8.5x11 Printer',/, +' 23nn: Tektronix 4105 Terminals',/, +' 2400: Tektronix 4014 Terminal',/, +' 2501: Tektronix 4010 Terminal',/, +' 2502: C-ITOH Terminals (201,414)',/, +' 2503: Retrographics VT640',/, +' 2506: GRAPHON 140, 230 Terminal',/, +' 25nn: other Tektronix 4010 Types',/, +' 2600: DEC VT125 Terminal',/, +' 2602: DEC VT240 Terminal',/, +' 2603: DEC VT330 Terminal',/, +' 2605: DEC VT340 Color Terminal',/, +' 3100: Tektronix 4107 Terminal',/, +' 3102: Tektronix 4205 Terminal',/, +' 3104: Tektronix 4208 Terminal',/, +' 315n: 4107-4208 (software segments)',/, +' 4300: VAXstation II (not in Version 3.2)',/, +' 5300: X-Windows',/, +' 5350: X-Windows with refresh',/, +' 63nn: IMAGEN 8.5x11 Printer',/, +' 66nn: Tektronix 4510 Color Rasterizer',/, +' 10100: Binary Output CG Metafile',/, +' 10110: Character Output CG Metafile',/, +' 10120: Clear Text Output CG Metafile',/, #endif #if (defined(CERNLIB_GL)||defined(CERNLIB_X11)||defined(CERNLIB_MACMPW))&&(!defined(CERNLIB_MSDOS)) +' 1-10: Describe in file higz_windows.dat',/, #endif #if (defined(CERNLIB_MSDOS))&&(defined(CERNLIB_NDP)) +' 4: 320x200, 4 colors'/ +' 5: 320x200, 4 colors'/ +' 6: 640x200, 2 colors'/ +' 13: 320x200, 16 colors'/ +' 14: 640x200, 16 colors'/ +' 15: 640x350, 2 colors'/ +' 16: 640x350, 16 colors'/ +' 17: 640x480, 2 colors'/ +' 18: 640x480, 16 colors'/ +' 19: 320x200,256 colors'/ + / +' SuperVGA: 800x600 16 colors:'// +' 41: Tseng chipset 98: Video Seven '/ +' 88: Paradise 100: Renaissance GRX '/ #endif #if (defined(CERNLIB_MSDOS))&&(!defined(CERNLIB_NDP)) +' >0: Graphics option is pre-selected by the'/, +' GO32 environment variable'/ #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_X11) +' n.host: Open the display on host (1 < n < 10)',/, #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_FALCO) +' 7878: FALCO terminal',/, +' 7879: xterm',/, #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_GKSBX) +' 8811: GKSBx-X11',/, #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_PHIGS) +' 8887: GPHIGS-X11',/,' 7176: GPHIGS-GL',/, +' 8384: GPHIGS-Starbase',/,' 8871: GPHIGS-Xgl',/, +' 7188: GPEX',/, #endif #if !defined(CERNLIB_BATCH) +' ') #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_DI3000) 10001 FORMAT(I8,': ',A) #endif #if (!defined(CERNLIB_IBM))&&(!defined(CERNLIB_AIX370))&&(!defined(CERNLIB_BATCH)) 10002 FORMAT(' ',A,' : ',$) #endif #if (!defined(CERNLIB_IBM))&&(!defined(CERNLIB_BATCH)) 10003 FORMAT(A) #endif END