* * $Id: igsrap.F,v 1996/02/14 13:10:38 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: igsrap.F,v $ * Revision 1996/02/14 13:10:38 mclareni * Higz * * #include "higz/pilot.h" *CMZ : 1.14/11 26/06/92 14.55.46 by O.Couet *-- Author : O.Couet 26/10/88 SUBROUTINE IGSRAP(R) *.===========> *. *. This routine allows to change the REDIT factor. *. *. _Input parameters: *. *. REAL R : New REDIT factor (If R.GE.0) *. *. _Output parameters: *. *. REAL R : Current REDIT factor (If R.LT.0) *. *..==========> (O.Couet) #if (defined(CERNLIB_KERNEL))&&(!defined(CERNLIB_BATCH)) #include "higz/hikern.inc" #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_MAIL) #include "higz/himail.inc" #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_MAIL) #include "higz/hiflag.inc" #endif #include "higz/hiatt.inc" *.______________________________________ * #if defined(CERNLIB_MAIL) * IF(MFLAG)THEN WRITE (CHMAIL,'(I3,E16.7)') 558,R CALL IMWRIT(1) IF(R.LT.0)READ (5,'(E16.7)') R CALL IMWRIT(5) RETURN ENDIF #endif * IF(R.LT.0)THEN R=REDIT RETURN ELSE REDIT=R IF(REDIT.EQ.1.)REDIT=0. ENDIF #if (defined(CERNLIB_KERNEL))&&(!defined(CERNLIB_BATCH)) * DO 10 I=1,INOPWK WKSC(I)=REDIT IF(WKSC(I).LE.0)WKSC(I)=1. WKSC(I)=WKSC(I)*WKMAX(I) #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_X11) CALL IKUWK(ILOPWK(I)) #endif #if (defined(CERNLIB_KERNEL))&&(!defined(CERNLIB_BATCH)) 10 CONTINUE #endif * END