* * $Id: igrap2.F,v 1.2 1997/11/24 15:29:51 couet Exp $ * * $Log: igrap2.F,v $ * Revision 1.2 1997/11/24 15:29:51 couet * - protection added against possible division by 0 * * Revision 1996/02/14 13:10:38 mclareni * Higz * * #include "higz/pilot.h" *CMZ : 1.13/03 30/09/91 14.46.39 by O.Couet *-- Author : SUBROUTINE IGRAP2(K,AZ,BZ,E2,X,Y,MAXIT) *.===========> *. *. Underlaying routine for IGHIST *. This subroutine finds a real zero of the continuous real *. function Y(X) in a given interval (A,B). See accompanying *. notes for details of the argument list and calling sequence *. *. Modified by - P. Ward Date - 24. 8.1973 *. *..==========> * SAVE A,B,J1,IT,YA,YTEST,Y1,X1,J3,J2,H *.______________________________________ * IF(K.GT.0) GOTO 30 * * Calculate Y(X) at X=AZ. * A=AZ B=BZ X=A J1=1 IT=1 10 K=J1 20 RETURN * * Test whether Y(X) is sufficiently small. * 30 IF(ABS(Y).GT.E2)GOTO 50 40 K=2 GOTO 20 50 GOTO(60,70,100,170),J1 * * Calculate Y(X) at X=BZ. * 60 YA=Y X=B J1=2 GOTO 20 * * Test whether the signs of Y(AZ) and Y(BZ) are different. * if not, begin the binary subdivision. * 70 IF(YA*Y.LT.0.)GOTO 120 X1=A Y1=YA J1=3 H=B-A J2=1 80 X2=A+0.5*H J3=1 * * Check whether (MAXIT) function values have been calculated. * 90 IT=IT+1 IF(IT.GE.MAXIT)GOTO 10 X=X2 GOTO 20 * * Test whether a bracket has been found . * If not,continue the search * 100 IF(YA*Y.LT.0.)GOTO 120 IF(J3.GE.J2)GOTO 110 A=X YA=Y X2=X+H J3=J3+1 GOTO 90 110 A=X1 YA=Y1 H=0.5*H J2=2.*J2 GOTO 80 * * The first bracket has been found.calculate the next X by the * secant method based on the bracket. * 120 B=X YB=Y J1=4 130 IF(ABS(YA).LE.ABS(YB))GOTO 140 X1=A Y1=YA X=B Y=YB GOTO 150 140 X1=B Y1=YB X=A Y=YA * * Use the secant method based on the function values Y1 and Y. * check that X2 is inside the interval (A,B). * 150 IF (Y.EQ.Y1) GOTO 160 X2=X-Y*(X-X1)/(Y-Y1) X1=X Y1=Y YTEST=0.5*MIN(ABS(YA),ABS(YB)) IF((X2-A)*(X2-B).LT.0.)GOTO 90 * * Calculate the next value of X by bisection . Check whether * the maximum accuracy has been achieved. * 160 X2=0.5*(A+B) YTEST=0. IF((X2-A)*(X2-B))90,40,40 * * Revise the bracket (A,B). * 170 IF(YA*Y.GE.0.)GOTO 180 B=X YB=Y GOTO 190 180 A=X YA=Y * * Use YTEST to decide the method for the next value of X. * 190 IF(YTEST.LE.0.)GOTO 130 IF(ABS(Y)-YTEST)150,150,160 * END