* * $Id: igrap1.F,v 1996/02/14 13:10:38 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: igrap1.F,v $ * Revision 1996/02/14 13:10:38 mclareni * Higz * * #include "higz/pilot.h" *CMZ : 1.21/08 21/07/94 12.19.27 by O.Couet *-- Author : SUBROUTINE IGRAP1(X,Y,N,IITYP) *.===========> *. *. Underlaying routine for IGHIST Based on the CERN GD3 routine TVIPTE *. *. Author - Marlow etc. Modified by - P. Ward Date - 3.10.1973 *. *. This routine draws a smooth tangentially continuous curve through *. the sequence of data points P(I) I=1,N where P(I)=(X(I),Y(I)) *. the curve is approximated by a polygonal arc of short vectors . *. the data points can represent open curves, P(1).NE.P(N) or closed *. curves P(2).EQ.P(N) . If a tangential discontinuity at P(I) is *. required , then set P(I)=P(I+1) . loops are also allowed . *. *. Reference Marlow and Powell,Harwell report No.R.7092.1972 *. MCCONALOGUE,Computer Journal VOL.13,NO4,NOV1970PP392 6 *. *. _Input parameters: *. *. INTEGER N : Number of data points. *. REAL X(N) : Abscissa *. REAL Y(N) : Ordinate *. *. *. XDELT is the accuracy required in constructing the curve. *. if it is zero then the routine calculates a value other- *. wise it uses this value. (default is 0.0) *. *. JIPTE=0 No coordinate transformation *. =1 Transformation for graph in X direction *. =2 Transformation for graph in Y direction *. =3 Transformation for contour plotting (make square) *. KIPTE .LT. 0 Set JIPTE as GD3 routines wish *. .GE. 0 Set JIPTE=KIPTE (set by user) *. *. ITYP has different value according to CHOPT in IGHIST: *. *. CHOPT='S' ITYP=1 *. CHOPT='SA' ITYP=2 *. CHOPT='SA1' ITYP=3 *. CHOPT='RS' ITYP=11 *. CHOPT='RSA' ITYP=12 *. CHOPT='RSA1' ITYP=13 *. *..==========> #include "higz/hipaw.inc" #include "higz/hiatt.inc" DIMENSION X(N),Y(N) LOGICAL FLGIC,FLGIS,LOPTX EQUIVALENCE (LX,LSTACK(9)),(LY,LSTACK(10)) *.______________________________________ * NPMAX = N*10 N2 = NPMAX-2 IBKSIZ = N2 CALL MZNEED(IXHIGZ,2*NPMAX+25,'G') IF (IQUEST(11).LT.0) THEN CALL IGERR('IGRAP1','Not enough space in memory') RETURN ENDIF IF(LX.NE.0)CALL MZDROP(IXHIGZ,LX,' ') IF(LY.NE.0)CALL MZDROP(IXHIGZ,LY,' ') CALL MZBOOK(IXHIGZ,LX,LX,1,'TMPX',0,0,NPMAX,3,0) CALL MZBOOK(IXHIGZ,LY,LY,1,'TMPY',0,0,NPMAX,3,0) * * Decode the type of curve according to * CHOPT of IGHIST. * ('S', 'SA', 'SA1' ,'XS', 'XSA', or 'XSA1') * ITYP = IITYP IF(ITYP.GE.1000)ITYP=ITYP-1000 LOPTX = .FALSE. JTYP = ITYP-10 IF(JTYP.GT.0)THEN KTYP = JTYP LOPTX = .TRUE. ELSE KTYP = ITYP ENDIF IF(KTYP.EQ.3)THEN XORG = RWXMIN YORG = RWYMIN ELSE XORG = MAX(0.,RWXMIN) YORG = MAX(0.,RWYMIN) ENDIF * MAXIT = 20 DELT = 0.00055 * * Scale data to the range 0-RATSIG in X, 0-1 in Y * where RATSIG is the ratio between the number of changes * of sign in Y divided by the number of changes of sign in X * SXMIN = X(1) SXMAX = X(1) SYMIN = Y(1) SYMAX = Y(1) SIX = 1. SIY = 1. DO 10 I=2,N IF(I.GT.2)THEN IF((X(I)-X(I-1))*(X(I-1)-X(I-2)).LT.0.)SIX=SIX+1. IF((Y(I)-Y(I-1))*(Y(I-1)-Y(I-2)).LT.0.)SIY=SIY+1. ENDIF IF(X(I).LT.SXMIN)SXMIN=X(I) IF(X(I).GT.SXMAX)SXMAX=X(I) IF(Y(I).LT.SYMIN)SYMIN=Y(I) IF(Y(I).GT.SYMAX)SYMAX=Y(I) 10 CONTINUE ICLOSE = 0 DX1N = ABS(X(N)-X(1)) DY1N = ABS(Y(N)-Y(1)) CLO = 0.01 IF(DX1N.LT.CLO*(SXMAX-SXMIN).AND.DY1N.LT.CLO*(SYMAX-SYMIN)) + ICLOSE = 1 IF(SXMIN.EQ.SXMAX)THEN XRAT = 1. ELSE IF(SIX.GT.1.)THEN RATSIG = SIY/SIX ELSE RATSIG = 20. ENDIF XRAT = RATSIG/(SXMAX-SXMIN) ENDIF IF(SYMIN.EQ.SYMAX)THEN YRAT = 1. ELSE YRAT = 1./(SYMAX-SYMIN) ENDIF * Q(LX+1) = X(1) Q(LY+1) = Y(1) DO 20 I=1,N X(I) = (X(I)-SXMIN)*XRAT Y(I) = (Y(I)-SYMIN)*YRAT 20 CONTINUE * * IFIN is minus one if we must draw a straight line from P(K-1) * to P(K). IFIN is one if the last call to IPL has .LT. N2 * points. IFIN is zero otherwise. NPT counts the X and Y * coordinates in work . When NPT=N2 a call to IPL is made. * IFIN = 0 NPT = 1 K = 1 * * Convert coordinates back to original system * * * Separate the set of data points into arcs P(K-1),P(K). * Calculate the direction cosines. first consider whether * there is a continuous tangent at the endpoints. * IF(ICLOSE.NE.0)GO TO 30 IF(X(1).NE.X(N).OR.Y(1).NE.Y(N))GOTO 40 IF(X(N-1).EQ.X(N).AND.Y(N-1).EQ.Y(N))GOTO 40 IF(X(1).EQ.X(2).AND.Y(1).EQ.Y(2))GOTO 40 30 FLGIC = .FALSE. FLGIS = .TRUE. * * FLGIC is true if the curve is open and false if it is closed. * FLGIS is true in the main loop, but is false if there is * a deviation from the main loop. * KM=N-1 * * Calculate direction cosines at P(1) using P(N-1),P(1),P(2). * GOTO 100 40 FLGIC = .TRUE. FLGIS = .FALSE. * * Skip excessive consecutive equal points. * 50 IF(K.GE.N)GOTO 380 K=K+1 IF(X(K).EQ.X(K-1).AND.Y(K).EQ.Y(K-1))GOTO 50 60 KM=K-1 IF(K-N)90,70,380 70 IF(FLGIC)GOTO 80 * * Calculate direction cosines at P(n) using P(N-1),P(N),P(2). * KP=2 GOTO 130 80 IF(FLGIS)GOTO 150 * * Draw a straight line from P(K-1) to P(K). * IFIN=-1 GOTO 170 * * Test whether P(K) is a cusp. * 90 IF(X(K).EQ.X(K+1).AND.Y(K).EQ.Y(K+1))GOTO 80 100 KP=K+1 GOTO 130 * * Branch if the next section of the curve begins at a cusp. * 110 IF(.NOT.FLGIS)GOTO 50 * * Carry forward the direction cosines from the previous arc. * 120 CO=CT SO=ST K=K+1 GOTO 60 * * Calculate the direction cosines at P(K). If K=1 then * N-1 is used for K-1. If K=N then 2 is used for K+1. * direction cosines at P(K) obtained from P(K-1),P(K),P(K+1). * 130 DX1 = X(K)-X(KM) DY1 = Y(K)-Y(KM) DK1 = DX1**2+DY1**2 DX2 = X(KP)-X(K) DY2 = Y(KP)-Y(K) DK2 = DX2**2+DY2**2 CTU = DX1*DK2+DX2*DK1 STU = DY1*DK2+DY2*DK1 XNT = CTU**2+STU**2 IF(XNT.GT.1.E-25)GOTO 140 * * If both ctu and stu are zero,then default.This can * occur when P(K)=P(K+1). I.E. A loop. * CTU = DY1 STU =-DX1 XNT = DK1 * * Normalise direction cosines. * 140 CT = CTU/SQRT(XNT) ST = STU/SQRT(XNT) IF(FLGIS)GOTO 160 * * Direction cosines at P(K-1) obtained from P(K-1),P(K),P(K+1). * W3 = 2.*(DX1*DY2-DX2*DY1) CO = CTU+W3*DY1 SO = STU-W3*DX1 XNT = 1./SQRT(CO**2+SO**2) CO = CO*XNT SO = SO*XNT FLGIS = .TRUE. GOTO 170 * * Direction cosines at P(K) obtained from P(K-2),P(K-1),P(K). * 150 W3 = 2.*(DX1*DY2-DX2*DY1) CT = CTU-W3*DY2 ST = STU+W3*DX2 XNT = 1./SQRT(CT**2+ST**2) CT = CT*XNT ST = ST*XNT FLGIS = .FALSE. GOTO 170 160 IF(K.LE.1)GOTO 120 * * For the arc between P(K-1) and P(K) with direction cosines CO, * SO and CT,ST respectively, calculate the coefficients of the * parametric cubic represented by X(T) and Y(T) where * X(T)=XA*T**3 + XB*T**2 + CO*T + XO * Y(T)=YA*T**3 + YB*T**2 + SO*T + YO * 170 XO = X(K-1) YO = Y(K-1) DX = X(K)-XO DY = Y(K)-YO * * Initialise the values of X(TI),Y(TI) in XT and YT respectively. * XT = XO YT = YO IF(IFIN.LT.0)GOTO 350 C = DX**2+DY**2 A = CO+CT B = SO+ST R = DX*A+DY*B T = C*6./(SQRT(R**2+2.*(7.-CO*CT-SO*ST)*C)+R) XA = (A*T-2.*DX)/T**3 XB = (3.*DX-(CO+A)*T)/T**2 YA = (B*T-2.*DY)/T**3 YB = (3.*DY-(SO+B)*T)/T**2 * * If the curve is close to a straight line then use a straight * line between (XO,YO) and (XT,YT). * IF(.75*MAX(ABS(DX*SO-DY*CO),ABS(DX*ST-DY*CT)).LE.DELT)GOTO 340 * * Calculate a set of values 0.EQ.T(0).LTCT(1).LT. ... .LT.T(M)=TC * such that polygonal arc joining X(T(J)),Y(T(J)) (J=0,1,..M) * is within the required accuracy of the curve * TJ = 0. U1 = YA*XB-YB*XA U2 = YB*CO-XB*SO U3 = SO*XA-YA*CO * * Given T(J), calculate T(J+1). The values of X(T(J)), * Y(T(J)) T(J) are contained in XT,YT and TJ respectively. * 180 S = T-TJ IW = -2 * * Define IW here later. * P1 = (2.*U1)*TJ-U3 P2 = (U1*TJ-U3)*3.*TJ+U2 P3 = 3.*TJ*YA+YB P4 = (P3+YB)*TJ+SO P5 = 3.*TJ*XA+XB P6 = (P5+XB)*TJ+CO * * Test D(TJ,THETA). A is set to (Y(TJ+S)-Y(TJ))/S.B is * set to (X(TJ+S)-X(TJ))/S. * CC = 0.8209285 ERR = 0.1209835 190 IW = IW-2 200 A = (S*YA+P3)*S+P4 B = (S*XA+P5)*S+P6 * * Set Z to PSI(D/DELTA)-CC. * W1 = -S*(S*U1+P1) W2 = S**2*U1-P2 W3 = 1.5*W1+W2 * * Set the estimate of (THETA-TJ)/S.Then set the numerator * of the expression (EQUATION 4.4)/S. Then set the square * of D(TJ,TJ+S)/DELT. Then replace Z by PSI(D/DELT)-CC. * STH = 0.5+SIGN(W1,W3)/(3.4*ABS(W1)+5.2*ABS(W3)) Z = S*STH*(S-S*STH)*(W1*STH+W1+W2) Z = Z**2/((A**2+B**2)*(DELT**2)) Z = (Z+2.642937)*Z/((.3715652*Z+3.063444)*Z+.2441889)-CC * * Branch if Z has been calculated * IF(IW.GT.0)GOTO 250 IF(Z.GT.ERR)GOTO 240 GOTO 220 210 IW=IW-2 220 IF(IW+2)230,190,290 * * Last part of arc. * 230 XT = X(K) YT = Y(K) S = 0. GOTO 300 * * Z(S). find a value of S where 0.LE.S.LE.SB such that * ABS(Z(S)).LT.ERR * 240 KP=0 C=Z SB=S 250 CALL IGRAP2(KP,0.,SB,ERR,S,Z,MAXIT) IF(KP-2)260,210,370 260 IF(IW)270,280,200 * * Set Z=Z(S) for S=0. * 270 Z=-CC IW=0 GOTO 250 * * Set Z=Z(S) for S=SB. * 280 Z=C IW=1 GOTO 250 * * Update TJ,XT and YT. * 290 XT=XT+S*B YT=YT+S*A TJ=S+TJ 300 NPT=NPT+1 * * Convert coordinates to original system * Q(LX+NPT)=SXMIN+XT/XRAT Q(LY+NPT)=SYMIN+YT/YRAT * * If a fill area must be drawn and if the banks LX and * LY are too small they are enlarged in order to draw * the filled area in one go. * IF(NPT.LT.IBKSIZ)THEN GOTO 320 ELSE IF(IITYP.GE.1000)THEN CALL MZPUSH(IXHIGZ,LX,0,N2,' ') CALL MZPUSH(IXHIGZ,LY,0,N2,' ') IBKSIZ = IBKSIZ+N2 GOTO 320 ELSE IF(KTYP.GT.1)THEN CALL MZPUSH(IXHIGZ,LX,0,N2,' ') CALL MZPUSH(IXHIGZ,LY,0,N2,' ') IBKSIZ = IBKSIZ+N2 GOTO 320 ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF * * Draw the graph * 310 CONTINUE IF(IITYP.GE.1000)THEN CALL IFA(NPT,Q(LX+1),Q(LY+1)) IF(IBORD.NE.0)CALL IPL(NPT,Q(LX+1),Q(LY+1)) ELSE IF(KTYP.GT.1)THEN IF(.NOT.LOPTX)THEN Q(LX+NPT+1)=Q(LX+NPT) Q(LX+NPT+2)=Q(LX+1) Q(LY+NPT+1)=YORG Q(LY+NPT+2)=YORG ELSE Q(LX+NPT+1)=XORG Q(LX+NPT+2)=XORG Q(LY+NPT+1)=Q(LY+NPT) Q(LY+NPT+2)=Q(LY+1) ENDIF CALL IFA(NPT+2,Q(LX+1),Q(LY+1)) ENDIF CALL IPL(NPT,Q(LX+1),Q(LY+1)) ENDIF NPT=1 Q(LX+NPT)=SXMIN+XT/XRAT Q(LY+NPT)=SYMIN+YT/YRAT 320 IF(IFIN)360,330,390 330 IF(S)110,110,180 * * Draw a straight line between (XO,YO) and (XT,YT) * 340 IFIN=-1 350 XT=XT+DX YT=YT+DY GOTO 300 360 IFIN=0 GOTO 110 370 CALL IGERR('Attempt to plot outside plot limits' +,'IGRAPH') GOTO 230 * * Prepare to clear out remaining short vectors before returning * 380 IFIN=1 IF(NPT.GT.1)GOTO 310 * * Convert coordinates back to original system * 390 DO 400 I=1,N X(I)=SXMIN+X(I)/XRAT Y(I)=SYMIN+Y(I)/YRAT 400 CONTINUE * CALL MZDROP(IXHIGZ,LX,' ') CALL MZDROP(IXHIGZ,LY,' ') LX = 0 LY = 0 * END