* * $Id: ifscur.F,v 1.2 1996/03/07 17:38:18 couet Exp $ * * $Log: ifscur.F,v $ * Revision 1.2 1996/03/07 17:38:18 couet * IFALCO selection was wrong * * Revision 1996/02/14 13:10:31 mclareni * Higz * * #include "higz/pilot.h" *CMZ : 1.20/09 21/01/94 09.41.48 by O.Couet *-- Author : John Clement 18/01/94 SUBROUTINE IFSCUR(ICHR,XLOC,YLOC) #include "higz/hifc2.inc" CHARACTER*16 STR ICHR=0 * Setup to find end of input STR=' ' * Put into GIN mode CALL IFPUT(27) CALL IFPUT(26) CALL IFPUT(-1) ISIZ=0 * Read the GIN string (Echoing is suppressed) READ(*,'(A)',END=99,ERR=99) STR 10 CONTINUE * IF pressed (Note it will be echoed now) IF (STR.EQ.' ') THEN READ(*,'(A)',END=99,ERR=99) STR(2:) 20 CONTINUE ENDIF * Find end of input ISIZ=INDEX(STR(2:),' ') IF (ISIZ.NE.5) RETURN * Now get workstation Viewport coordinates. XLOC=128*(32*MOD(ICHAR(STR(2:2)),32)+MOD(ICHAR(STR(3:3)),32)) YLOC=128*(32*MOD(ICHAR(STR(4:4)),32)+MOD(ICHAR(STR(5:5)),32)) * Now get Workstation window coordinates. XLOC=(XLOC-IXMIN)/FX+XMIN YLOC=(YLOC-IYMIN)/FY+YMIN ICHR=ICHAR(STR(1:1)) 99 CALL IFPUT(0) END