* * $Id: irqst.F,v 1996/02/14 13:10:29 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: irqst.F,v $ * Revision 1996/02/14 13:10:29 mclareni * Higz * * #if defined(CERNLIB_DI3000) #include "higz/pilot.h" *CMZ : 1.10/00 15/01/90 09.38.41 by O.Couet *-- Author : SUBROUTINE IRQST(WKID,STDNR,STATUS,L,STR) *.===========> *. *. Purpose: *. -------- *. Request and return input from a STRING input device. *. *. DI-3000 access: *. --------------- *. CALL JKEYBS (DEVICE, PHYDEV, ECHOLV, MAXCHR, STRING, ACTUAL) *. *. Parameters: *. ----------- *. DEVICE *. - Currently selected display device *. *. PHYDEV *. - Integer defining the physical input device on DEVICE that is to be *. used for obtaining KEYBOARD input *. *. ECHOLV *. - Echo level for echoing KEYBOARD input (=0 No echo, =1 KEYBOARD string *. is displayed, =2 KEYBOARD string is output onto a display DEVICE *. other than the display device of DEVICE *. *. MAXCHR *. - Maximum number of characters that will fit into the text array *. STRING, must be passed from the calling program, max=254 *. *. STRING *. - The character string returned by the KEYBOARD input function *. *. ACTUAL *. - The actual number of characters read in by the KEYBOARD input *. function *. *. *..==========> (O.Couet, H.Johnstad, L.Roberts) #if defined(CERNLIB_MAIL) #include "higz/himail.inc" #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_MAIL) #include "higz/hiflag.inc" #endif INTEGER WKID,STATUS,L CHARACTER*(*) STR INTEGER DEVICE, PHYDEV, ECHOLV, MAXCHR, ACTUAL, INPFCT CHARACTER *254 STRING INTEGER NKEYBD *.______________________________________ * #if defined(CERNLIB_MAIL) * * MAIL option * IF(MFLAG)THEN WRITE (CHMAIL,'(3I3)') 556,IWKID,ISTD CALL IMWRIT(1) READ (5,'(2I5,A)') ISTAT,L,STR CALL IMWRIT(5) RETURN ENDIF #endif * CALL IGSG(0) C C ***** Enable KEYBOARD device C DEVICE = ABS(WKID) CALL JIQDEV(DEVICE,45,NKEYBD) IF (NKEYBD.NE.0) THEN INPFCT = 4 PHYDEV = 1 ECHOLV = 0 MAXCHR = 254 CALL JIENAB(DEVICE,INPFCT,PHYDEV) C ***** Get STRING from device STRING = ' ' CALL JKEYBS (DEVICE, PHYDEV, ECHOLV, MAXCHR, STRING, ACTUAL) L = ACTUAL STR = STRING STATUS = 1 ENDIF * END #endif