* * $Id: install,v 1996/02/14 13:10:19 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: install,v $ * Revision 1996/02/14 13:10:19 mclareni * Higz * * #include "sys/CERNLIB_machine.h" #include "_higz/pilot.h" *CMZ : 2.07/06 11/07/95 17.46.47 by O.Couet *-- Author : O.Couet 04/10/91 Macro INSTALL 1=X 2=ftn 3=X 4=X * If [1]='?' Then Exec help Goto END Endif File hbook Pilot *hbook Rel hbook * * Set the FORTRAN extension * Case $MACHINE In (APOLLO) Alias/Create ext ftn (IBM) Alias/Create ext fortran (VAX) Alias/Create ext for (*) Alias/Create ext f Endcase * * LIBRARY Library name * CODEDIR Source code directory * LIBRARY = $Lower([1]) CODEDIR = $Lower([2]) * * Install the examples * If [CODEDIR]='example' Then Select $MACHINE Set [LIBRARY]/*.kumac -D Ctot -Y //paw/paxmac/* Set [LIBRARY]/*.ext -D Ctot //paw/paxfor/* Set [LIBRARY]/*.dat -D Ctot //paw/paxdat/* Goto END Endif * D = FALSE M = FALSE Do I = 3,[#] Case $Upper([%I]) In (DEBUG) D = TRUE (MOTIF) M = TRUE Endcase Enddo * Mess ' ' Mess Installation of PAWLIB on $MACHINE _ starting at $DATE $TIME . Mess ' ' * Set [CODEDIR]/paw.sh -XADCL * * Set up the library name * If [LIBRARY] = 'x' Then Set [CODEDIR]/$cmzfile.a -L Else Set [LIBRARY] -L Endif * If [D] = TRUE Then Case $MACHINE In (APOLLO) D=' -dba' (HPUX,SGI,SUN,DECS,IBMRT) D=' -g' (VAX) D='/NOOP/DEB' Endcase Else D=' ' Endif * If [M] = TRUE Then Sel MOTIF Endif * * Set up the FORTRAN compiling options * Set FORTRAN -LAN Set [CODEDIR]/*.ext -F Case $MACHINE In (APOLLO) Set '/com/ftn $compfile//[D]//' -indexl -save' -C (HPUX) Set 'f77 -c'//[D]//' +ppu $compfile' -C (SUN) Set 'f77 -c'//[D]//' -O $compfile' -C (IBMRT) Set 'xlf -c'//[D]//' -qextname $compfile' -C (SGI,DECS) Set 'f77 -c'//[D]//' $compfile G 3' -C (VAX) Set 'FOR'//[D]//' $compfile' -C Endcase * * Select the options * Select $MACHINE * Pilot *PAW * * CMZ, FORTRAN, Library ... * Set seq Cfl -P * * Motif Part * If [M] = FALSE Goto END Set C -LAN Set [CODEDIR]/*.c -F * if $MACHINE = HPUX Then OPTC = ' -z -DSYSV -Aa -D_HPUX_SOURCE' X11H = ' -I/usr/include/X11R4' XMH = ' -I/usr/include/Motif1.1' Set 'cc -c'//[D]//[OPTC]//[X11H]//[XMH]//' $compfile' -C Endif if $MACHINE = IBMRT Then Set 'cc -c'//[D]//' $compfile' -C Endif * Pilot *PAW Set Cfl -P * END: Return