* * $Id: v1_21,v 1996/02/14 13:10:19 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: v1_21,v $ * Revision 1996/02/14 13:10:19 mclareni * Higz * * *CMZ : 1.21/12 25/10/94 13.47.25 by O.Couet *-- Author : O.Couet 30/03/94 * *::> VERSION 1.21/12 25/10/94 13.47.24 * * Bug fixed in IPIOUT: the I7 format was too small. It is now I15. * *::> VERSION 1.21/11 21/10/94 12.01.27 * * Improvement in IGAXIS in case of integer labelling. The optimization * provide by IGAXI0 is better than the one provide by IGAXI4. When * integer labelling is required, IGAXI0 is invoke first and only * if the result is not an integer labelling, IGAXI4 is invoked. * *::> VERSION 1.21/10 17/10/94 15.08.15 * * VIDQQ is now removed from IGINIT because it is now in igvers. * Mods IGAXIS to have a better drawing of label like 10^xxx: Now we * take into account the length of the exponant to avoid * overlapping text. (improvement suggested by Mike Kelsey). * New option HWCO in IGQWK to return the number of hardware colours * available. * *::> VERSION 1.21/09 27/09/94 17.41.14 * * In IGPICK, TA_IND was not declared as an INTEGER. It is now * replaced by ITAIND. * Mods in X11INT: VAX machines was asumed to be X11R3 now * they are consider as X11R4 (at least) machines. APOLLO machines * are still consider as X11R3 machines. * Bug fixed in IACWK (X11 version). The line width set was not the * same as the one set by ISLWSC. * Bug fixed in ICLKS. This routine close all the workstations still * open. It was looping on ILOPWK but this list was changed by * ICLWK, so ICLKS tried to close a non opened workstation. Now * ILOPWK is copied in an intermediate array. * Mods in IRQST/GPR. A small editor is now available. * (Robert Franchisseur robert@ramses.ibp.fr) * New C routine igvers to return the current HIGZ version. It is * used by the PAW command BUGREPORT * Precision problem in LOG scale has been solved (hopefully) in * IGAXIS. (XMNLOG-IH1).GT.EPSIL is now (XMNLOG-IH1).GT.0.. This * problem has been reflected in the pawdemo file. * Protection added in ISTXAL (IKERNEL): ixsetta was called even * with GFLAG=.FALSE. * New option 'X' in IGZSET to turn OFF the 'Z' mode without changing * the 'G' mode (used in HPLOPT). * New set of pattern in the X11 driver. * The Fill Pattern from 1 to 25 are now available also on PS files. * be careful with GhostView because to many filled areas with * such patterns can block this program. * Speed optimization in the PS file writing (a factor 3.6). A fast * writting routine has been introduced (IPPSTF entry point of * IPPSTR). In IPIOUT some code of IPPSTR is now inlined. IPDRAW * call has been replaced by two IPIOUT calls. The speed up gained * is the following (a 100x100 scatter plot): * Real time 00:01:08 (Old version) * Real time 00:00:34 (new IPIOUT) * Real time 00:00:22 (IPPSTF and inline in IPIOUT) * Real time 00:00:19 (suppress IPDRAW in IZPM) * *::> VERSION 1.21/08 22/07/94 15.22.13 * * New routine IXWARP in x11int to move the pointer at a given * position (Adeyemi Adesanya). * New routine IZPAVE to store IGPAVE as a macro primitive. It implies * also mods in IZDNB and IGPICK. * Mods in IGRAP1 (push the LX and LY banks) in order to draw * filled area in one go. * Changes in IGPICK to pick text (Yemi) * A blank was missing in IPFON (DECS only) * *::> VERSION 1.21/07 30/06/94 14.56.15 * * Protection added in IKFILE (ERR=999 in the last READ). * New routine IXQPTR in x11int to query the current pointer * position (Adeyemi Adesanya). * Mods in IGTAB5 to return in QUEST the axis positions (useful * for HPLOT to draw the axis titles). * *::> VERSION 1.21/06 27/06/94 18.21.00 * * Mods in IZFILE to take into account the new option 'N' of RZMAKE. * Mods in IGTABL and IGTAB2 in order to close the surface plots * when the options POL, CYL, SPH or PSD are used. * Bug fixed in ixreqlo (x11int) when a button was pressed, the * cursor was undefined but not set to NULL (now it is). * *::> VERSION 1.21/05 17/06/94 17.41.08 * * Bug fixed in IXCLSDS (X11INT): isdisp was not reset. * (Thierry MOUTHUY, ). * New options 'E' and 'C' in IGZSET. * New options 'FB' and 'BB' in IGTABL. * *::> VERSION 1.21/04 10/06/94 15.05.39 * * New option 'K' in IGHIST (histogram are pacKed like in HBOOK). * Fix in X11INT/ixreqst: in some cases, the '?' cursor was not * set correctly. * Protection added in IZPM and IGAXIS: when IGTEXT is called with * option 'S', the ANGLE parameter should be initialize to 0. * Optimization in IGAXIS to avoid identical labels on the same * axis (IF1 and IF2 too small), and to avoid x10^0. * In the sequence HIATT, all the variables are now declared. * *::> VERSION 1.21/03 06/06/94 13.34.58 * * New version of IZPM (PS driver) to have shorter files. * Mods in IKFNTX to have a better maping between X11 and PS fonts. * Interface to GKSBx (CMZ flag: GKSBX). * Mods in IGKS and IDI3000 to use the C management of the NTs. * The cursor is reset after a request locator in sample mode (X11). * Mods is IPTEXT: the "stwn" value is now printed in I6. * Bug fixed in IGSA (FALCO version): it was a side effect of the * last mod apply for GPR (bug reported by Andrea Parri). * *::> VERSION 1.21/02 19/05/94 10.09.37 * * Bug fixed in IGAXIS (precision problem on IBM/VM). This was a side * effect of the fix made in the version 1.20/05 for the X00 and * XONE comparison. Now the variable XMNSAV is not used, only XMNLOG * is used. * Bug fixed in IGSA (GPR version). GPR_RELEASE_DISPLAY was not * called if no workstation was opened. * Bug fixed in the PostScript driver: if EPS is selected and if the * BoundingBox is not yet in the file, the clipping cannot be set. * *::> VERSION 1.21/01 11/05/94 18.57.56 * * New option 'W' in IGPXMP (write a pixmap in a bitmap file). * Major changes in the PostScript driver: the clipping is now * managed in the PS file itself. * *::> VERSION 1.21/00 30/03/94 18.14.42 * * IGINIT: If GKSIBM is selected, METDEF = 3 * In IGSA (DECGKS), '\' is now BSLASH (AlphaVMS). *