* * $Id: v1_02,v 1996/02/14 13:10:20 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: v1_02,v $ * Revision 1996/02/14 13:10:20 mclareni * Higz * * *CMZ : 09/02/95 15.51.10 by O.Couet *-- Author : * *::> VERSION 1.02/00 880420 * * 27/03/87 New version of IZMERG the option 'D' is available * * 27/03/87 The routine IRQLC fills the COMMON /QUEST/ with the window * and viewport parameters. For more precision see the comments * at the beginning of the routine * * 30/03/87 New version of IGAXIS with beautiful ticks marks and labels * * 01/04/87 A new version of IZMERG * * 02/04/87 First implementation of IGRAPH * * 06/04/87 New format in the option SHOW in IGSET * * 07/04/87 Correction of IGARC in case of R1=R2 and PHIMIN=PHIMAX * * 13/04/87 Corrections for IBM/VM * * 13/04/87 New version of IGRAPH for Fill Area * * 13/04/87 New picture structure : Control bank. * * 16/04/87 The routine IGSA is implemented * * 21/04/87 New internal coding of the control bank * * 22/04/87 Polyline with two points and marker with one point are stored * in a compact way * * 23/04/87 Line type from 12 to 15 are available . They are independent from * the basic graphics package . For this line types the Basic Segment * Length may be sets with the routine IGSET * * 11/05/87 Implementation of the routines IGSG and IGSA for IBM * * 20/05/87 First version of IGPIE * * 27/05/87 Modifications for the GTS_GRAL version of GKS * * 27/05/87 The routine IGRNG is available. This routine maps the workstation * window onto the whole screen and select the normalization * transformation number 1 according to the XSIZ and YSIZ parameters * * 12/06/87 Mods in IGAXIS to solve rounding problems for log axis * * 17/06/87 New error routine IGERR * * 18/06/87 Bar charts implemented in IGRAPH (option "B") * * 26/06/87 Changes in routine IGMETA (variable IWTYPE was reset!) * * 30/06/87 Bug corrected in IZPICT when GFLAG=.FALSE. * * 02/07/87 Bug corrected when ZFLAG=.TRUE. and GFLAG=.FALSE. * * 16/07/87 Bars attributes in IGRAPH are now stored in the data structure. * * 29/07/87 RBOF,RBWD are returned in RQUEST(1) and RQUEST(2) after a call * to IGRAPH with option 'B' * * 06/08/87 Some bugs in IGRAPH are corrected * * 10/08/87 New version of IGRAPH with new options "L" and "M" * * 12/08/87 IZGRAP corrected according to the new version of IGRAPH * * 13/08/87 IGRAPH is now IGHIST (cf. doc) and IZGRAP is now IZHIST. * The old option "A" is now the option "F" for "Fill area" * * 13/08/87 The angle of IGARC are now in degrees * * 20/08/87 Changes in IGAXIS (temporary variable CHTEMP) * * 28/09/87 New version of IGAXIS: option I (Integer labeling). Correction * in IGSET : BARO can be .LT.0. * * 05/10/87 The routines IGSA and IGSG have the "Workstation Type" as input * parameter. * * 20/10/87 The routine IZRIOS is replaced by the routines IZIN, IZOUT, IZSCR * * 28/10/87 This file contains now the PATCH MENU and the PATCH GED * * 30/11/87 A priority system is available between the normalization * transformation. The last selected transformation by ISELNT * has the higher priority. In case of overlaping of the * transformations the transformations with the higher priority * is choosen by IRQLC . * * 04/01/88 Modifications to IGRAP1. Normalization in X and Y * * 04/03/88 Mods in the IZ routine (IZHIST) * * 30/03/88 Bug corrected in IPM * * 18/04/88 Changes in HICDES to run on CRAY * * 24/05/88 Mods in IGMETA *