* * $Id: dzdgen.F,v 1996/03/04 16:13:18 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: dzdgen.F,v $ * Revision 1996/03/04 16:13:18 mclareni * Dzdoc/Zebpack * * #include "dzdoc/pilot.h" SUBROUTINE DZDGEN ************************************************************************ *. * *...DZDGEN outputs the general information for a given bank identifier * *. * *. DZDGEN is a daughter routine of DZDOCO * *. It handles the first part (general information) for a given bank * *. by printing (SGML, Line Printer output) or creating the link * *. descriptor bank QBLK. * *. * *. BANKS L : QBLK * *. BANKS R : QBKD * *. CALLS : DZDLIN * *. CALLED : DZDOCO * *. COMMON : DZDOCC,DZDTAP,MZCN,MZLIFT * *. * *. AUTHOR : M. Goossens DD/US * *. VERSION : 2.03(36) / 27 Sep 1987 * *. * *. UPDATE : 21 Mar 1988 * *. BY : O.Schaile * *. Use link in link area (LBQBKD, LQBKD) for all references * *. Suppress printing at various places if B-option given * *.********************************************************************** C SAVE #include "dzdoc/bkwrp.inc" #include "dzdoc/tapes.inc" * From DZEBRA #include "zebra/zbcdk.inc" #include "dzdoc/linout.inc" *-- Link description bank MZLIFT vector *-- OTTO MBKBKD => 7 dim INTEGER MBKBKD(7) #include "dzdoc/dzdocobk.inc" *-- Text and order for general information PARAMETER (NNGENQ=14) CHARACTER COGEN(NNGENQ)*10,CIGEN(NNGENQ)*2 INTEGER IIGEN(NNGENQ),IOBGEN(NNGENQ) *-- Additional offset for *REP card on output PARAMETER (IREPQ=4) #include "dzdoc/docparq.inc" #include "dzdoc/bknuparq.inc" #include "zebra/bkfoparq.inc" #include "dzdoc/bkstparq.inc" #include "dzdoc/bktgparq.inc" #include "dzdoc/bktgdatq.inc" *-- Order and text for the various general information items DATA IIGEN /0,ITGNIQ,ITGAUQ,ITGVEQ,ITGSTQ,ITGDVQ,ITGNLQ, + ITGNSQ,ITGNDQ,ITGNXQ,ITGUPQ,ITGORQ,ITGIOQ,ITGNZQ/ DATA COGEN /' Bank IDH',' NumericId',' Author',' Version', + ' Store',' Division', + ' NL',' NS',' ND',' Next',' Up',' Origin', + ' IO-Charac',' NZERO' / DATA CIGEN /'.','NI','AU','VE','ST','DV', + 'NL','NS','ND','NX','UP','OR', + 'IO','NZ'/ DATA IOBGEN / MOIDHQ,0,0,0,0,0,MONLQ, + MONSQ,MONDQ,MONXQ,MOUPQ,MOORQ, + 0,0/ DATA MBKBKD/0,0,0,50,0,0,0/ , IFIRST/0/ 10 CONTINUE * ITAG = 0 IF (IFIRST.EQ.0) THEN *-- Initialization of the name constants *-- Get the bank NAME vector for the documenation banks *-- complete by describing its structure as counters at the *-- bank beginning and then self-describing sectors. CALL UCTOH ('QBLK',MBKBKD,4,4) CALL MZIOBK(MBKBKD,5,'6I -H') IFIRST = 1 ENDIF IF (IFLOPT(MPOSBQ).NE.0) THEN IQUEST(MOQUEQ) = 0 CALL MZLIFT(0,LBQBKD,LBQBKD,1,MBKBKD,0) * CALL UZERO(IQ,KQSP+LBQBKD+1,KQSP+LBQBKD+MBKBKD(4)) DO 20 I=KQSP+LBQBKD,KQSP+LBQBKD+MBKBKD(4)-1 20 IQ(I+1)=0 ENDIF *-- Loop over the front part of the bank to get the general info DO 50 IGEN = 1,NNGENQ II = NBHEAQ + 1 *-- Look through the general info to see whether something exists 30 IF (II-NBHEAQ.GT.IQ(KQSP+LQBKD+MBGENQ)) GO TO 50 *-- Integer self-describing sector? IF (MOD(IQ(KQSP+LQBKD+II),JFOSEQ).NE.IFOINQ)THEN *-- Not an integer self-describing sector --> skip II = II + IQ(KQSP+LQBKD+II)/JFOSEQ + 1 IF (II-NBHEAQ.GT.IQ(KQSP+LQBKD+MBGENQ)) THEN GO TO 50 ELSE GO TO 30 ENDIF ENDIF *-- Integer self-describing sector: look at info id. INTAG = IBITS(IQ(KQSP+LQBKD+II+1),ICHIDQ,NCHIDQ) IF (INTAG.NE.IIGEN(IGEN)) THEN *-- Not yet the id. needed --> continue II = II + IQ(KQSP+LQBKD+II)/JFOSEQ + 1 IF (II-NBHEAQ.GT.IQ(KQSP+LQBKD+MBGENQ)) THEN GO TO 50 ELSE GO TO 30 ENDIF ENDIF *---------- End of loop to locate general information tag (to label 10) *-- Tag found --> output information ITAG = IOTAGQ IF (IFLOPT(MPOSBQ).NE.0) THEN C- Skip information if not needed IF (IOBGEN(IGEN).EQ.0) GO TO 50 ELSE IF (IFLOPT(MPOSIQ).NE.0) THEN COUT = '*B.'//CIGEN(IGEN) IF(IGEN.EQ.1)ITAG=5 ELSE COUT = COGEN(IGEN) ENDIF ENDIF *-- Read information INSERT = II IF (INTAG.GT.0) THEN ITGTYP = IBKTAC(MBKAGQ,INTAG) ELSE *-- Protection for identifier info (INTAG = 0) ITGTYP = ITGUPQ ENDIF IPATAG = IBITS(IQ(KQSP+LQBKD+INSERT+MBPATQ),ICHTGQ,NCHTGQ) ICHOIC = IBITS(IQ(KQSP+LQBKD+INSERT+MBPATQ),ICHBTQ,1) NWTAG = 0 IF (ITGTYP.EQ.IBKAMQ) THEN *-- Number possible IF (IPATAG.EQ.0) THEN *-- Explicit number INUM1 = IQ(KQSP+LQBKD+INSERT+MBIX1Q) IF (INUM1.GE.0) THEN *-- Given as real number WRITE(COUT(ITAG:),'(I8)') INUM1 ELSEIF (INUM1.EQ.INUINQ) THEN *-- Indefinite (variable) number COUT(ITAG:) = 'variable' ELSEIF (INUM1.LE.-JFOSEQ) THEN *-- Numbers given as Hollerith text NWTAG = -INUM1/JFOSEQ ENDIF ELSE *-- Character tag NWTAG = IQ(KQSP+LQBKD+INSERT+MBIX1Q) INUM1 = -1 ENDIF *-- In case of link description bank IF (IFLOPT(MPOSBQ).NE.0) THEN *-- OTTO 19-MAR-88 if NL,NS,ND is given as name, mark it variable IF (IIGEN(IGEN) .EQ. ITGNLQ + .OR. IIGEN(IGEN) .EQ. ITGNSQ + .OR. IIGEN(IGEN) .EQ. ITGNDQ) THEN IQ(KQSP+LBQBKD+IOBGEN(IGEN)) = INUM1 GOTO 50 ENDIF ENDIF ELSEIF (ITGTYP.EQ.IBKANQ) THEN *-- Only text CONTINUE ELSE *-- Indicate length of tag NWTAG = IPATAG ENDIF *-- Skip I self-describing sector INSERT = INSERT + NBDSCQ *-- If not Hollerith self-describing sector -- SKIP IF (MOD(IQ(KQSP+LQBKD+INSERT),JFOSEQ).NE.IFOHOQ) THEN IF (NWTAG.GT.0) THEN *-- Inconsistency: Tag announced and non present WRITE(LUNOUT,'(''0?? DZDGEN: Inconsistency: '', + ''Tag information announced and non present'')') WRITE(LUNUSR,'(''0?? DZDGEN: Inconsistency: '', + ''Tag information announced and non present'')') GO TO 999 ENDIF IF (INUM1.NE.0) THEN *-- If something present IF (IFLOPT(MPOSBQ).NE.0) THEN IQ(KQSP+LBQBKD+IOBGEN(IGEN)) = INUM1 GO TO 50 ELSE IF (IFLOPT(MPOSIQ).NE.0)COUT(1:3)='*B.' WRITE(LUNUSR,'(A)') COUT ENDIF ENDIF GO TO 50 ENDIF *-- Total number of Hollerith words <========================== 40 NWHOLL = IQ(KQSP+LQBKD+INSERT)/JFOSEQ * INSERT = INSERT + 1 *-- When there is tag info IF (NWTAG.GT.0) THEN *-- In case of link description bank --> Copy and continue IF (IFLOPT(MPOSBQ).NE.0) THEN *-- OTTO 19-MAR-88 if NL,NS,ND is given as name, mark it variable IF (MOD(IQ(KQSP+LQBKD+INSERT-1),JFOSEQ).EQ.IFOHOQ + .AND. + (IIGEN(IGEN) .EQ. ITGNLQ + .OR. IIGEN(IGEN) .EQ. ITGNSQ + .OR. IIGEN(IGEN) .EQ. ITGNDQ) ) THEN IQ(KQSP+LBQBKD+IOBGEN(IGEN)) = -1 ELSE IQ(KQSP+LBQBKD+IOBGEN(IGEN)) = + IQ(KQSP+LQBKD+INSERT) ENDIF GO TO 50 ENDIF *-- Hollerith word count CALL UHTOC(IQ(KQSP+LQBKD+INSERT),4,COUT(ITAG:),NWTAG*4) INSERT = INSERT + NWTAG NWHOLL = NWHOLL - NWTAG ENDIF *-- Is there some text left IF(IFLOPT(MPOSBQ) .EQ. 0)THEN IF (NWHOLL.GT.0) THEN *-- Copy text IF (IFLOPT(MPOSIQ).NE.0 & .AND. LENOCC(COUT).LT.IOTAGQ) THEN INLINE = IOTAGQ ELSE INLINE = IOENTQ ENDIF IEWORK = 0 NOUTF = NOUTQ - INLINE + 1 *-- As long as there is text CALL DZDLIN ELSE *-- No text to write --> output line as it is IF (IFLOPT(MPOSIQ).NE.0)COUT(1:3)='*B.' WRITE(LUNUSR,'(A)') COUT *-------------- End of field for Hollerith text ENDIF ENDIF *--------------- Multiple choice present ? IF (ICHOIC.NE.0) THEN *-- Still more text to read? IF (MOD(IQ(KQSP+LQBKD+INSERT),JFOSEQ).EQ.IFOHOQ) THEN *-- Indent for each new repetition level COUT = ' ' ITAG = IOTAGQ *-- ============== Alternative choice for entry ============== GO TO 40 *-- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ENDIF ENDIF *---------- End of loop over general information tags to be printed (100) 50 CONTINUE *-- Close the description level if needed 999 END