* * $Id: getpar.F,v 1995/10/24 10:21:56 cernlib Exp $ * * $Log: getpar.F,v $ * Revision 1995/10/24 10:21:56 cernlib * Geant * * #include "geant321/pilot.h" *CMZ : 3.21/02 29/03/94 15.41.48 by S.Giani *-- Author : SUBROUTINE GETPAR(ID,N,IERR) C retrieve particle from MPSTOR common #include "geant321/mconst.inc" #include "geant321/mpstor.inc" #include "geant321/minput.inc" IERR = 0 NN = 0 NS = 1 10 CONTINUE IF(IDN(NS).EQ.ID) NN = NN + 1 IF(N.EQ.NN) GOTO 20 NS = NS + 1 IF(NS.GT.NPSTOR) THEN WRITE(IOUT,'('' MICAP: Cant retrieve particle no. '',I3, ' + //' '' of type '',I3,''; End of data '')') N,ID IERR = 1 RETURN ENDIF GOTO 10 20 CONTINUE EP = EN(NS) UP = UN(NS) VP = VN(NS) WP = WN(NS) AMP = AMN(NS) ZMP = ZMN(NS) AGEP = AGEN(NS) MTP = MTN(NS) RETURN END