* * $Id: gtmed2.F,v 1995/10/24 10:21:45 cernlib Exp $ * * $Log: gtmed2.F,v $ * Revision 1995/10/24 10:21:45 cernlib * Geant * * #include "geant321/pilot.h" #if defined(CERNLIB_OLD) *CMZ : 3.21/02 29/03/94 15.41.24 by S.Giani *-- Author : SUBROUTINE GTMEDI (X, NUMED) C. C. ****************************************************************** C. * * C. * Finds in which volume/medium the point X is, and updates the * C. * common /GCVOLU/ and the structure JGPAR accordingly. * C. * * C. * NUMED returns the tracking medium number, or 0 if point is * C. * outside the experimental setup. * C. * * C. * Note : For INWVOL = 2, INFROM set to a positive number is * C. * interpreted by GTMEDI as the number IN of the content * C. * just left by the current track within the mother volume * C. * where the point X is assumed to be. * C. * * C. * Note : INFROM is set correctly by this routine but it is * C. * used on entrance only in the case GSNEXT has been called * C. * by the user. In other words the value of INFROM received * C. * on entrance is not considered necessarily valid. This * C. * assumption has been made for safety. A wrong value of * C. * INFROM can cause wrong tracking. * C. * * C. * Called by : GTRACK * C. * Authors : S.Banerjee, R.Brun, F.Bruyant, A.McPherson * C. * * C. ****************************************************************** C. #include "geant321/gcbank.inc" #include "geant321/gcvolu.inc" #include "geant321/gctrak.inc" #if defined(CERNLIB_USRJMP) #include "geant321/gcjump.inc" #endif COMMON/GCCHAN/LSAMVL LOGICAL LSAMVL C. DIMENSION X(*) REAL XC(3), XT(3) LOGICAL BTEST C. C. ------------------------------------------------------------------ * * SECTION I: The /GCVOLU/ table contains the initial guess for a path * in the geometry tree on which X may be found. Look along this * path until X is found inside. This is the starting position. * If this is an ONLY volume with no daughters, we are done; * otherwise reset search record variables, proceed to section II. * * *** Check if point is in current volume * INFR = 0 INGT = 0 JVIN = 0 * * *** LSAMVL is a logical variable that indicates whether we are still * *** in the current volume or not. It is used in GTRACK to detect * *** precision problems. LSAMVL = .TRUE. C***** Code Expanded From Routine: GTRNSF C 100 IF (GRMAT(10,NLEVEL) .EQ. 0.) THEN XC(1) = X(1) - GTRAN(1,NLEVEL) XC(2) = X(2) - GTRAN(2,NLEVEL) XC(3) = X(3) - GTRAN(3,NLEVEL) * ELSE XL1 = X(1) - GTRAN(1,NLEVEL) XL2 = X(2) - GTRAN(2,NLEVEL) XL3 = X(3) - GTRAN(3,NLEVEL) XC(1) = XL1*GRMAT(1,NLEVEL) + XL2*GRMAT(2,NLEVEL) + XL3* + GRMAT(3,NLEVEL) XC(2) = XL1*GRMAT(4,NLEVEL) + XL2*GRMAT(5,NLEVEL) + XL3* + GRMAT(6,NLEVEL) XC(3) = XL1*GRMAT(7,NLEVEL) + XL2*GRMAT(8,NLEVEL) + XL3* + GRMAT(9,NLEVEL) ENDIF C***** End of Code Expanded From Routine: GTRNSF * JVO = LQ(JVOLUM-LVOLUM(NLEVEL)) * * Note: At entry the variable INGOTO may contain the index of a volume * contained within the current one at NLEVEL. If so, begin by checking * if X lies inside. This improves the search speed over that of GMEDIA. * NIN = Q(JVO+3) IF ((INGOTO.LE.0).OR.(INGOTO.GT.NIN)) THEN INGOTO = 0 ELSE * * *** Entrance in content INGOTO predicted by GTNEXT * JIN = LQ(JVO-INGOTO) IVOT = Q(JIN+2) JVOT = LQ(JVOLUM-IVOT) JPAR = LQ(JGPAR-NLEVEL-1) * IROTT = Q(JIN+4) C***** Code Expanded From Routine: GITRAN C. C. ------------------------------------------------------------------ C. IF (IROTT .EQ. 0) THEN XT(1) = XC(1) - Q(5+JIN) XT(2) = XC(2) - Q(6+JIN) XT(3) = XC(3) - Q(7+JIN) * ELSE XL1 = XC(1) - Q(5+JIN) XL2 = XC(2) - Q(6+JIN) XL3 = XC(3) - Q(7+JIN) JR = LQ(JROTM-IROTT) XT(1) = XL1*Q(JR+1) + XL2*Q(JR+2) + XL3*Q(JR+3) XT(2) = XL1*Q(JR+4) + XL2*Q(JR+5) + XL3*Q(JR+6) XT(3) = XL1*Q(JR+7) + XL2*Q(JR+8) + XL3*Q(JR+9) * ENDIF C***** End of Code Expanded From Routine: GITRAN * * * Check if point is in content * CALL GINME (XT, Q(JVOT+2), Q(JPAR+1), IYES) IF (IYES.NE.0) THEN * * If so, prepare information for volume retrieval, and return * LSAMVL = .FALSE. NL1 = NLEVEL +1 LVOLUM(NL1) = IVOT NAMES(NL1) = IQ(JVOLUM+IVOT) NUMBER(NL1) = Q(JIN+3) LINDEX(NL1) = INGOTO LINMX(NL1) = Q(JVO+3) GONLY(NL1) = Q(JIN+8) IF (LQ(LQ(JVOLUM-IVOT)).EQ.0) THEN NLDEV(NL1) = NLDEV(NLEVEL) ELSE NLDEV(NL1) = NL1 ENDIF CALL GTRMUL (GTRAN(1,NLEVEL), GRMAT(1,NLEVEL), Q(JIN+5), + IROTT, GTRAN(1,NL1), GRMAT(1,NL1)) NLEVEL = NL1 XC(1) = XT(1) XC(2) = XT(2) XC(3) = XT(3) JVO = JVOT INFROM = 0 GO TO 190 ENDIF ENDIF * * End of INGOTO processing * JPAR = LQ(JGPAR-NLEVEL) CALL GINME (XC, Q(JVO+2), Q(JPAR+1), IYES) IF (IYES.EQ.0) THEN * * ** Point not in current volume, go up the tree * LSAMVL = .FALSE. INGOTO = 0 IF (NLEVEL.GT.1) THEN NLEVEL = NLEVEL -1 JVO = LQ(JVOLUM-LVOLUM(NLEVEL)) NIN = Q(JVO+3) IF(NIN.GT.0) THEN INFROM=LINDEX(NLEVEL+1) ELSE INFROM=0 ENDIF INFR = INFROM GO TO 100 ELSE * * * Point is outside setup * NUMED = 0 GO TO 999 ENDIF ELSE * * * Point in current volume but not in INGOTO. We block the * * corresponding volume * IF (INGOTO.GT.0) THEN INGT = INGOTO JIN = LQ(JVO-INGOTO) IQ(JIN) = IBSET(IQ(JIN),4) ENDIF ENDIF * * * Found a volume up the tree which contains our point. We block * * the branch we came up from. * IF(INFR.GT.0) THEN JIN=LQ(JVO-INFR) IQ(JIN) = IBSET(IQ(JIN),4) JVIN = JIN ENDIF * * ** Point is in current volume * 190 INGOTO = 0 NLMIN = NLEVEL IF (INWVOL.NE.2) INFROM = 0 NLMANY = 0 * * SECTION II: X is found inside current node at NLEVEL in /GCVOLU/. * Search all contents recursively for any containing X. * Take the first one found, if any, and continue at that * level, incrementing NLEVEL and extending /GCVOLU/ tables. * This is continued until a level is reached where X is not * found in any of the contents, or there are no contents. * Note: Since Section II is re-entered from Section III, a blocking word * is used to mark those contents already checked. Upon exit from Section * II, these blocking words are cleared at NLEVEL, but may remain set in * levels between NLEVEL-1 and NLMIN, if any. They must be cleared at exit. * * ** Check contents, if any * 200 JVO = LQ(JVOLUM-LVOLUM(NLEVEL)) NIN = Q(JVO+3) * * * Case with no contents * IF (NIN.EQ.0) THEN GO TO 300 * * * Case with contents defined by division * ELSEIF (NIN.LT.0) THEN CALL GMEDIV (JVO, IN, XC, 1) IF (IN.GT.0) THEN INFROM = 0 INFR = 0 INGT = 0 LSAMVL = .FALSE. GO TO 200 ENDIF * * * Case with contents positioned * ELSE JCONT = LQ(JVO-NIN-1)+1 NCONT = IQ(JCONT) ISEARC = Q(JVO+1) IF (ISEARC.LT.0) THEN * * Prepare access to contents, when ordered by GSORD * JSB = LQ(LQ(JVO-NIN-1)) IAX = Q(JSB+1) NSB = Q(JSB+2) IF (IAX.LE.3) THEN CX = XC(IAX) ELSE CALL GFCOOR (XC, IAX, CX) ENDIF IDIV = ABS(LOCATF (Q(JSB+3), NSB, CX)) IF (IDIV.EQ.0) THEN IF (IAX.NE.6) GO TO 260 IDIV = NSB ELSEIF (IDIV.EQ.NSB) THEN IF (IAX.NE.6) GO TO 260 ENDIF JSC0 = LQ(JVO-NIN-2) NCONT = IQ(JSC0+IDIV) JCONT = LQ(JSC0-IDIV) ELSE * * otherwise, scan contents (possibly a user selection of them) * JNEAR = LQ(JVO-NIN-1) IF (ISEARC.GT.0) THEN #if !defined(CERNLIB_USRJMP) CALL GUNEAR (ISEARC, 1, XC, JNEAR) #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_USRJMP) CALL JUMPT4(JUNEAR,ISEARC, 1, XC, JNEAR) #endif ELSEIF (INFROM.GT.0) THEN JNUP = LQ(LQ(JVO-INFROM)-1) IF (JNUP.GT.0) THEN JNEAR = JNUP ENDIF ENDIF JCONT = JNEAR +1 NCONT = IQ(JCONT) ENDIF * * For each selected content in turn, check if point is inside * DO 259 ICONT=1,NCONT IN = IQ(JCONT+ICONT) IF(IN.EQ.0) THEN * * If the value IQ(JCONT+ICONT)=0 then we are back in the mother. * So jump to 260, the search is finished. Clean-up should be done * only up to ICONT-1, so we set: * NCONT=ICONT-1 GOTO 260 ELSE JIN = LQ(JVO-IN) IF (.NOT.BTEST(IQ(JIN),4)) THEN CALL GMEPOS (JVO, IN, XC, 1) IF (IN.GT.0) THEN IF (GONLY(NLEVEL).NE.0.) NLMANY = 0 INFROM = 0 INGT = 0 INFR = 0 LSAMVL = .FALSE. GO TO 200 ELSE IQ(JIN) = IBSET(IQ(JIN),4) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF 259 CONTINUE * 260 IF(NCONT.EQ.NIN) THEN DO 268 IN=1,NIN JIN = LQ(JVO-IN) IQ(JIN) = IBCLR(IQ(JIN),4) 268 CONTINUE ELSE DO 269 ICONT=1,NCONT IN = IQ(JCONT+ICONT) JIN = LQ(JVO-IN) IQ(JIN) = IBCLR(IQ(JIN),4) 269 CONTINUE IF(INFR.NE.0) THEN JIN = LQ(JVO-INFR) IQ(JIN) = IBCLR(IQ(JIN),4) INFR = 0 ENDIF IF(INGT.NE.0) THEN JIN = LQ(JVO-INGT) IQ(JIN) = IBCLR(IQ(JIN),4) INGT = 0 ENDIF ENDIF * ENDIF * * SECTION III: X is found at current node (NLEVEL in /GCVOLU) but not in * any of its contents, if any. If this is a MANY volume, * save it as a candidate best-choice, and continue the search * by backing up the tree one node and proceed to Section II. * If this is an ONLY volume, proceed to Section IV. * * *** Point is in current volume/medium, and not in any content * 300 IF (GONLY(NLEVEL).EQ.0.) THEN * * ** Lowest level is 'NOT ONLY' * IF (NLEVEL.GT.NLMANY) THEN CALL GSCVOL NLMANY = NLEVEL ENDIF * * * Go up the tree up to a volume with positioned contents * 310 INFROM = LINDEX(NLEVEL) NLEVEL = NLEVEL -1 JVO = LQ(JVOLUM-LVOLUM(NLEVEL)) NIN = Q(JVO+3) IF (NIN.LT.0) GO TO 310 * C***** Code Expanded From Routine: GTRNSF C IF (GRMAT(10,NLEVEL) .EQ. 0.) THEN XC(1) = X(1) - GTRAN(1,NLEVEL) XC(2) = X(2) - GTRAN(2,NLEVEL) XC(3) = X(3) - GTRAN(3,NLEVEL) * ELSE XL1 = X(1) - GTRAN(1,NLEVEL) XL2 = X(2) - GTRAN(2,NLEVEL) XL3 = X(3) - GTRAN(3,NLEVEL) XC(1) = XL1*GRMAT(1,NLEVEL) + XL2*GRMAT(2,NLEVEL) + + XL3* GRMAT(3,NLEVEL) XC(2) = XL1*GRMAT(4,NLEVEL) + XL2*GRMAT(5,NLEVEL) + + XL3* GRMAT(6,NLEVEL) XC(3) = XL1*GRMAT(7,NLEVEL) + XL2*GRMAT(8,NLEVEL) + + XL3* GRMAT(9,NLEVEL) * ENDIF C***** End of Code Expanded From Routine: GTRNSF * INFR = INFROM JIN = LQ(JVO-INFROM) IQ(JIN) = IBSET(IQ(JIN),4) NLMIN = MIN(NLEVEL,NLMIN) GO TO 200 ENDIF * * SECTION IV: This is the end of the search. The current node (NLEVEL * in /GCVOLU/) is the lowest ONLY volume in which X is found. * If X was also found in any of its contents, they are MANY * volumes: the best-choice is the one among them at the greatest * level in the tree, and it is stored. Otherwise the current * volume is the solution. Before exit, all of the blocking * words leftover in the tree must be reset to zero. * Note: A valid structure is assumed, in which no ONLY volumes overlap. * If this rule is violated, or if a daughter is not entirely contained * within the mother volume, the results are unpredictable. * DO 419 NL=NLMIN,NLEVEL-1 JVO = LQ(JVOLUM-LVOLUM(NL)) NIN = Q(JVO+3) DO 418 IN=1,NIN JIN = LQ(JVO-IN) IQ(JIN) = IBCLR(IQ(JIN),4) 418 CONTINUE 419 CONTINUE * IF (NLMANY.GT.0) CALL GFCVOL JVO = LQ(JVOLUM-LVOLUM(NLEVEL)) IF(JVIN.NE.0) IQ(JVIN) = IBCLR(IQ(JVIN),4) NUMED = Q(JVO+4) * END GTMEDI 999 IF(JGSTAT.NE.0) CALL GFSTAT(4) END #endif