* * $Id: gfinds.F,v 1.2 1999/01/14 15:30:30 japost Exp $ * * $Log: gfinds.F,v $ * Revision 1.2 1999/01/14 15:30:30 japost * Fixed the problem described below in the exact manner given: * * Date: Wed, 21 Oct 1998 11:55:47 EDT * From: "Shawn McKee - (734) 764-4395" * Reply-To: cern-heplib@listbox1.cern.ch * To: cern-heplib@listbox1.cern.ch * Subject: Problem with using large memory size in GEANT * * I think I have found a problem in the the gfinds routine in the GTRAK * area of GEANT. When trying to use a ZEBRA memory space larger than * 16777216 WORDS (4-byte words) my GEANT code would not work correctly. * The problem is illustrated with the following FORTRAN code. The specific * point at which things fail is dependent on the machine specific * implementation of REAL*4. * * The basic problem was that "pointers" to memory in ZEBRA should always * use INTEGER*4 values to prevent losing precision. Adding 1 to a large * real number and taking the integer value is not the same as taking the * integer value of the real and adding 1! All memory pointers I found * correctly used integers, except a code fragment in gfinds.F inside the * GTRAK area. The faulty line was: * * JAT = JFATTR(JVO) * * where JFATTR was an inline function: * * JATTF(JV) = JV + Q(JV+5) + 6 * * The problem is that the right-hand-side(RHS) of the inline function is first * "promoted" to REAL*4, added together and then converted back to an integer. * This causes an error when the RHS is larger than 16777216 on OpenVMS. * * The fix is to simply encase the Q() inside INT(): * * JATTF(JV) = JV + INT(Q(JV+5)) + 6 * * Can this fix be added to the current gfinds.F source code? Thank-you! * * Shawn McKee * University of Michigan * smckee@umich.edu * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * An earlier enquiry about this pinpointed the problem, but was missed * * > From: Bogdan Pawlik * > Subject: GEANT-3.21.04 : a bug in GFINDS * > Date: Thursday, April 10, 1997 8:39 PM * > * > Dear Sir, * > I was having troubles running GEANT with very large * > memory ( 20 Mb ) , I was experiencing random crashes. * > What I found eventually when debugging problem, was * > that cause of this lies in GFINDS where in-line function: * > * > JATTF(JV) = JV + Q(JV+5) + 6 * > is used to get pointer in JSET structure. * > The problem with this instruction is that it is * > mixing types i.e. int = int +float . This * > procedure fails on SGI IRIX5.3 and also * > at OVMS (DEC-APLHA) for integers above 16777215. * > The result is as follow : * > int float int * > SGI 16777216 + 1.0 = 16777216 * > ALPHA 16777216 + 1.0 = 16777218 * > * > instead 16777217 . * > The results of this bug are unpredictable .... * > from unreliable tracking to crashes. * > * > Running Geant with really large memory becomes * > more and more often this days so I think fixing * > this problem in GFINDS and possibly in other * > places is important. * * Revision 1995/10/24 10:21:41 cernlib * Geant * * #include "geant321/pilot.h" *CMZ : 3.21/02 06/07/94 18.26.03 by S.Giani *-- Author : SUBROUTINE GFINDS C. C. ****************************************************************** C. * * C. * Returns the set/volume parameters corresponding to * C. * the current space point in /GCTRAK/ * C. * and fill common /GCSETS/ * C. * * C. * IHSET user set identifier * C. * IHDET user detector identifier * C. * ISET set number in JSET * C. * IDET detector number in JS=LQ(JSET-ISET) * C. * IDTYPE detector type (1,2) * C. * NUMBV detector volume numbers (array of length NVNAME) * C. * NVNAME number of volume levels * C. * * C. * ==>Called by : GTRACK * C. * Author R.Brun ********* * C. * Modified V.Perev * C. * * C. ****************************************************************** C. #include "geant321/gcbank.inc" #include "geant321/gcsets.inc" #include "geant321/gcvolu.inc" #include "geant321/gctmed.inc" #if defined(CERNLIB_DEBUG) INTEGER LNAM(15), LNUM(15) #endif JATTF(JV) = JV + INT(Q(JV+5)) + 6 C. C. ------------------------------------------------------------------ C. * #if defined(CERNLIB_DEBUG) WRITE(CHMAIL,1000)NLEVEL CALL GMAIL (0, 0) DO 5 I = 1,NLEVEL WRITE(CHMAIL,1001)NAMES(I),NUMBER(I),LVOLUM(I),LINDEX(I) CALL GMAIL (0, 0) WRITE(CHMAIL,1002)(GTRAN(J,I),J = 1,3),(GRMAT(J,I),J=1,10) CALL GMAIL (0, 0) 5 CONTINUE 1000 FORMAT (' DEBUG : GFINDS =',I3) 1001 FORMAT (5(1X,A4,3I3)) 1002 FORMAT (1X,13F9.4) NLEV = NLEVEL CALL UCOPY (NAMES (1),LNAM(1),NLEV) CALL UCOPY (NUMBER(1),LNUM(1),NLEV) NLEVEL = 0 CALL GLVOLU (NLEV, LNAM, LNUM, IER) IF (IER.NE.0) STOP #endif * IHSET = 0 IHDET = 0 ISET = 0 IDET = 0 IDTYPE = 0 NVNAME = 0 * DO 10 NLEV = NLEVEL,1,-1 JVO = LQ(JVOLUM-LVOLUM(NLEV)) JAT = JATTF(JVO) IDET = Q(JAT+8) IF(IDET.NE.0) THEN NL = NLEV GO TO 15 ENDIF 10 CONTINUE GOTO 99 15 ISET = Q(JAT+7) IDTYPE = Q(JAT+9) IHSET = IQ(JSET+ISET) JS = LQ(JSET-ISET) IHDET = IQ(JS+IDET) JD = LQ(JS-IDET) NVNAME = IQ(JD+2) DO 40 I=1,NVNAME NAME=IQ(JD+2*I+9) NUMBV(I)=0 DO 30 J=1,NLEVEL IF(NAMES(J).EQ.NAME)THEN NUMBV(I)=NUMBER(J) GO TO 40 ENDIF 30 CONTINUE 40 CONTINUE C 99 END