* * $Id: gstxin.F,v 1995/10/24 10:21:39 cernlib Exp $ * * $Log: gstxin.F,v $ * Revision 1995/10/24 10:21:39 cernlib * Geant * * #include "geant321/pilot.h" *CMZ : 3.21/02 29/03/94 15.41.25 by S.Giani *-- Author : SUBROUTINE GSTXIN * ******************************************************************** * * * * * Initialization of the values needed in computation of * * * dN^2/dE/dx as in * * * Grishin,Ermilova,Kotelnikov,NIM A307(1991),273 * * * PLN 18.04.92, data tables of ILG * * * * * * ==> Called by : GSTINI * *. * Authors : P. Nevski, K. Lassila-Perini * * * * * ******************************************************************** #include "geant321/gconsp.inc" #include "geant321/gcmate.inc" #include "geant321/gccuts.inc" #include "geant321/gcstra.inc" * REAL NAV,MB,ME,NE * * 1 ev to erg [erg] PARAMETER (ERG=1.60218E-12) * 1mb to cm2 PARAMETER (MB=1E-18) * Electron mass [g] PARAMETER (ME=9.10943E-28) * Electron charge[ESU] PARAMETER (QE=4.80321E-10) * Plank constant[erg] PARAMETER (H=1.05457E-27) * * ------------------------------------------------------------------ * * ----- physic constants EPPS=0.01 EMIN=EM(1)-EPPS EMAX=LOG(DCUTE*1.E9) * NAV = AVO*1.E24 * * Electron mass in ev MEEV=ME*CLIGHT**2/ERG * * electron radius[cm] R0=QE**2/(ME*CLIGHT**2) * * Plank constant in ev HE=H*CLIGHT/ERG * * Gas density RO=DENS * * Electron density NE=NAV*Z/A*RO * * plasma freq**2 [ev] WP2=4*PI*R0*NE*HE**2 * * x-section to F.osc S1=MB/(2*PI**2*R0*HE*Z) * * dN/dx scale S2=2*PI*R0*NE*QE**2/ERG * NTAB = NP SFINT=0 * * Integration of the oscillator strength function * (photoelectric cross-section) DO 10 IE=NTAB,1,-1 E1 = EMM(IE) IF (IE.EQ.NTAB) THEN E2 = EMAX ELSE E2 = EMM(IE+1) ENDIF SFINT = SFINT+ GOSCIN(EXP(E1),EXP(E2)) FINT(IE)=SFINT 10 CONTINUE * * Normalization of the integrated cross-section DO 20 IE=1,NTAB FINT(IE)=LOG(FINT(IE)/SFINT) 20 CONTINUE * * Calculation of the real and imaginary parts of the * complex dielectric constant DO 30 IE=1,NTAB E=EXP(EMM(IE)) EPSI(IE)=LOG(WP2*PIBY2*GPHSG2(E*1E-9)/(SFINT*E)) * scaled by EPSR(IE)=WP2*GKOKRI(E,EXP(EMIN),DCUTE*1E9)*E/SFINT 30 CONTINUE END