* * $Id: gasho.F,v 1995/10/24 10:21:37 cernlib Exp $ * * $Log: gasho.F,v $ * Revision 1995/10/24 10:21:37 cernlib * Geant * * #include "geant321/pilot.h" #if defined(CERNLIB_ASHO) *CMZ : 3.21/02 29/03/94 15.41.24 by S.Giani *-- Author : SUBROUTINE GASHO(P,XXMASS,GSTEP,DE) #include "geant321/gcbank.inc" #include "geant321/gcjloc.inc" #include "geant321/gccuts.inc" #include "geant321/gcmate.inc" #include "geant321/gcasho.inc" C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C ASHO model for energy loss straggling C The main subprograms are: C - MIXMGO - prepares the parameters of a mixture C or compound used (called from GIASHO); C - GOSCMG - prepares the parameters of the oscillators; C - GDIFMG - calculates the differential spectrum of the C energy loss; C The main initial data bank is in COMMON block GCASHO contai- C ning the parameters of a number of elements. C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C Update history: 16-8-93 C C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C The main initial common block and its components. C NELM - number of basic elements; C ZELM - atomic numbers of the elements; C AELM - atomic weights of the elements; C DELM - densities of the elements (g/cm3); C E0ELM - ionization potentials of the elements (keV); C NSELM - numbers of the electron shells in the atoms; C ZSELM - numbers of electrons in each of the shells; C ESELM - binding energies of the shell electrons (keV). C This information may be included in JMATE by GSMATE or GMATE. C *) The density values for gases are given at C 0 C 1 atm. Those for solids are not precise and C should be substituted for particular C samples used. C **) The current number of the elements used is equal to 16. C ***) To change the energy scale from keV to GeV, as it is C used in GEANT, it is needed to add 1.E-6 to E0ELM, ESELM, C PLASM, TRNSMA, 6. (in RESMGO), SL (in REAMGO), SL (in C SLDMGO) and extract 1.E-6 in DE (in DELMGO). C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C GCASHO contains also the kinematical parame- C ters as well as some thermodynamical ones: C PLIN (P/mc), PLOG (log10(PLIN)), BE2 (velocity/c squared), C the path length STEP of the particle, C and the medium plasma energy C PLASM. TRNSMA is the maximum transferable energy (now C it is set to correspond to TCUT in GEANT !). C In GEANT the initial parameters are P, E, XMASS, STEP C and DENSIT. C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C In addition, it contains the parameters of the oscillators: C - BOSC is the array of "ksi/I", C - AOSC is the array of "lnA", C - NOSC is the number of the oscillators, C - EOSC is the array of the oscillator energies, C - IOSC is the upper array in integers, C - ZOSC is the array of the oscillator weights, C - EMEAN is the mean energy loss. C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C Finally, GCASHO contains the parameters of the energy loss C distribution: C - CMGO is the differential or integral distribution coeff., C - NMGO is the number of bins, C - NMGOMA is the maximum of possible NMGO, C - EMGO is the energy corresponding to one bin, C - EMGOMI is the energy corresponding to 0th bin. C----------------------------------------------------------------------- PARAMETER (DNMGOM=2000) C----------------------------------------------------------------------- JASHO = LQ(JMA-20) NSMED = Q(JASHO+1) ZMED = Q(JASHO+2) AMED = Q(JASHO+3) ALFA = Q(JASHO+4) E0MED = Q(JASHO+5) DO 10 KMED=1,NSMED ZSMED(KMED) = Q(JASHO+5+KMED) ESMED(KMED) = Q(JASHO+5+NSMED+KMED) 10 CONTINUE PLASM = 0.028817*SQRT((ZMED/AMED)*DENS) STEP = GSTEP NMGOMA = DNMGOM C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C In GEANT the initial kinematic parameters : P, E, XMASS. C The following gets the kinematic parameters of the particle: C PLIN (P/mc), PLOG (lg(PLIN)), BE2 (velocity/c squared) and C its path length STEP. C----------------------------------------------------------------------- PLIN = P/XXMASS PLOG = LOG10(PLIN) BE2 = PLIN**2/(1.+PLIN**2) C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C Now we set TRNSMA to correspond to TCUT in GEANT. C----------------------------------------------------------------------- TRNSMA = DCUTE*1E6 C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C Here is the calculation of the parameters of the oscillators C----------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL GOSCMG C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C Here is the calculation of the diffrential distribution C----------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL GDIFMG(DE) DE = 1E-6*DE C----------------------------------------------------------------------- END #endif