* * $Id: gprela.F,v 1995/10/24 10:21:32 cernlib Exp $ * * $Log: gprela.F,v $ * Revision 1995/10/24 10:21:32 cernlib * Geant * * #include "geant321/pilot.h" *CMZ : 3.21/02 29/03/94 15.41.23 by S.Giani *-- Author : SUBROUTINE GPRELA C. C. ****************************************************************** C. * * C. * Initialise energy loss due to direct pair-production and * C. * nuclear interactions by muons. * C. * * C * A, Direct pair production <======= * C * * C. * The DE/DX expression of MANDO and RONCHI(NUOVO CIMENTO * C. * 9(1952),517) is used which attempts to account for the effect * C. * of atomic electron screening. The screening correction is * C. * applied above the energy limit defined by C. RICHARD-SERRE * C. * (CERN 71-18). * C. * * C * B, Nuclear interactions <======= * C. * * C. * the following expression derived from the Williams-Weizsacker * C. * relation for the virtual photon flux is used : * C. * * C. * DE/DX = FACTOR * XSEC * E * C. * * C. * where, * C. * FACTOR = 2. * N * ALPHA / PI * C. * XSEC = total photo-nuclear cross-section assumed to * C. * be independent of energy. Value of 140 mubarns * C. * calculated by averaging the results of Hesse * C. * et al(Phys. Rev. Lett 25(1970),613). * C. * * C. * ==>Called by : GPHYSI * C. * Author G.Patrick ********* * C. * * C. ****************************************************************** C. #include "geant321/gcbank.inc" #include "geant321/gcjloc.inc" #include "geant321/gcmulo.inc" #include "geant321/gcmate.inc" #include "geant321/gcphys.inc" #include "geant321/gconsp.inc" #include "geant321/gccuts.inc" #include "geant321/gctrak.inc" DATA XSEC /140.E-30/ DATA FACTOR/2.7976238E+21/ C. C. ------------------------------------------------------------------ C. IF(Z.LT.1.) GOTO 999 ICHAN=IEKBIN T = ELOW(ICHAN) T1 = 10.**(EKBIN(1)+(ICHAN-0.5)/GEKA) IF(T.LT.1.)GO TO 999 E = T+EMMU E1 = T1+EMMU IF(JMIXT.EQ.0)THEN C C Element C DEDX = GPRELM(Z,T,PPCUTM) DEDX = AVO*DENS*DEDX/A * * *** auxiliary integration point for Range tables IF(ICHAN.NE.NEK1) THEN DEDX1 = GPRELM(Z,T1,PPCUTM) DEDX1 = AVO*DENS*DEDX1/A ENDIF ELSE C C Compound/Mixture C NLMAT = Q(JMA+11) NLM = IABS(NLMAT) DEDX = 0. DEDX1 = 0. DO 10 L=1,NLM J = JMIXT+NLM+L AA = Q(J-NLM) ZZ = Q(J) WMAT = Q(J+NLM) S = GPRELM(ZZ,T,PPCUTM) S = WMAT*S/AA DEDX = DEDX+AVO*DENS*S * * *** auxiliary integration point for Range tables IF(ICHAN.NE.NEK1) THEN S = GPRELM(ZZ,T1,PPCUTM) S = WMAT*S/AA DEDX1 = DEDX1+AVO*DENS*S ENDIF 10 CONTINUE ENDIF C C Nuclear interactions C IF(IMUNU.EQ.0.AND.E.GE.10.) THEN DENU=DENS*FACTOR*XSEC*E * * *** auxiliary integration point for Range tables IF(ICHAN.NE.NEK1) THEN DENU1=DENS*FACTOR*XSEC*E1 ENDIF ELSE DENU=0.0 DENU1=0.0 ENDIF IF(DEDX.LT.0.)DEDX=0. IF(DENU.LT.0.)DENU=0. JEL2=LQ(JMA-2) Q(JEL2+ICHAN)=Q(JEL2+ICHAN)+DEDX+DENU * * *** auxiliary integration point for Range tables IF(ICHAN.NE.NEK1) THEN IF(DEDX1.LT.0.)DEDX1=0. IF(DENU1.LT.0.)DENU1=0. WS(NEKBIN*2+ICHAN)=WS(NEKBIN*2+ICHAN)+DEDX1+DENU1 ENDIF C 999 END