* * $Id: gmults.F,v 1995/10/24 10:21:28 cernlib Exp $ * * $Log: gmults.F,v $ * Revision 1995/10/24 10:21:28 cernlib * Geant * * #include "geant321/pilot.h" *CMZ : 3.21/02 29/03/94 15.41.22 by S.Giani *-- Author : SUBROUTINE GMULTS C C ****************************************************************** C * * C * Steering routine for the multiple scattering. * C * select Moliere theory , Gaussian approximation * C * or single Coulomb scattering depending of their range * C * of validity. * C * * C * ==>Called by : GTELEC , GTHADR , GTMUON * C. * Author M.Maire ********* * C * * C ****************************************************************** * PARAMETER (THRMOL=50.,THRGAU=0.01) #include "geant321/gcbank.inc" #include "geant321/gcjloc.inc" #include "geant321/gctrak.inc" #include "geant321/gckine.inc" #include "geant321/gcphys.inc" #include "geant321/gcmate.inc" #include "geant321/gcmulo.inc" DIMENSION DIN(3) * BETA2 = (VECT(7)/GETOT)**2 IF(BETA2.LE.0.) RETURN IF(IMULS.EQ.3) THEN CALL GMGAUS(BETA2,DIN) * ELSE CHARG2=CHARGE**2 * * Here we decide whether we have to recalculate OMCMOL or not. * OMCMOL has been calculated in GMULOF according to a formula * which contains the term (1 + 3.34*(Alpha*z*Z/Beta)**2) where * z is the incident charge (CHARGE), setting Beta=1 and z=1. * We do not recalculate OMCMOL if: * * 3.34*(Z*Alpha)**2*((z/Beta)**2-1) << 1 * Z**2*(z**2-Beta**2)/Beta**2 << 3.34/Alpha**2 = 5500 * Z**2*(z**2-Beta**2) <= 50.*Beta**2 * * We further multiply the first term for the number of elements * in the mixture because the approssimation is particularly bad * for mixtures so we make the condition more restrictive. * All this thanks to Gerry Lynch. * IF(Z**2*(CHARG2-BETA2)*Q(JMA+11).GT.THRMOL*BETA2) THEN NLM=Q(JMA+11) * IF(NLM.EQ.1)THEN CALL GMOLIO(A,Z,1.,1,DENS,BETA2,CHARG2,OMCMOL) * ELSE CALL GMOLIO(Q(JMIXT+1),Q(JMIXT+NLM+1),Q(JMIXT+2*NLM+1), + NLM,DENS,BETA2,CHARG2,OMCMOL) * ENDIF ELSE JPROB = LQ(JMA-4) OMCMOL = Q(JPROB+21)*CHARG2 * ENDIF * OMEGA = OMCMOL*STMULS/BETA2 * IF (OMEGA.LE.20.) THEN CALL GMCOUL(OMEGA,DIN) * ELSE CALL GMOLIE(OMEGA,BETA2,DIN) * ENDIF ENDIF * * *** Computes rotation matrix around particle direction * *** Compute new direction cosines * VMM = SQRT(VECT(4)*VECT(4)+VECT(5)*VECT(5)) IF (VMM.NE.0.) THEN PD1=VECT(4)/VMM PD2=VECT(5)/VMM V4= PD1*VECT(6)*DIN(1) -PD2*DIN(2) +VECT(4)*DIN(3) V5= PD2*VECT(6)*DIN(1) +PD1*DIN(2) +VECT(5)*DIN(3) V6= -VMM*DIN(1) +VECT(6)*DIN(3) ELSE V4= DIN(1) V5= DIN(2) V6= DIN(3)*SIGN(1.,VECT(6)) ENDIF * * *** Renormalize direction cosines * VP = 1./SQRT(V4*V4+V5*V5+V6*V6) VECT(4) = V4*VP VECT(5) = V5*VP VECT(6) = V6*VP * END