* * $Id: glandz.F,v 1995/10/24 10:21:25 cernlib Exp $ * * $Log: glandz.F,v $ * Revision 1995/10/24 10:21:25 cernlib * Geant * * #include "geant321/pilot.h" *CMZ : 3.21/04 22/02/95 10.38.36 by S.Giani *-- Author : SUBROUTINE GLANDZ(Z,STEP,P,E,DEDX,DE,POTI,POTIL) C. C. ****************************************************************** C. * * C. * Energy straggling using a Monte Carlo model. * C. * It can be used with or without delta ray generation. * C. * * C. * It is a NEW VERSION of the model , which reproduces * C. * the experimental data rather well. * C. * * C. * Input : STEP = current step-length (cm) * C. * * C. * Output: DE = actual energy loss (Gev) * C. * ( NOT the fluctuation DE/DX- !) * C. * * C. * ==> Called by : GTELEC,GTHADR,GTMUON * C. * * C. * Author : L.Urban * C. * Date : 28.04.1988 Last update : 1.02.90 * C. * * C. ****************************************************************** C. #include "geant321/gconsp.inc" #include "geant321/gcflag.inc" #include "geant321/gckine.inc" #include "geant321/gccuts.inc" PARAMETER (MAXRND=100) DIMENSION RNDM(MAXRND),APOIS(3),NPOIS(3),FPOIS(3) #if !defined(CERNLIB_SINGLE) DOUBLE PRECISION E1,E2,P2,B2,BG2,TM,DEC,W,WW,WWW,RR DOUBLE PRECISION X,AK,ALFA,EA,SA,AKL,REALK,FPOIS DOUBLE PRECISION ONE,HALF,ZERO PARAMETER (HMXINT=2**30) #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_SINGLE) PARAMETER (HMXINT=2**45) #endif PARAMETER (ONE=1,HALF=ONE/2,ZERO=0) PARAMETER (RCD=0.40, RCD1=1.-RCD, PROBLM=0.01) PARAMETER( C1=4, C2=16) * * ------------------------------------------------------------------ * * POTI=1.6E-8*Z**0.9 * POTIL=LOG(POTI) * IF(Z.GT.2.) THEN F2=2./Z ELSE F2=0. ENDIF F1=1.-F2 * E2 = 1.E-8*Z*Z E2L= LOG(E2) E1L= (POTIL-F2*E2L)/F1 E1 = EXP(E1L) * * P2=P*P B2=P2/(E*E) BG2=P2/(AMASS*AMASS) IF(ITRTYP.EQ.2) THEN TM=P2/(E+EMASS) IF(CHARGE.LT.0.) TM=TM/2. TM=TM-POTI IF(TM.GT.DCUTE) TM=DCUTE ELSE TM=EMASS*P2/(0.5*AMASS*AMASS+EMASS*E) TM=TM-POTI IF(TM.GT.DCUTM) TM=DCUTM ENDIF * * * *** Protection against negative TM --------------------- * TM can be negative only for heavy particles with a very * low kinetic energy (e.g. for proton with T 100-300 kev) TM=MAX(TM,ZERO) * W = TM+POTI WW = W/POTI WWW= 2.*EMASS*BG2 WL = LOG(WWW) CSB=STEP*RCD1*DEDX/(WL-POTIL-B2) APOIS(1)=CSB*F1*(WL-E1L-B2)/E1 APOIS(2)=CSB*F2*(WL-E2L-B2)/E2 * IF(TM.GT.0.) THEN APOIS(3)=RCD*DEDX*STEP*TM/(POTI*W*LOG(WW)) ELSE APOIS(1)=APOIS(1)/RCD1 APOIS(2)=APOIS(2)/RCD1 APOIS(3)=0. ENDIF * * calculate the probability of the zero energy loss * APSUM=APOIS(1)+APOIS(2)+APOIS(3) IF(APSUM.LT.0.) THEN PROB=1. ELSEIF(APSUM.LT.50.) THEN PROB=EXP(-APSUM) ELSE PROB=0. ENDIF * * * do it differently if prob > problm <==================== IF(PROB.GT.PROBLM) THEN E0=1.E-8 EMEAN=DEDX*STEP IF(TM.LE.0.) THEN * excitation only .... APOIS(1)=EMEAN/E0 * CALL GPOISS(APOIS,NPOIS,1) FPOIS(1)=NPOIS(1) DE=FPOIS(1)*E0 * ELSE * ionization only .... EM=TM+E0 APOIS(1)=EMEAN*(EM-E0)/(EM*E0*LOG(EM/E0)) CALL GPOISS(APOIS,NPOIS,1) NN=NPOIS(1) DE=0. * IF(NN.GT.0) THEN RCORR=1. IF(NN.GT.MAXRND) THEN RCORR=FLOAT(NN)/MAXRND NN=MAXRND * ENDIF W=(EM-E0)/EM CALL GRNDM(RNDM,NN) DO 10 I=1,NN DE=DE+E0/(1.-W*RNDM(I)) 10 CONTINUE DE=RCORR*DE * ENDIF ENDIF GOTO 999 ENDIF * IF(MAX(APOIS(1),APOIS(2),APOIS(3)).LT.HMXINT) THEN CALL GPOISS(APOIS,NPOIS,3) FPOIS(1)=NPOIS(1) FPOIS(2)=NPOIS(2) FPOIS(3)=NPOIS(3) ELSE DO 20 JPOIS=1, 3 IF(APOIS(JPOIS).LT.HMXINT) THEN CALL GPOISS(APOIS(JPOIS),NPOIS(JPOIS),1) FPOIS(JPOIS)=NPOIS(JPOIS) ELSE CALL GRNDM(RNDM,2) FPOIS(JPOIS)=ABS(SQRT(-2.*LOG(RNDM(1)*ONE) + *APOIS(JPOIS))*SIN(TWOPI*RNDM(2)*ONE)+APOIS(JPOIS)) ENDIF 20 CONTINUE ENDIF * * Now we have all three numbers in REAL/DOUBLE * variables. REALK is actually an INTEGER that now may * exceed the machine representation limit for integers. * DE=FPOIS(1)*E1+FPOIS(2)*E2 * * smear to avoid peaks in the energy loss (note: E1<