* * $Id: gdrela.F,v 1995/10/24 10:21:23 cernlib Exp $ * * $Log: gdrela.F,v $ * Revision 1995/10/24 10:21:23 cernlib * Geant * * #include "geant321/pilot.h" *CMZ : 3.21/02 29/03/94 15.41.21 by S.Giani *-- Author : SUBROUTINE GDRELA C. C. ****************************************************************** C. * * C. * Initialise ionisation energy loss by filling proton DE/DX * C. * tables for each material. * C. * * C. * For chemical mixtures,compounds & molecules the approximation * C. * is made that * C. * * C. * DE/DX = W(1)*DE/DX(1)+W(2)*DE/DX(2)...+W(N)*DE/DX(N) * C. * with, * C. * DE/DX(i) appropriate to the i'th constituent. * C. * * C. * For mixtures W(i) = fractional wght of each element. * C. * For molecules W(i) = No. atoms*atomic wght/molecular wght. * C. * * C. * ==>Called by : GPHYSI * C. * Authors R.Brun, G.Patrick ********* * C. * * C. ****************************************************************** C. #include "geant321/gcbank.inc" #include "geant321/gcmulo.inc" #include "geant321/gcjloc.inc" #include "geant321/gctrak.inc" #include "geant321/gconsp.inc" #include "geant321/gcmate.inc" C. C. ------------------------------------------------------------------ C. C Number of constituents(ie. element,mixture or compound). C NLMAT = Q(JMA+11) NLMAT = IABS(NLMAT) IF (NLMAT.EQ.0) GO TO 999 IF(Z.LT.1.) GO TO 999 C JEL1=LQ(JMA-1) JEL2=LQ(JMA-2) JEL3=LQ(JMA-3) C ICHAN=IEKBIN T = ELOW(ICHAN) T1 = 10.**(EKBIN(1)+(ICHAN-0.5)/GEKA) C C==========> A,Ionisation losses for particles other than electrons C Simple element. C IF (NLMAT.EQ.1) THEN CALL GDRELP(A,Z,DENS,T,DEDX) IF(DEDX.LT.0.)DEDX=0. * * *** auxiliary integration point for Range tables IF(ICHAN.NE.NEK1) THEN CALL GDRELP(A,Z,DENS,T1,DEDX1) IF(DEDX1.LT.0.)DEDX1=0. ENDIF ELSE C C Mixture/compound : Loop over chemical constituents. C DEDX = 0. DEDX1 = 0. DO 10 L=1,NLMAT AA = Q(JMIXT+L) ZZ = Q(JMIXT+NLMAT+L) WGHT = Q(JMIXT+2*NLMAT+L) CALL GDRELP(AA,ZZ,DENS*WGHT,T,DEDXC) IF(DEDXC.LT.0.)DEDXC=0. DEDX = DEDX + WGHT*DEDXC * * *** auxiliary integration point for Range tables IF(ICHAN.NE.NEK1) THEN CALL GDRELP(AA,ZZ,DENS*WGHT,T1,DEDXC1) IF(DEDXC1.LT.0.)DEDXC1=0. DEDX1 = DEDX1 + WGHT*DEDXC1 ENDIF 10 CONTINUE ENDIF C Q(JEL3+ICHAN)=Q(JEL3+ICHAN)+DEDX*DENS IF(ICHAN.NE.NEK1) THEN WS(NEKBIN*3+ICHAN) = WS(NEKBIN*3+ICHAN)+DEDX1*DENS ENDIF C C===========> B, Ionisation losses for muons C C Simple element IF(NLMAT.EQ.1) THEN CALL GDRELM(A,Z,DENS,T,DEDX) IF(DEDX.LT.0.)DEDX=0. * * *** auxiliary integration point for Range tables IF(ICHAN.NE.NEK1) THEN CALL GDRELM(A,Z,DENS,T1,DEDX1) IF(DEDX1.LT.0.)DEDX1=0. ENDIF ELSE C C Mixture/compound C DEDX = 0. DEDX1 = 0. DO 20 L=1,NLMAT AA=Q(JMIXT+L) ZZ=Q(JMIXT+NLMAT+L) WGHT=Q(JMIXT+2*NLMAT+L) CALL GDRELM(AA,ZZ,DENS*WGHT,T,DEDXC) IF(DEDXC.LT.0.)DEDXC=0. DEDX=DEDX+WGHT*DEDXC * * *** auxiliary integration point for Range tables IF(ICHAN.NE.NEK1) THEN CALL GDRELM(AA,ZZ,DENS*WGHT,T1,DEDXC1) IF(DEDXC1.LT.0.)DEDXC1=0. DEDX1 = DEDX1 + WGHT*DEDXC1 ENDIF 20 CONTINUE ENDIF C Q(JEL2+ICHAN)=Q(JEL2+ICHAN)+DEDX*DENS IF(ICHAN.NE.NEK1) THEN WS(NEKBIN*2+ICHAN) = WS(NEKBIN*2+ICHAN)+DEDX1*DENS ENDIF C C===========> C, Ionisation losses for electrons/positrons C CALL GDRELE(T,-1.,JMA,DEDX) Q(JEL1+ICHAN)=Q(JEL1+ICHAN)+DEDX CALL GDRELE(T,+1.,JMA,DEDX) Q(JEL1+ICHAN+NEK1)=Q(JEL1+ICHAN+NEK1)+DEDX * * *** auxiliary integration point for Range tables IF(ICHAN.NE.NEK1) THEN CALL GDRELE(T1,-1.,JMA,DEDX1) WS(ICHAN)=WS(ICHAN)+DEDX1 CALL GDRELE(T1,+1.,JMA,DEDX1) WS(NEKBIN+ICHAN)=WS(NEKBIN+ICHAN)+DEDX1 ENDIF C 999 END