*CMZ : 26/02/96 11.38.47 by S.Ravndal *-- Author : C------------------------------------------------------------------------ C gpwriterng( lunwrite, filename, ierr ) C C Function: write out the state of the pseudo random number C generator on all the nodes into a file. C c A convention: if lunwrite is >= 0, use that unit. c If not, create a new file called C C Possible error codes: c ierr= -102 The number of seeds required for a subsequence of c the RNG (numperseq) is more than allocated c in the array iseedrng (SEEDS_PER_SEQ) c C called by: (if PARALLEL switch is used) C------------------------------------------------------------------------ #if defined(CERNLIB_PARA) subroutine gpwriterng( lunwrite, filename, ierr ) implicit none integer lunwrite, ierr character filename*(*) #include "geant321/mpifinc.inc" #include "geant321/multseeds.inc" integer numprocs, nrank, nleader integer MAXNODES, SEEDS_PER_SEQ parameter (MAXNODES=4096) character*12 chNameRng c In order to accomodate RANMAR, which has the largest table of seeds. parameter (SEEDS_PER_SEQ=103) c For RANECU it would be enough: (SEEDS_PER_SEQ=2). c For ranlux parameter (SEEDS_PER_SEQ= 25) integer myseeds(SEEDS_PER_SEQ) integer iseedrng( SEEDS_PER_SEQ, MAXNODES ) c version of the seed file format real version integer nsubseq, numperseq, nperline integer lunwr, lunerr integer isubseq, inumb, imax, ino data version / 1.0 / if (lunwrite .lt. 0) then c Default number lunwr= 74 open (unit=lunwr, file=filename ) else lunwr= lunwrite endif c Make sure to go to the start of the file c rewind( lunwr ) #if defined(CERNLIB_PARA_RANECU) c ----------------------------------------------------------------- c The RANECU pseudo random number generator, used by GEANT's GRNDM. c ----------------------------------------------------------------- #if !defined(CERNLIB_PARA_TASKRNG) c Currently the number of sequences is the number of processors! call gprocs( numprocs, nrank, nleader ) nsubseq= numprocs if( numprocs .gt. MAXNODES ) then write(*, *) 'GPwriteRng: ERROR Too many nodes ', numprocs ierr= -101 goto 9999 endif #endif chnamerng= 'RANECU' numperseq= 2 ! 2 "seed" integers per RANECU sequence nperline= 2 ! 2 numbers per line #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_PARA_RANMAR) chnamerng= 'RANMAR' numperseq= 103 ! 103 "seed" integers per RANMAR sequence nperline= 5 ! 5 numbers per line #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_PARA_RANLUX) chnamerng= 'RANLUX' numperseq= 25 ! 25 "seed" integers per RANMAR sequence nperline= 5 ! 5 numbers per line #endif c "Gather" all seeds to node 0 c #if defined(CERNLIB_PARA_RANECU) #if !defined(CERNLIB_PARA_TASKRNG) c In this version there is one sequence per node call grndmq( myseeds(1), myseeds(2), iseqnc, 'G' ) if (numperseq .gt. SEEDS_PER_SEQ ) then ierr= -102 goto 9999 endif c The following has all nodes send their seed, and node 0 collect them. c It should work if numperseq <= SEEDS_PER_SEQ c call MPI_Gather( myseeds, numperseq, MPI_INTEGER, iseedrng, $ SEEDS_PER_SEQ, MPI_INTEGER, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr ) c if ( ierr .gt. 0 ) then write( lunerr, '(a,i,a)' ) 'GpWr(iteRng)Seeds: Error ', ierr, $ ' in Mpi_gather ' goto 9999 endif #endif #endif c Write out the header and then all the seeds, on node 0 only !! c if ( nrank .eq. 0 ) then write(lunwr, 900 ) 'Version ', version, $ ' of pRNG seed file for parallel Geant ' write(lunwr, 905) 'RNG ', chNameRng, $ ' Identity of pseudorandom Number generator ' write(lunwr, 910) 'SUBSEQ ', nsubseq, $ ' Number of subsequences ' write(lunwr, 910) 'NOPERSEQ ', numperseq, $ ' Numbers per subsequence ' write(lunwr, 910) 'NPERLINE ', nperline, $ ' Numbers per line ' write(lunwr, 920) 'ENDPROLOG' DO isubseq= 1, nsubseq write(lunwr, 930 ) ' Subsequence ' , isubseq DO inumb= 1, numperseq, nperline imax=max(inumb+nperline-1,numperseq) write( lunwr, 940 ) ( iseedrng( ino, isubseq ), $ ino=inumb, imax) ENDDO ENDDO if (lunwrite .lt. 0) then close (unit=lunwr) endif endif 900 format( a8, f5.2, a ) 905 format( a7, a12, a ) 910 format( a9, i6, a ) 920 format( a ) 930 format( a14, i6 ) 940 format( 8i15 ) 9999 continue return end #endif