* * $Id: gsdeta.F,v 1995/10/24 10:21:11 cernlib Exp $ * * $Log: gsdeta.F,v $ * Revision 1995/10/24 10:21:11 cernlib * Geant * * #include "geant321/pilot.h" *CMZ : 3.21/02 29/03/94 15.41.20 by S.Giani *-- Author : SUBROUTINE GSDETA (IUSET, IUDET, IUALI, NWHI, NWDI, IALI) C. C. ****************************************************************** C. * * C. * Handling Detector Aliases * C. * -------------------------- * C. * * C. * Detector 'aliases' can be specified for any sensitive * C. * detector for which the user needs to store more than one * C. * type of hit. * C. * Defines an alias IUALI for detector IUDET of set IUSET. * C. * Enters it in the JSET structure as an additional detector in * C. * the corresponding set, at the position IALI. Copies to the * C. * link position IALI the GSDET parameter bank from the * C. * original detector IUDET, with empty links to the GSDETH, * C. * GSDETD and GSDETU parameter banks. The user can therefore * C. * call these three routines again with the arguments * C. * appropriate to the detector IUALI. Several aliases can be * C. * defined for the same detector through as many calls to * C. * GSDETA. * C. * * C. * ==>Called by : , UGEOM * C. * Author F.Bruyant ********* * C. * * C. ****************************************************************** C. #include "geant321/gcbank.inc" #include "geant321/gcunit.inc" #include "geant321/gcmzfo.inc" CHARACTER*4 IUSET,IUDET,IUALI C. C. ------------------------------------------------------------------ C. IF (JSET.LE.0) GO TO 90 NSET = IQ(JSET-1) IF (NSET.LE.0) GO TO 90 CALL GLOOK(IUSET,IQ(JSET+1),NSET,ISET) IF (ISET.LE.0) GO TO 90 JS = LQ(JSET-ISET) NDET = IQ(JS-1) IF (NDET.LE.0) GO TO 90 CALL GLOOK(IUDET,IQ(JS+1),NDET,IDET) IF (IDET.LE.0) GO TO 90 CALL GLOOK(IUALI,IQ(JS+1),NDET,IALI) IF (IALI.NE.0) GO TO 95 JD = LQ(JS-IDET) NDATA = IQ(JD-1) C CALL MZPUSH(IXCONS, JS, 1, 1,'I') NDET = NDET +1 IALI = NDET CALL UCTOH(IUALI,IQ(JS+IALI),4,4) C CALL MZBOOK(IXCONS,JD2,JS,-IALI, 'SEJD',4,4, NDATA,IOSEJD,0) IQ(JD2-5)=10*ISET+IALI JD = LQ(JS-IDET) CALL UCOPY (IQ(JD+1), IQ(JD2+1), NDATA) IQ(JD2+7) = NWHI IQ(JD2+8) = NWDI IQ(JD2+10) = IDET GO TO 99 C 90 WRITE (CHMAIL, 1000) IUSET, IUDET CALL GMAIL(0,0) 1000 FORMAT (' ***** GSDETA ERROR FOR SET ',A4,' OR DETECTOR ',A4) GO TO 99 95 WRITE (CHMAIL, 2000) IUSET, IUALI CALL GMAIL(0,0) 2000 FORMAT (' ***** GSDETA ERROR FOR SET ', A4, ' ALIAS NAME ' +, A4, ' ALREADY USED') C 99 RETURN END