* * $Id: defs.F,v 1.2 1999/11/14 19:21:18 japost Exp $ * * $Log: defs.F,v $ * Revision 1.2 1999/11/14 19:21:18 japost * Drastic modification of function, as by Andrea Venturi, 8-Nov-1999 * * His extended explanation of problem's effect: * * The Fermi motion is simulated by adding a random vector, transverse to * the incoming particle, to the final state particles total momentum * vector. Then the final state particles are rotated in such a way that * their total momentum PLUS the Fermi kick is along the direction of the * incoming particle. In this way the total momentum of the final state * particles will have a random transverse kick. * * Unfortunately the routine DEFS (defs.F) used to generate the parameters of the * rotation is such that despite the fact the original Fermi kick is random in * the transverse plane, after the rotation the kick is ALWAYS in the same * direction (Positive Y). This cause a bias between the direction of the * incoming particle and the position of the hadronic shower. * * This is the different rotation routine which preserves the randomness and * we has been tested in ALEPH these past days. * ( I can provide you some plots where the effect is clearly visible. * A brief description of the bugs and of its effect can be found here: * URL http://www.pi.infn.it/~venturi/Gheisha.html ) * * Revision 1995/10/24 10:21:07 cernlib * Geant * * #include "geant321/pilot.h" *CMZ : 3.21/02 29/03/94 15.41.38 by S.Giani *-- Author : C C *** VARIOUS VECTOR OPERATIONS *** C C COPIED FROM F14BLO.PAMLIB 23.4.82 C AUTHOR: V.BLOBEL (UNIVERSITY OF HAMBURG) C DESYLIB C C *** BLANK COMMON REPLACED BY /VECUTY/ TO MATCH GEANT/GHEISHA CODE *** C *** NOTE THAT P(10,100) HAS BECOME PV(10,200) DUE TO THIS *** C C UN-USED ENTRIES REMOVED : C "PCOP" "PEXC" "PZER" "PWRT" "DOT4" "IMPU" "IMPULI" "ADD3" C "SUB3" "CROSS" "DOT" "SMUL" "NORZ" "PARPER" "PUNIT" "TRAP" C C *** ALL ENTRIES RE-WRITTEN AS SUBROUTINES USING ONLY NECESSARY *** C *** "DOUBLE PRECISION" STMTS. AND ALL SPECIFIC FUNCTIONS HAVE *** C *** BEEN CHANGED TO THEIR GENERIC EQUIVALENCES *** C *** NVE 29-MAR-1988 CERN GENEVA *** C C ORIGIN : H.FESEFELDT (22-JUNE-1984) C SUBROUTINE DEFS(K,L,M) C C --- PV-ARRAY --- #include "geant321/mxgkgh.inc" #include "geant321/s_blankp.inc" C DOUBLE PRECISION A,B,C,D C MX=M MY=M+1 MZ=M+2 DO 52 I=1,3 H=PV(I,L) PV(I,MZ)=H 52 CONTINUE A=0.0 DO 44 I=1,3 A=A+PV(I,MZ)*PV(I,MZ) 44 CONTINUE B=SQRT(A) IF (B .NE. 0.0) B=1.0/B DO 46 I=1,3 PV(I,MZ)=B*PV(I,MZ) 46 CONTINUE C A=PV(3,MZ) IF(A.GT.1) A=1.D0 IF(A.LT.-1) A=-1.D0 B=SQRT(MAX(1.D0-A*A,0.D0)) C=0.D0 D=0.D0 IF(B.NE.0.D0) THEN C=PV(1,MZ)/B D=PV(2,MZ)/B ENDIF C PV(1,MX)=1+C**2*(A-1) PV(2,MX)=C*D*(A-1) PV(3,MX)=-B*C PV(1,MY)=C*D*(A-1) PV(2,MY)=1+D**2*(A-1) PV(3,MY)=-B*D C DO 58 J=MX,MZ A=0.0 DO 54 I=1,3 A=A+PV(I,J)*PV(I,J) 54 CONTINUE B=SQRT(A) IF (B .NE. 0.0) B=1.0/B if(b.eq.0) then write(6,*) 'Warning in defs.F: b is equal to 0 !! at',j-mx+1 endif DO 56 I=1,3 PV(I,J)=B*PV(I,J) 56 CONTINUE 58 CONTINUE RETURN END