* * $Id: gvsign.F,v 1995/10/24 10:20:57 cernlib Exp $ * * $Log: gvsign.F,v $ * Revision 1995/10/24 10:20:57 cernlib * Geant * * #include "geant321/pilot.h" *CMZ : 3.21/02 29/03/94 15.41.31 by S.Giani *-- Author : * INTEGER FUNCTION GVSIGN (XYZ, C0, C, NC) ************************************************************************ * * * Calculate the sign of the given point in relation YB 870424 * * to the surface VP 880312 * * * * Input : XYZ - point to be tested * * C0 - first coefficient of surface * * C - coefficients of surface in the standart form * * ,the first one is taken from C1 * * NC - number of coefficients (4,7, 10) * * * * Output : -1, 0, +1 depending on side * * * ************************************************************************ COMMON /SLATE/ SLATE (40) INTEGER ISLATE(40) EQUIVALENCE (SLATE,ISLATE) REAL XYZ(3), C(0:9) EQUIVALENCE (TMP,SLATE(1)) *----------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(CERNLIB_GVCONT) NSIGN = NSIGN + 1 #endif * GO TO (10013,10002,10013,10004,10013 +, 10013,10007,10013,10013,10010),NC 10013 CALL ZFATAM('GVSIGN. WRONG length') * * special simple case 10002 IAX = C(1) IF (IAX.LE.3) THEN * X,Y,Z boundary TMP = C0 + XYZ(IAX) ELSE * Rxy boundary TMP = -C0**2 + XYZ(1)**2 + XYZ(2)**2 ENDIF GO TO 10090 * plane boundary 10004 TMP = C0+C(1)*XYZ(1)+C(2)*XYZ(2)+C(3)*XYZ(3) GO TO 10090 * 2nd order boundary, short case 10007 TMP = C0 ++XYZ(1)*(C(1)+C(4)*XYZ(1)) ++XYZ(2)*(C(2)+C(5)*XYZ(2)) ++XYZ(3)*(C(3)+C(6)*XYZ(3)) GO TO 10090 * 2nd order boundary, general case 10010 TMP = C0 ++XYZ(1)*(C(1)+C(4)*XYZ(1)+C(7)*XYZ(2)) ++XYZ(2)*(C(2)+C(5)*XYZ(2)+C(8)*XYZ(3)) ++XYZ(3)*(C(3)+C(6)*XYZ(3)+C(9)*XYZ(1)) * 10090 IS = -1 IF (TMP.GE.0.) IS = 1 * 999 GVSIGN = IS RETURN END