* * $Id: gvgrad.F,v 1995/10/24 10:20:57 cernlib Exp $ * * $Log: gvgrad.F,v $ * Revision 1995/10/24 10:20:57 cernlib * Geant * * #include "geant321/pilot.h" *CMZ : 3.21/02 29/03/94 15.41.31 by S.Giani *-- Author : * SUBROUTINE GVGRAD (XYZ, C, NC, GRA) ************************************************************************ * * * GVGRAD calculates the gradient vector of a surface VP 880314 * * * * Input : XYZ coordinates of the point * * C(1) number of non constant coefficients of the * * surface * * C(2),C(3),... non constant coefficients of the surface * * NC total number of coefficients of the surface * * * * Output : GRA gradient vector of the surface * * * ************************************************************************ REAL XYZ(3) , C(*), GRA(3) *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * * case with simplified surface X=C0, Y=C0, Z=C0, X*2+Y*2=C0 * (happens only when initialisation is done) * IF (NC.EQ.2) THEN IAX = C(2) IF (IAX.LE.3) THEN GRA(1) = 0 GRA(2) = 0 GRA(3) = 0 GRA(IAX) = 1 ELSE GRA(1) = 2.*XYZ(1) GRA(2) = 2.*XYZ(2) GRA(3) = 0. ENDIF GO TO 999 ENDIF * * case with surfaces with 4, 7 or 10 coefficients (normal case) * GRA(1) = C(2) GRA(2) = C(3) GRA(3) = C(4) IF (NC.EQ.4) GO TO 999 * * case with surfaces with 7 or 10 coefficients * DO 100 I = 1,3 100 GRA(I) = GRA(I) + 2.*C(I+4)*XYZ(I) IF (NC.NE.10) GO TO 999 * * case with surfaces with 10 coefficients * GRA(1) = GRA(1) + C(8)*XYZ(2)+C(10)*XYZ(3) GRA(2) = GRA(2) + C(8)*XYZ(1)+C( 9)*XYZ(3) GRA(3) = GRA(3) + C(9)*XYZ(2)+C(10)*XYZ(1) 999 RETURN END