* * $Id: gsngtr.F,v 1.2 1996/02/27 09:54:45 ravndal Exp $ * * $Log: gsngtr.F,v $ * Revision 1.2 1996/02/27 09:54:45 ravndal * Double precision for some locals, thanks to G.Poulard * * Revision 1995/10/24 10:20:56 cernlib * Geant * * #include "geant321/pilot.h" *CMZ : 3.21/02 29/03/94 15.41.30 by S.Giani *-- Author : SUBROUTINE GSNGTR(X,P,IACT,SNEXT,SNXT,SAFE,INSIDE) C. C. ****************************************************************** C. * * C. * * C. * Routine to determine the shortest distance from the point * C. * X(1-3) to the boundary of the shape of type GTRA defined * C. * by the parameters P along the vector X(4-6). If INSIDE is * C. * 1 then the point is inside the shape and the distance is * C. * returned as SNEXT. If INSIDE is 0 then the point is * C. * outside the shape and if the line hits the shape then * C. * if the new distance is less than the * C. * old value of SNEXT the new distance is returned as SNEXT. * C. * * C. * Called by : GNEXT, GTNEXT * C. * A.C.McPherson 22nd April 1985. * C. * * C. * * C. ****************************************************************** C. #include "geant321/gconsp.inc" #include "geant321/gcunit.inc" C #if !defined(CERNLIB_SINGLE) DOUBLE PRECISION X0,Y0,DXDZ,DYDZ,A,B,C,DISC,X1,X2,X3,SN,CP,SMALL #endif PARAMETER (SMALL=1E-10) C DIMENSION X(6),P(30),SN(2,5),IOUT(5),X0(4),Y0(4),DXDZ(4),DYDZ(4) C. C. --------------------------------------------- C. C C Compute Safety distance C DOUBLE PRECISION SL,SL1,SM,SM1 IF(IACT.LT.3) CALL GSAGTR(X,P,SAFE,INSIDE) SNXT=BIG IF (IACT .EQ. 0) GO TO 999 IF (IACT .EQ. 1) THEN IF (SNEXT .LT. SAFE) GO TO 999 ENDIF C C First compute the distance along the line to the C boundaries. C C The distance to the planes defined by z=+/-P(1). C IF(X(6).EQ.0.0) THEN SN(1,1)=BIG SN(2,1)=BIG GOTO 10 ENDIF SN(1,1)=(-P(1)-X(3))/X(6) SN(2,1)=(P(1)-X(3))/X(6) IF(X(6).GT.0.0) GO TO 10 ST=SN(2,1) SN(2,1)=SN(1,1) SN(1,1)=ST 10 CONTINUE C C The distance to the remaining four surfaces. C DO 20 I=1,4 X0(I)=P(I*4+11) Y0(I)=P(I*4+12) DXDZ(I)=P(I*4+13) DYDZ(I)=P(I*4+14) 20 CONTINUE C DO 65 I=1,4 J=I+1 IF(J.EQ.5) J=1 C A=(X(4)-DXDZ(I)*X(6))*(DYDZ(J)-DYDZ(I))*X(6) - +(X(5)-DYDZ(I)*X(6))*(DXDZ(J)-DXDZ(I))*X(6) C B=(X(4)-DXDZ(I)*X(6))*(Y0(J)-Y0(I)+(DYDZ(J)-DYDZ(I))*X(3)) + +(X(1)-X0(I)-DXDZ(I)*X(3))*(DYDZ(J)-DYDZ(I))*X(6) - +(X(5)-DYDZ(I)*X(6))*(X0(J)-X0(I)+(DXDZ(J)-DXDZ(I))*X(3)) - +(X(2)-Y0(I)-DYDZ(I)*X(3))*(DXDZ(J)-DXDZ(I))*X(6) C C=(X(1)-X0(I)-DXDZ(I)*X(3))*(Y0(J)-Y0(I)+(DYDZ(J)-DYDZ(I))*X(3)) + - (X(2)-Y0(I)-DYDZ(I)*X(3))*(X0(J)-X0(I)+(DXDZ(J)-DXDZ(I))*X(3)) C IOUT(I+1)=0 IF(C.GT.0.0) IOUT(I+1)=1 C C The solutions are in the normal form: C s = (-B+/-SQRT(B*B-4.0*A*C))*0.5/A C SN(1,I+1)=BIG SN(2,I+1)=BIG IF(ABS(A).GT.1.0E-10) GO TO 30 C C A = 0 only one solution. C IF(ABS(B).LT.1.0E-10) GO TO 60 C SN(1,I+1)=-C/B GO TO 60 C 30 CONTINUE IF(ABS(C).GT.1.0E-10) GO TO 40 SN(1,I+1)=0.0 SN(2,I+1)=0.0 IF(ABS(B).LT.1.0E-10) GO TO 60 SN(1,I+1)=-C/B IF(C.EQ.0.0) SN(1,I+1)=SIGN(SMALL,B) SN(2,I+1)=-B/A GO TO 50 C 40 CONTINUE DISC=B*B-A*C*4.0 IF(DISC.LT.0.0) GO TO 60 IF(DISC.GT.0.0) DISC=SQRT(DISC) SN(1,I+1)=(-B-DISC)*0.5/A SN(2,I+1)=(-B+DISC)*0.5/A C 50 CONTINUE IF(SN(2,I+1).GT.SN(1,I+1)) GO TO 60 ST=SN(2,I+1) SN(2,I+1)=SN(1,I+1) SN(1,I+1)=ST C 60 CONTINUE C DO 65 K=1,2 IF(ABS(SN(K,I+1)).GT.1.0E+05.OR.ABS(SN(K,I+1)).LT.1.0E-05) +GO TO 65 C X1=X(1)+SN(K,I+1)*X(4) X2=X(2)+SN(K,I+1)*X(5) X3=X(3)+SN(K,I+1)*X(6) CP=(X1-X0(I)-DXDZ(I)*X3)*(Y0(J)-Y0(I)+(DYDZ(J)-DYDZ(I))*X3) + - (X2-Y0(I)-DYDZ(I)*X3)*(X0(J)-X0(I)+(DXDZ(J)-DXDZ(I))*X3) CP=CP/SQRT((X0(J)-X0(I)+(DXDZ(J)-DXDZ(I))*X3)**2+ + (Y0(J)-Y0(I)+(DYDZ(J)-DYDZ(I))*X3)**2) C IF(ABS(CP).LT.0.0001) GO TO 65 IF(ABS(CP/SN(K,I+1)).LT.1.0E-06) GO TO 65 WRITE(CHMAIL,1020) I,K,SN(K,I+1) CALL GMAIL(0,0) WRITE(CHMAIL,1021) X CALL GMAIL(0,0) WRITE(CHMAIL,1022) X1,X2,X3,CP CALL GMAIL(0,0) WRITE(CHMAIL,1023) A,B,C,DISC CALL GMAIL(0,0) WRITE(CHMAIL,1024) INSIDE CALL GMAIL(0,0) WRITE(CHMAIL,1025) X0 CALL GMAIL(0,0) WRITE(CHMAIL,1026) Y0 CALL GMAIL(0,0) WRITE(CHMAIL,1027) DXDZ CALL GMAIL(0,0) WRITE(CHMAIL,1028) DYDZ CALL GMAIL(0,0) 1020 FORMAT('0 GSNGTR ERROR - I,K =',2I2,' SN =',E13.5) 1021 FORMAT(' X =',6F15.6) 1022 FORMAT(' X1,X2,X3 =',3F15.6,' CP =',E15.6) 1023 FORMAT(' A =',E15.6,' B =',E15.6,' C =',E15.6,' DISC =',E15.6) 1024 FORMAT(' INSIDE =',I3) 1025 FORMAT(' X0 =',4E15.6) 1026 FORMAT(' Y0 =',4E15.6) 1027 FORMAT(' DXDZ =',4E15.6) 1028 FORMAT(' DYDZ =',4E15.6) C 65 CONTINUE C C C Have computed the two distances for the z planes and C the four surfaces. Combine them accordingly as to C whether the point is inside or outside the shape. C IF(INSIDE.EQ.0) GO TO 80 C C Point is inside shape. C DO 70 I=1,5 DO 70 J=1,2 IF(SN(J,I).GT.0.0.AND.SN(J,I).LT.SNXT) SNXT=SN(J,I) 70 CONTINUE GO TO 999 C 80 CONTINUE C C Point is outside shape. C IOUT(1)=0 IF(ABS(X(3)).GT.P(1)) IOUT(1)=1 C C For each of five sets of SN and IOUT, IOUT(I) equal to 1 C indicates that the point is outside the shape by the Ith C test, SN(1,I) is the distance to the first change in the C test and SN(2,I) is the distance to the second change. C The remaining logic just attempts to find a distance when C the line is inside by all five tests, bearing in mind that C for some tests the line can start inside, leave and return C inside. C SL=-1.0 SM=BIG SM1=BIG DO 100 I=1,5 IF(IOUT(I).EQ.0) GO TO 90 IF(SN(2,I).LT.0.0) GO TO 999 IF(SN(1,I).LT.0.0.AND.SN(2,I).GT.SL) SL=SN(2,I) IF(SN(1,I).GT.SL) SL=SN(1,I) IF(SN(1,I).GE.0.0.AND.SN(2,I).LT.SM) SM=SN(2,I) GO TO 100 90 CONTINUE IF(SN(1,I).LT.0.0.AND.SN(2,I).GE.0.0.AND.SN(2,I).LT.SM) SM=SN(2,I) IF(SN(1,I).LT.0.0.OR.SN(1,I).GT.SM1) GO TO 100 IF(SN(1,I).GE.SN(2,I)) GO TO 100 SM1=SN(1,I) SL1=SN(2,I) 100 CONTINUE C C SL is the largest of the five distances to the first C time the line is inside. SM is the smallest to the C last time the point is inside. SM1 is the smallest C distance to when the line is temporarily outside C one of the tests. C IF(SM.LE.SL) GO TO 999 IF(SM1.GT.SL) GO TO 130 C 110 CONTINUE C C In this loop SL is updated by the return after SM1 C if SM1 is less than SL. C SL=SL1 IF(SM.LE.SL) GO TO 999 SM1=SM C DO 120 I=1,5 IF(IOUT(I).EQ.1) GO TO 120 IF(SN(2,I).LE.SL.OR.SN(1,I).GT.SM1) GO TO 120 IF(SN(1,I).GE.SN(2,I)) GO TO 120 SM1=SN(1,I) SL1=SN(2,I) 120 CONTINUE C IF(SM1.GT.SL) GO TO 130 C GO TO 110 130 CONTINUE C IF(SL.LT.SNXT) SNXT=SL C 999 CONTINUE END