* * $Id: gsagtr.F,v 1995/10/24 10:20:55 cernlib Exp $ * * $Log: gsagtr.F,v $ * Revision 1995/10/24 10:20:55 cernlib * Geant * * #include "geant321/pilot.h" *CMZ : 3.21/02 29/03/94 15.41.30 by S.Giani *-- Author : SUBROUTINE GSAGTR(X,P,SAFETY,INSIDE) C. C. ****************************************************************** C. * * C. * * C. * SUBROUTINE GSAGTR(X,P,SAFETY,INSIDE) * C. * Routine to cumpute the 'Safe' distance to nearest boundary * C. * of the general twisted trapezoid. Point is given in X(1-3), * C. * parameters of trapezoid are in P, if INSIDE = 1 point is * C. * inside shape if 0 outside. 'SAFE' distance is returned in * C. * SAFETY. * C. * I have not yet been able to come up with an exact * C. * computation of this. From the outside I use an exscribed * C. * cylinder with its axis as the line joining the centres of * C. * the trapezia at the ends. As far as I can see there is no * C. * straight forward way of finding a reliable conservative * C. * estimate from the inside; so I set SAFETY to 0.0 for all * C. * points inside the shape. The radius of the exscribed * C. * cylinder is given by the longest of the eight distances * C. * from the centre of the trapezium to each corner on each of * C. * the end faces. * C. * Called by : GSNGTR * C. * A.C.McPherson. 23rd April 1985. * C. * * C. * * C. ****************************************************************** C. DIMENSION X(3),P(30) C SAFETY=0.0 C C Check if point is inside. C IF(INSIDE.EQ.1) GO TO 999 C C Compute radius of cylinder. C RCYL=0.0 DO 10 I=1,4 I0=I*4+11 RC2=(P(I0)+(P(I0+2)-P(13))*P(1))**2+ + (P(I0+1)+(P(I0+3)-P(14))*P(1))**2 IF(RC2.GT.RCYL) RCYL=RC2 RC2=(P(I0)-(P(I0+2)-P(13))*P(1))**2+ + (P(I0+1)-(P(I0+3)-P(14))*P(1))**2 IF(RC2.GT.RCYL) RCYL=RC2 10 CONTINUE IF(RC2.GT.0.0) RCYL=SQRT(RC2) C C The direction cosines of the axis of the cylinder C are computed and the distance from the point to the C axis is calculated from the cross product of these C direction cosines with the vector from the origin to C the point. The cross product of this cross product C with the direction cosines gives the vector from the C axis to the point. Subtracting this times the ratio C (D-RCYL)/D where D is the distance of the point from C the axis and RCYL is the radius of the cylinder gives C the point on the cylinder nearest to the point. If C this is outside the z range of the shape then the C distance along the cylinder surface to the z limit is C added in quadrature. C IF(ABS(X(3)).GT.P(1)) SAFETY=ABS(X(3)-P(1)) TTH2=P(13)**2+P(14)**2 CTH2=1.0/(1.0+TTH2) DIR3=SQRT(CTH2) DIR1=P(13)*DIR3 DIR2=P(14)*DIR3 DX=DIR2*X(3)-DIR3*X(2) DY=DIR3*X(1)-DIR1*X(3) DZ=DIR1*X(2)-DIR2*X(1) D2=DX*DX+DY*DY+DZ*DZ IF(D2.LT.RCYL*RCYL) GO TO 999 C C Only Z component of vector is needed. C DDZ=DX*DIR2-DY*DIR1 D=SQRT(D2) Z=X(3)-DDZ*(D-RCYL)/D SAFETY=D-RCYL IF(ABS(Z).LT.P(1)) GO TO 999 SAFETY=SQRT(SAFETY*SAFETY+(ABS(Z)-P(1))**2/CTH2) 999 CONTINUE RETURN END