* * $Id: gnpgon.F,v 1995/10/24 10:20:54 cernlib Exp $ * * $Log: gnpgon.F,v $ * Revision 1995/10/24 10:20:54 cernlib * Geant * * #include "geant321/pilot.h" *CMZ : 3.21/02 29/03/94 15.41.30 by S.Giani *-- Author : SUBROUTINE GNPGON (X, PAR, IACT, SNEXT, SNXT, SAFE) C. C. ****************************************************************** C. * * C. * COMPUTE DISTANCE UP TO INTERSECTION WITH 'PGON' VOLUME, * C. * FROM INSIDE POINT X(1-3) ALONG DIRECTION X(4-6) * C. * * C. * PAR (input) : volume parameters * C. * IACT (input) : action flag * C. * = 0 Compute SAFE only * C. * = 1 Compute SAFE, and SNXT only if SNEXT .GT.new SAFE * C. * = 2 Compute both SAFE and SNXT * C. * = 3 Compute SNXT only * C. * SNEXT (input) : see IACT = 1 * C. * SNXT (output) : distance to volume boundary * C. * SAFE (output) : shortest distance to any boundary * C. * * C. * ==>Called by : GNEXT, GTNEXT * C. * Author A.McPherson, P.Weidhaas ********* * C. * * C. ****************************************************************** C. #include "geant321/gconsp.inc" DIMENSION X(6), PAR(50), TPAR(50) C----------------------------------------------------------------- SNXT = BIG SAFSEG = BIG R2 = X(1)*X(1) + X(2)*X(2) R = SQRT (R2) PDIV = PAR(2) / PAR(3) DELPHI = PDIV * DEGRAD DPHI2 = 0.5 * DELPHI CSDPH2 = COS (DPHI2) TPAR(1) = PAR(1) TPAR(2) = PAR(2) TPAR(3) = PAR(3) TPAR(4) = PAR(4) NZ = PAR(4) DO 5 I=1, NZ I3 = 3*(I-1) TPAR(5+I3) = PAR(5+I3) TPAR(6+I3) = PAR(6+I3) / CSDPH2 TPAR(7+I3) = PAR(7+I3) 5 CONTINUE C************************************************************************** C C...... Here we start the logic from "GNPCON" (which for reasons of C...... efficiency and clarity has been implemented inline). C C************************************************************************** ZMIN = TPAR(5) ZMAX = TPAR(3*NZ+2) SAFZ1 = X(3) - ZMIN SAFZ2 = ZMAX - X(3) SAFEZ = MIN (SAFZ1, SAFZ2) C C...... First determine in which segment the particle is located. C DO 10 JPH=8, 3*NZ-1, 3 IF (X(3) .LT. TPAR(JPH)) THEN IPH=JPH GO TO 20 ENDIF 10 CONTINUE IPH = 3*NZ+2 20 CONTINUE C C...... The particle is in the segment bounded by z-planes at C...... Z1=PAR(IPL) and Z2=PAR(IPH), i.e., Z1 < X(3) < Z2. C C...... Set parameters for this segment and translate z-coordinate C...... of point relative to center of this segment. this is done in C...... preparation of invoking the algorithms used in "GNTUBE" and C...... "GNCONE" (which for reasons of efficiency and clarity are C...... implemented inline). C IPL = IPH - 3 DZ = 0.5 * (TPAR(IPH) - TPAR(IPL)) PT2 = TPAR(IPL+1) PT3 = TPAR(IPL+2) PT4 = TPAR(IPH+1) PT5 = TPAR(IPH+2) PT6 = TPAR(1) PT7 = TPAR(1) + TPAR(2) IF (PT7 .GT. 360.0) PT7 = PT7 - 360.0 XT3 = X(3) - 0.5 * (TPAR(IPL) + TPAR(IPH)) SAFZ2 = DZ + XT3 ZLENI = 0.5 / DZ PHI1 = PT6 * DEGRAD PHI2 = PT7 * DEGRAD IF (PHI2.LE.PHI1) PHI2=PHI2+TWOPI IF (IACT .LT. 3) THEN C ------------------------------------------------- C | Compute safety-distance 'SAFE' (P.Weidhaas) | C ------------------------------------------------- IFLAG = 2 IF (TPAR(2) .EQ. 360.0) IFLAG = 1 SAFZ1 = DZ - ABS(XT3) SAFEZ = MIN (SAFEZ,SAFZ1) C C...... Next determine whether the segment is a tube or a cone. C IF (PT2 .NE. PT4) GO TO 50 IF (PT3 .NE. PT5) GO TO 50 C********************************************************* C C...... The segment is a tube; invoke the algorithm C...... from routine "GNTUBE" inline to get "SAFER". C C********************************************************* SAFR1 = BIG IF(PT2.GT.0.) SAFR1 = R - PT2 SAFR2 = PT3 - R SAFER = MIN (SAFR1, SAFR2) IF (IFLAG .EQ. 2) GO TO 70 GO TO 100 50 CONTINUE C********************************************************* C C...... The segment is a cone; invoke the algorithm C...... from routine "GNCONE" inline to get "SAFER". C C********************************************************* C...... Compute radial distance to inner wall. IF(PT2+PT4.GT.0.) THEN FACT = (PT4 - PT2) * ZLENI RAD1 = PT2 + FACT * SAFZ2 SAFR1 = (R - RAD1) / SQRT(1.0 + FACT*FACT) ELSE SAFR1 = BIG ENDIF C...... Compute radial distance to outer wall. FACT = (PT5 - PT3) * ZLENI RAD2 = PT3 + FACT * SAFZ2 SAFR2 = (RAD2 - R) / SQRT(1.0 + FACT*FACT) SAFER = MIN (SAFR1, SAFR2) IF (IFLAG .EQ. 1) GO TO 100 70 CONTINUE C******************************************************************** C...... Here we handle the case of a phi-segment of a tube or cone. C...... in addition to the radial distances (SAFR1, SAFR2) and the C...... axial distances (SAFZ1, SAFZ2) we compute here the distance C...... to the phi-segment boundary that is closest to the point: C C...... For each phi-boundary we find the distance from the given C...... point to the outer (at R2) point of the segment boundary C...... (DISTS1 and DISTS2, resp.). If DISTS1 < DISTS2, we define C...... "SAFSEG" to be the distance to segment PHI1, else we set C...... "SAFSEG" to be the distance to segment PHI2. C********************************************************************* COSPH1 = COS (PHI1) SINPH1 = SIN (PHI1) COSPH2 = COS (PHI2) SINPH2 = SIN (PHI2) C...... Get coordinates of outer endpoints (at R2) of both phi-segments. XS1 = R * COSPH1 YS1 = R * SINPH1 XS2 = R * COSPH2 YS2 = R * SINPH2 C...... Get distances (squared) from given point to each endpoint. DISTS1 = (X(1) - XS1)**2 + (X(2) - YS1)**2 DISTS2 = (X(1) - XS2)**2 + (X(2) - YS2)**2 C...... Get distance to that phi-segment whose endpoint C...... is closest to the given point. IF (DISTS1 .LE. DISTS2) THEN SAFSEG = ABS(SINPH1 * X(1) - COSPH1 * X(2)) ELSE SAFSEG = ABS(SINPH2 * X(1) - COSPH2 * X(2)) ENDIF 100 CONTINUE IF (SAFER .LE. 0.0) THEN C--------------------------------------------------------------------------- C C...... Here we handle the case in which SAFER < 0, i.e., the point is C...... inside the polygon but outside the inscribed polycone. We must C...... do an accurate calculation of "SAFER". C C--------------------------------------------------------------------------- FACT = SAFZ2 * ZLENI RAD1 = PT2 + FACT * (PT4 - PT2) RAD2 = PT3 + FACT * (PT5 - PT3) RR1 = RAD1 * RAD1 RR2 = RAD2 * RAD2 IF(X(1).EQ.0.)THEN PHI = ATAN2(X(2), 1.E-8) ELSE PHI = ATAN2(X(2), X(1)) ENDIF IF (PHI .LT. PHI1) PHI = PHI + TWOPI DIST=0. IF (PHI .GE. PHI1 .AND. PHI .LE. PHI2) THEN PHIREL = PHI - PHI1 NSECTR = INT(PHIREL / DELPHI) + 1 PHICTR = PHI1 + (2.0*NSECTR - 1.0) * DPHI2 COSPHC = COS (PHICTR) SINPHC = SIN (PHICTR) IF (R2 .GE. RR2) THEN SR2 = RAD2 DIST = ABS (COSPHC * X(1) + SINPHC * X(2) - SR2) FACTC = (PT5 - PT3) * ZLENI ELSEIF (R2 .LE. RR1) THEN RIN = RAD1 * CSDPH2 SRIN = RIN DIST = ABS (COSPHC * X(1) + SINPHC * X(2) - SRIN) FACTC = (PT4 - PT2) * ZLENI ENDIF ENDIF SAFER = DIST / SQRT(1.0 + FACTC*FACTC) ENDIF SAFE = MIN (SAFEZ, SAFER, SAFSEG) IF (IACT .EQ. 0) GO TO 999 IF (IACT .EQ. 1) THEN IF (SNEXT .LT. SAFE) GO TO 999 ENDIF ENDIF C ------------------------------------------------ C | Compute vector-distance 'SNXT' (Nierhaus) | C ------------------------------------------------ CALL GNPGO1(X,PAR,SNXT) C 999 CONTINUE END