* * $Id: gnpgo1.F,v 1995/10/24 10:20:53 cernlib Exp $ * * $Log: gnpgo1.F,v $ * Revision 1995/10/24 10:20:53 cernlib * Geant * * #include "geant321/pilot.h" *CMZ : 3.21/02 29/03/94 15.41.30 by S.Giani *-- Author : ********************************************************************* ***** GNPGO1 ******************************************************** * * GNPGO1 ... 15-AUG-1991 * Version 1.1 * Rolf Nierhaus * ********************************************************************* * * Copyright CERN, Geneva 1991 - Copyright and any other * appropriate legal protection of these computer programs and * associated documentation reserved in all countries of the * world. * ********************************************************************* * * Subroutine GNPGO1 is called by GNPGON for the computation * of SNXT, the distance from a point P along a track T to a * boundary surface of a Geant volume V of shape PGON. The point * P is inside the volume V. * * V is generally a composite volume consisting of several * sections. The sections have boundary surfaces orthogonal to * the Z-axis. Each section consists generally of several * sectors. Each sector is an "elementary" convex volume. This * package assumes it is either a hexahedron or a pentahedron. If * it is a pentahedron, it has 6 vertices, of which two are on * the Z-axis. All sectors of the same section are congruent. * Each section has the same number of sectors. * * We describe each surface by 6 parameters: the first three * are the coordinates of a point on the surface * XS(I),YS(I),ZS(I), the other three are the components of the * normal vector of the surface XN(I),YN(I),ZN(I). I is the index * of the surface. We consider only one sector at a time, and the * number of boundary surfaces is never larger then 6. Each * surface divides the space into two regions: the positive * region and the negative region. We choose the direction of the * normal vectors of the boundary surfaces such that the bounded * volume is within the positive region of each surface, that is, * the normal vector is pointing to the inside of the volume. * ***** Subroutine GNPGO1 *************************** 15-AUG-1991 ***** SUBROUTINE GNPGO1(X,P,SNXT) #if !defined(CERNLIB_SINGLE) IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) #endif REAL X(6),P(49),SNXT #if defined(CERNLIB_SINGLE) PARAMETER (F=0.01745329251994330,TPI=6.283185307179586) #endif #if !defined(CERNLIB_SINGLE) PARAMETER (F=0.01745329251994330D0,TPI=6.283185307179586D0) #endif PARAMETER (ONE=1,HALF=ONE/2,ZERO=0.) DIMENSION XS(6), YS(6), ZS(6), XN(6), YN(6), ZN(6) LOGICAL FLAG, FLG XP=X(1) YP=X(2) ZP=X(3) XD=X(4) YD=X(5) ZD=X(6) IMAX=P(4)-.5 * IMAX -> number of Z-sections JMAX=P(3)+.5 * JMAX -> number of Phi-sectors SNXT=0. 10 CONTINUE * Find current elementary volume IF (ZP.LE.P(5)) RETURN * Current point (XP,YP,ZP) is below first section. DO 20 II=1,IMAX IF (ZP.LT.P(5+3*II)) THEN I=II GO TO 30 ENDIF 20 CONTINUE RETURN * Current point (XP,YP,ZP) is above last section. 30 CONTINUE IF (XP.EQ.0..AND.YP.EQ.0.) XP=1.E-20 PHI=ATAN2(YP,XP) IF (PHI.LT.0.) PHI=PHI+TPI P1=F*P(1) PHI1=PHI-P1 IF (PHI1.LT.0.) PHI1=PHI1+TPI IF (PHI1.GE.TPI) PHI1=PHI1-TPI IF (JMAX.EQ.1) THEN IF (ABS(PHI1-TPI).LT.1D-7) PHI1=0. ENDIF J=PHI1*P(3)/(F*P(2))+ONE IF (P(2).EQ.360.) THEN IF (J.LT.1) THEN J=J+JMAX ELSEIF (JMAX.LT.J) THEN J=J-JMAX END IF END IF IF (JMAX.LT.J.OR.J.LT.1) RETURN * Current point is outside Phi-range. C***** Code Expanded From Routine: GNPGO2 * GNPGO2 finds the vector distance to the boundary surface * of the current elementary volume. * I is Z-section, J is Phi-sector. * GNPGO2 calls GNPGO4 five or six times for the storage of * the surface coefficients of its boundary surfaces. * INDEX = 2 + 3*I Z1 = P(INDEX) D1N = P(INDEX+1) D1X = P(INDEX+2) Z2 = P(INDEX+3) D2N = P(INDEX+4) D2X = P(INDEX+5) ZM = HALF*(Z1 + Z2) P11X = F*(P(1)+(J-1)*P(2)/JMAX) P2 = F*(P(1)+J*P(2)/JMAX) PP = HALF*(P11X + P2) COSP = COS(PP) SINP = SIN(PP) DMX = HALF*(D1X + D2X) DMN = HALF*(D1N + D2N) THX = ATAN((D2X - D1X)/(Z2 - Z1)) COSTHX = COS(THX) SINTHX = SIN(THX) XNN = -COSP*COSTHX YNN = -SINP*COSTHX C***** Code Expanded From Routine: GNPGO4 * Store surface coefficients XS(5) = DMX*COSP YS(5) = DMX*SINP ZS(5) = ZM XN(5) = XNN YN(5) = YNN ZN(5) = SINTHX C***** End of Code Expanded From Routine: GNPGO4 C***** Code Expanded From Routine: GNPGO9 * Logical function GNPGO9 returns TRUE if the point * (XP,YP,ZP) is within the positive region of the surface with * index I. This is the case if the scalar product of * (XP-XS,YP-YS,ZP-ZS) and (XN,YN,ZN) is positive (or zero). RESULT=(XP-XS(5))*XN(5)+(YP-YS(5))*YN(5)+(ZP-ZS(5))*ZN(5) FLG = 0. .LE. RESULT IF (.NOT.FLG) GO TO 50 ISMAX = 5 IF (DMN .NE. 0.) THEN ISMAX = 6 THN = ATAN((D2N - D1N)/(Z2 - Z1)) COSTHN = COS(THN) SINTHN = SIN(THN) XNN = COSP*COSTHN YNN = SINP*COSTHN C***** Code Expanded From Routine: GNPGO4 XS(6) = DMN*COSP YS(6) = DMN*SINP ZS(6) = ZM XN(6) = XNN YN(6) = YNN ZN(6) = -SINTHN C***** End of Code Expanded From Routine: GNPGO4 C***** Code Expanded From Routine: GNPGO9 RESULT=(XP-XS(6))*XN(6)+(YP-YS(6))*YN(6)+(ZP-ZS(6))*ZN(6) FLG = 0. .LE. RESULT IF (.NOT.FLG) GO TO 50 ENDIF C***** Code Expanded From Routine: GNPGO4 XS(1) = ZERO YS(1) = ZERO ZS(1) = Z1 XN(1) = ZERO YN(1) = ZERO ZN(1) = ONE C***** End of Code Expanded From Routine: GNPGO4 C***** Code Expanded From Routine: GNPGO4 XS(2) = ZERO YS(2) = ZERO ZS(2) = Z2 XN(2) = ZERO YN(2) = ZERO ZN(2) = -ONE C***** End of Code Expanded From Routine: GNPGO4 C***** Code Expanded From Routine: GNPGO4 XS(3) = ZERO YS(3) = ZERO ZS(3) = ZM XN(3) = -SIN(P11X) YN(3) = COS(P11X) ZN(3) = ZERO C***** End of Code Expanded From Routine: GNPGO4 C***** Code Expanded From Routine: GNPGO4 XS(4) = ZERO YS(4) = ZERO ZS(4) = ZM XN(4) = SIN(P2) YN(4) = -COS(P2) ZN(4) = ZERO C***** End of Code Expanded From Routine: GNPGO4 C***** Code Expanded From Routine: GNPGO5 * Vector distance to volume boundary SNXT1 = 1.E10 DO 40 IS = 1, ISMAX C***** Code Expanded From Routine: GNPGO7 * To find the distance from a point (XP,YP,ZP) along a * track with direction cosines (XD,YD,ZD) to a surface * (XS,YS,ZS)(XN,YN,ZN), we compute first the scalar product of * the vector (XS-XP,YS-YP,ZS-ZP) with the normal vector * (XN,YN,ZN), then the scalar product of the vectors (XD,YD,ZD) * and (XN,YN,ZN). The first scalar product is the shortest * distance from the point to the plane, the second scalar * product is the cosine of the angle between the track and the * plane normal. The quotient is the vector distance. If this * vector distance is positive (or zero) we set the logical * variable FLAG TRUE. GNPGO7 is called with three parameters * I,FLAG and DIST. I is the index of the surface, and DIST is * the vector distance if FLAG is TRUE. SPPMSN = (XP - XS(IS))*XN(IS) + (YP - YS(IS))*YN(IS) + (ZP - + ZS (IS))*ZN(IS) SPDN = XD*XN(IS) + YD*YN(IS) + ZD*ZN(IS) IF (SPDN .EQ. 0.) THEN DIST1 = 0. ELSE DIST1 = -(SPPMSN + .0001)/SPDN ENDIF FLAG = 0. .LT. DIST1 C***** End of Code Expanded From Routine: GNPGO7 IF (FLAG) SNXT1 = MIN(DIST1,SNXT1) 40 CONTINUE 50 CONTINUE C***** End of Code Expanded From Routine: GNPGO2 IF (FLG) THEN SNXT=SNXT+SNXT1 XP=XP+SNXT1*XD YP=YP+SNXT1*YD ZP=ZP+SNXT1*ZD * The current point (XP,YP,ZP) is propagated along the track * to the boundary of the current elementary volume. GO TO 10 ENDIF END