* * $Id: gnotrp.F,v 1995/10/24 10:20:53 cernlib Exp $ * * $Log: gnotrp.F,v $ * Revision 1995/10/24 10:20:53 cernlib * Geant * * #include "geant321/pilot.h" *CMZ : 3.21/02 29/03/94 15.41.30 by S.Giani *-- Author : SUBROUTINE GNOTRP(X,P,IACT,SNEXT,SNXT,SAFE) C. C. ****************************************************************** C. * * C. * Compute distance up to intersection with 'TRAP' volume. * C. * from outside point X(1-3) along direction X(4-6) * C. * * C. * P (input) : volume parameters * C. * IACT (input) : action flag * C. * = 0 Compute SAFE only * C. * = 1 Compute SAFE, and SNXT only if SNEXT.GT.SAFE * C. * = 2 Compute both SAFE and SNXT * C. * = 3 Compute SNXT only * C. * SNEXT (input) : see IACT = 1 * C. * SNXT (output) : distance to volume boundary * C. * SAFE (output) : shortest distance to any boundary * C. * * C. * Scalar Distance to Volume. * C. * The scalar distance from a point to a hexahedron can be * C. * the distance from the point to a surface, * C. * the distance from the point to an edge or * C. * the distance from the point to a vertex. * C. * Here we compute only the distances to the planes of the * C. * six surfaces and take the maximum. * C. * Since the distances to edges or vertices can only be * C. * larger, this is a first approximation to * C. * SAFETY, that is a value which is not larger than the * C. * distance from the point to the volume. * C. * * C. * ==>Called by : GNEXT, GTNEXT * C. * Author R.Nierhaus ********* * C. * * C. ****************************************************************** * #include "geant321/gconsp.inc" * DIMENSION X(6),P(35) * SAFE=-BIG SNXT=BIG DO 1 I=12,32,4 T1=P(I)*X(1)+P(I+1)*X(2)+P(I+2)*X(3)+P(I+3) IF (SAFE.LT.T1) SAFE=T1 1 CONTINUE IF (IACT.EQ.0.OR.(IACT.EQ.1.AND.SNEXT.LE.SAFE)) RETURN * * Vector Distance to Volume. * Volume is hexahedron. * (X(1),X(2),X(3)) is outside. * P(1),P(2) ... P(11) are the standard Geant execution time * parameters for a shape 4 (TRAP) volume. * P(12) ... P(35) contain boundary surface data. * P(12),P(13),P(14),P(15) are the coefficients of the normalized * implicit plane equation for the first boundary surface. * P(16),P(17),P(18),P(19) for the second boundary surface. * P(32),P(33),P(34),P(35) for the last (sixth) boundary surface. * The first three coefficients are the components of a unit * vector pointing away from the volume. * T1 is the signed orthogonal distance of the point * (X(1),X(2),X(3)) and a boundary plane. * If this distance is negative, the track cannot enter the * volume through the corresponding face. * T2 is the cosine of the angle between the plane normal and the * track directions (X(4),X(5),X(6)). * T3 is the vector distance to the corresponding surface. * SNXT1=-BIG DO 2 I=12,32,4 T1=P(I)*X(1)+P(I+1)*X(2)+P(I+2)*X(3)+P(I+3) IF (0.LT.T1) THEN T2=P(I)*X(4)+P(I+1)*X(5)+P(I+2)*X(6) T3=-.0000001 IF (T2.NE.0.) T3=-T1/T2 IF (0..LE.T3) THEN IF (SNXT1.LT.T3) SNXT1=T3 END IF END IF 2 CONTINUE IF (SNXT1.EQ.-BIG) RETURN * T=1.00001*SNXT1+.00001 * * (XQ,YQ,ZQ) is the intersection point of the track with * a boundary surface plane. * P(I)*XQ+P(I+1)*YQ+P(I+2)*ZQ+P(I+3) is the signed distance of * the intersection point with a boundary surface plane. * If this distance is positive for any of the six surfaces, * the intersection is not with the volume. * A small correction is applied which moves the point slightly * to the interior of the volume to protect against rounding * errors. * XQ=X(1)+T*X(4) YQ=X(2)+T*X(5) ZQ=X(3)+T*X(6) DO 3 I=12,32,4 IF (0.LT.P(I)*XQ+P(I+1)*YQ+P(I+2)*ZQ+P(I+3)) RETURN 3 CONTINUE SNXT=SNXT1 * END