* * $Id: gnopco.F,v 1995/10/24 10:20:52 cernlib Exp $ * * $Log: gnopco.F,v $ * Revision 1995/10/24 10:20:52 cernlib * Geant * * #include "geant321/pilot.h" *CMZ : 3.21/02 29/03/94 15.41.29 by S.Giani *-- Author : SUBROUTINE GNOPCO (X, PAR, IACT, SNEXT, SNXT, SAFE) C. C. ****************************************************************** C. * * C. * COMPUTE DISTANCE UP TO INTERSECTION WITH 'PCON' VOLUME, * C. * FROM OUTSIDE POINT X(1-3) ALONG DIRECTION X(4-6) * C. * * C. * PAR (input) : volume parameters * C. * IACT (input) : action flag * C. * = 0 Compute SAFE only * C. * = 1 Compute SAFE, and SNXT only if SNEXT .GT.new SAFE * C. * = 2 Compute both SAFE and SNXT * C. * = 3 Compute SNXT only * C. * SNEXT (input) : see IACT = 1 * C. * SNXT (output) : distance to volume boundary * C. * SAFE (output) : shortest distance to any boundary * C. * * C. * ==>Called by : GNEXT, GTNEXT * C. * Author A.McPherson, P.Weidhaas ********* * C. * * C. ****************************************************************** C. #include "geant321/gconsp.inc" DIMENSION X(6), PAR(9), PT(7), XT(6) EQUIVALENCE (PT(1),PT1), (PT(2),PT2), (PT(3),PT3), (PT(4),PT4) EQUIVALENCE (PT(5),PT5), (PT(6),PT6), (PT(7),PT7) C. C. -------------------------------------------------------- C. SNXT = BIG SAFE = BIG R2 = X(1)*X(1) + X(2)*X(2) R = SQRT (R2) NZ = PAR(3) NSEC= NZ - 1 PT6=PAR(1) PT7=PAR(1)+PAR(2) IFLAG = 2 IF(PAR(2).EQ.360.0) IFLAG = 1 IF (IACT .LT. 3) THEN C ------------------------------------------------- C | Compute safety-distance 'SAFE' (P.Weidhaas) | C ------------------------------------------------- SAFEZ = 0.0 C C...... Obtain axial distance "SAFEZ". C ZMIN = PAR(4) ZMAX = PAR(3*NZ+1) IF (X(3) .LT. ZMIN) THEN SAFEZ = ZMIN - X(3) ELSEIF (X(3) .GT. ZMAX) THEN SAFEZ = X(3) - ZMAX ENDIF C---------------------------------------------------- C...... Prepare parameters for PHI-segmented cone: C---------------------------------------------------- IF (IFLAG .EQ. 2) THEN PHI1 = MOD (PT6+360.0 , 360.0) PHI2 = MOD (PT7+360.0 , 360.0) IF ( X(1).NE.0.0 .OR. X(2).NE.0.0 ) THEN PHI = ATAN2( X(2), X(1) ) * RADDEG ELSE PHI = 0.0 ENDIF PHI = MOD (PHI+360.0 , 360.0) SINPH1 = SIN(PHI1*DEGRAD) COSPH1 = COS(PHI1*DEGRAD) SINPH2 = SIN(PHI2*DEGRAD) COSPH2 = COS(PHI2*DEGRAD) C...... Set flag "IOPENP" if point (X(1),X(2),X(3)) lies in the C...... PHI-opening. IOPENP = 0 IF (PHI2 .GT. PHI1) THEN IF (PHI.GT.PHI2 .OR. PHI.LT.PHI1) IOPENP = 1 ELSE IF (PHI.GT.PHI2 .AND. PHI.LT.PHI1) IOPENP = 1 ENDIF ENDIF C------------------ Start of loop over Z-sections -------------- IPZ2=4 DO 150 IS=1,NSEC IPZ1=IPZ2 IPZ2=IPZ1+3 SAFSEG = 0.0 SAFER = 0.0 XT3=X(3) - 0.5 * (PAR(IPZ1)+PAR(IPZ2)) DZ = 0.5 * (PAR(IPZ2)-PAR(IPZ1)) PT2 = PAR(IPZ1+1) PT3 = PAR(IPZ1+2) PT4 = PAR(IPZ2+1) PT5 = PAR(IPZ2+2) C**** check DZ=0 segments IF (DZ.LE.0.) THEN IF ((R-PT2)*(R-PT4).LE.0. .OR. (R-PT3)*(R-PT5).LE.0.) THEN SAFER = ABS(XT3) ELSE GO TO 150 ENDIF GO TO 100 ENDIF IF (PT2 .NE. PT4) GO TO 50 IF (PT3 .NE. PT5) GO TO 50 C********************************************************** C C...... The segment is a tube; invoke the algorithm C...... from "GNOTUB" inline to get "SAFER" and "SAFSEG". C C********************************************************** IF (R .LT. PT2) SAFER = PT2 - R IF (R .GT. PT3) SAFER = R - PT3 IF (IFLAG .EQ. 2) THEN C******************************************************************** C...... Handle the case in which we have a PHI-segment of a tube. C...... In addition to the radial distance (SAFER) and the C...... axial distance (SAFEZ) we compute here the distance (SAFSEG) C...... to the PHI-segment boundary that is closest to the point: C C...... SAFSEG is only calculated if PHI lies outside the interval C...... [PHI1, PHI2]. Here PHI is the angle to the given point C...... (thus we only consider SAFSEG if the point is outside the C...... PHI-segment). C C...... Algorithm to find SAFSEG (same as in routine "GNTUBE"): C C...... For each PHI-boundary we find the distance from the given C...... point to the outer (at RMAX) point of the segment boundary C...... (DISTS1 and DISTS2, resp.). If DISTS1 < DISTS2, we define C...... SAFSEG to be the distance to segment PHI1; else we set C...... SAFSEG to be the distance to segment PHI2. C******************************************************************** C...... Next eliminate those points whose angle PHI places them C...... inside the given PHI-segment (IOPENP = 0). IF (IOPENP .EQ. 0) GO TO 100 C...... Get coordinates of outer endpoints (at RMAX) of both PHI-segments. XS1 = PT3 * COSPH1 YS1 = PT3 * SINPH1 XS2 = PT3 * COSPH2 YS2 = PT3 * SINPH2 C...... Get distances (squared) from the given point to each endpoint. DISTS1 = (X(1) - XS1)**2 + (X(2) - YS1)**2 DISTS2 = (X(1) - XS2)**2 + (X(2) - YS2)**2 C...... Get distance to that PHI-segment whose endpoint C...... is closest to the given point. IF (DISTS1 .LE. DISTS2) THEN SAFSEG = ABS(X(1) * SINPH1 - X(2) * COSPH1) ELSE SAFSEG = ABS(X(1) * SINPH2 - X(2) * COSPH2) ENDIF ENDIF GO TO 100 50 CONTINUE C********************************************************* C C...... The segment is a cone; invoke the algorithm C...... from "GNOCON" inline to get "SAFER" and "SAFSEG". C C********************************************************* ZLENI = 0.5 / DZ FACT1 = (PT4 - PT2) * ZLENI FACT2 = (PT5 - PT3) * ZLENI RIN = PT2 + FACT1 * (DZ + XT3) ROUT = PT3 + FACT2 * (DZ + XT3) IF (R .LT. RIN) THEN SAFER = (RIN - R) / SQRT(1.0 + FACT1 * FACT1) ELSE IF (R .GT. ROUT) THEN SAFER = (R - ROUT) / SQRT(1.0 + FACT2 * FACT2) ENDIF ENDIF IF (IFLAG .EQ. 2) THEN C******************************************************************** C...... Handle the case in which we have a PHI-segment of a cone. C...... In addition to the radial distance (SAFER) and the C...... axial distance (SAFEZ) we compute here the distance (SAFSEG) C...... to the PHI-segment boundary that is closest to the point: C C...... SAFSEG is only calculated if PHI lies outside the interval C...... [PHI1, PHI2]. Here PHI is the angle to the given point C...... (thus we only consider SAFSEG if the point is outside the C...... PHI-segment). C C...... Algorithm to find SAFSEG (same as in routine "GNTUBE"): C C...... For each PHI-boundary we find the distance from the given C...... point to the outer (at ROUT) point of the segment boundary C...... (DISTS1 and DISTS2, resp.). If DISTS1 < DISTS2, we define C...... SAFSEG to be the distance to segment PHI1; else we set C...... SAFSEG to be the distance to segment PHI2. C******************************************************************** C...... Next eliminate those points whose angle PHI places them C...... inside the given PHI-segment (IOPENP = 0). IF (IOPENP .EQ. 0) GO TO 100 C...... Get coordinates of outer endpoints (at ROUT) of both PHI-segments. IF (XT3 .LT. -DZ) THEN ROUT = PT3 ELSEIF (XT3 .GT. DZ) THEN ROUT = PT5 ENDIF XS1 = ROUT * COSPH1 YS1 = ROUT * SINPH1 XS2 = ROUT * COSPH2 YS2 = ROUT * SINPH2 C...... Get distances (squared) from the given point to each endpoint. DISTS1 = (X(1) - XS1)**2 + (X(2) - YS1)**2 DISTS2 = (X(1) - XS2)**2 + (X(2) - YS2)**2 C...... Obtain distance to that PHI-segment whose endpoint C...... is closest to the given point. IF (DISTS1 .LE. DISTS2) THEN SAFSEG = ABS(X(1) * SINPH1 - X(2) * COSPH1) ELSE SAFSEG = ABS(X(1) * SINPH2 - X(2) * COSPH2) ENDIF ENDIF 100 CONTINUE TSAFE = MAX (SAFEZ, SAFER, SAFSEG) IF (TSAFE .GT. 0.0) THEN IF (TSAFE .LT. SAFE) SAFE = TSAFE ENDIF IF (TSAFE .EQ. 0.0) THEN IF (X(3) .LT. PAR(IPZ1)) GO TO 200 ENDIF 150 CONTINUE 200 CONTINUE IF (IACT .EQ. 0) GO TO 999 IF (IACT .EQ. 1) THEN IF (SNEXT .LT. SAFE) GO TO 999 ENDIF ENDIF C ------------------------------------------------ C | Compute vector-distance 'SNXT' (McPherson) | C ------------------------------------------------ TSNXT = BIG DO 210 I=1, 6 XT(I) = X(I) 210 CONTINUE IPZ2 = 4 DO 300 IS=1, NSEC IPZ1 = IPZ2 IPZ2 = IPZ1 + 3 XT(3) = X(3) - 0.5 * (PAR(IPZ1) + PAR(IPZ2)) PT1 = 0.5 * (PAR(IPZ2) - PAR(IPZ1)) IF (PT1 .LE. 0.0) GO TO 300 IF (PAR(IPZ1+1) .NE. PAR(IPZ2+1)) GO TO 250 IF (PAR(IPZ1+2) .NE. PAR(IPZ2+2)) GO TO 250 C C...... This Z-section is a tube. C PT3 = PT1 PT1 = PAR(IPZ1+1) PT2 = PAR(IPZ1+2) PT4 = PT6 PT5 = PT7 CALL GNOTUB (XT, PT, 3, IFLAG, SNEXT, TSNXT, TSAFE) GO TO 280 250 CONTINUE C C...... This Z-section is a cone. C PT2 = PAR(IPZ1+1) PT3 = PAR(IPZ1+2) PT4 = PAR(IPZ2+1) PT5 = PAR(IPZ2+2) CALL GNOCON (XT, PT, 3, IFLAG, SNEXT, TSNXT, TSAFE) 280 CONTINUE IF (TSNXT .LT. SNXT) SNXT = TSNXT 300 CONTINUE 999 CONTINUE END