* * $Id: gnoelt.F,v 1995/10/24 10:20:52 cernlib Exp $ * * $Log: gnoelt.F,v $ * Revision 1995/10/24 10:20:52 cernlib * Geant * * #include "geant321/pilot.h" *CMZ : 3.21/02 29/03/94 15.41.29 by S.Giani *-- Author : SUBROUTINE GNOELT(X,PAR,IACT,SNEXT,SNXT,SAFE) C C **************************************************************** C * * C * Compute distance up to intersection with 'ELTU' volume, * C * from outside point X(1-3) along direction X(4-6). * C * * C * PAR (input) : volume parameters * C * IACT (input) : action flag * C * = 0 Compute SAFE only * C * = 1 Compute SAFE, and SNXT only if SNEXT.gt.new SAFE * C * = 2 Compute both SAFE and SNXT * C * = 3 Compute SNXT only * C * SNEXT (input) : see IACT = 1 * C * SNXT (output) : distance to volume boundary * C * SAFE (output) : shortest distance to any boundary * C * * C * ==>Called by : GNEXT,GTNEXT * C * Author A.Solano * C * * C **************************************************************** C #include "geant321/gconsp.inc" C DIMENSION X(6),PAR(3),TAU(2) C #if !defined(CERNLIB_SINGLE) DOUBLE PRECISION SAFZ,A2,B2,X0,Y0,PHI1,PHI2,PHI3,X3,Y3 DOUBLE PRECISION DXY2,U,V,W,DISCR,SQDISC,TAU,TAUZ,ZI,XZ,YZ #endif SNXT = BIG SAFZ = ABS(X(3))-PAR(3) A2 = PAR(1)*PAR(1) B2 = PAR(2)*PAR(2) C IF(IACT.EQ.3)GOTO 40 C C ----------------------------------- C | Compute safety-distance 'SAFE' | C ----------------------------------- C C .... First check Z X0 = ABS(X(1)) Y0 = ABS(X(2)) C SAFE=0. IF(X0*X0/A2+Y0*Y0/B2.LT.1.) GO TO 30 PHI1=0. PHI2=PIBY2 DO 10 I=1,10 PHI3=(PHI1+PHI2)*0.5 X3=PAR(1)*COS(PHI3) Y3=PAR(2)*SIN(PHI3) D=Y3*A2*(X0-X3)-X3*B2*(Y0-Y3) * * D is the (signed) distance from the point (X0,Y0) * to the normal to the ellipse at the point (X3,Y3). * IF (D.LT.0.) THEN PHI1=PHI3 ELSE PHI2=PHI3 END IF 10 CONTINUE 20 SAFE=SQRT((X0-X3)**2+(Y0-Y3)**2)-.01 30 IF(SAFZ.GT.0.)THEN * * .... Combine the radial distance whit the Z-distance * SAFE = SQRT(SAFE**2+SAFZ**2) ENDIF IF(IACT.EQ.0)GOTO 999 IF(IACT.EQ.1.AND.SNEXT.LT.SAFE)GOTO 999 40 CONTINUE C C --------------------------------------- C | Compute the vector-distance 'SNXT' | C --------------------------------------- C IF(SAFZ.GT.0.0.AND.X(3)*X(6).GE.0.0)GOTO 999 C DXY2 = (1-X(6))*(1+X(6)) IF(DXY2.LE.0.)GOTO 60 C C .... Find the intersection of the given ray C (described by array X) whit the cylider. C Ray equation : X'(1-3) = X(1-3) + TAU*X(4-6) C Cylinder equation : x**2/a**2 + y**2/b**2 = 1 C To obtain TAU,solve the quadratic equation C Ut**2 + 2Vt + W = 0 C U = X(4)*X(4)*B2+X(5)*X(5)*A2 V = X(1)*X(4)*B2+X(2)*X(5)*A2 W = X(1)*X(1)*B2+X(2)*X(2)*A2-A2*B2 DISCR = V*V-U*W IF(DISCR.LT.0.)GOTO 999 IF(U.EQ.0.)GOTO 999 SQDISC = SQRT(DISCR) TAU(1) = (-V+SQDISC)/U TAU(2) = (-V-SQDISC)/U C DO 50 I=1,2 IF(TAU(I).GE.0.)THEN ZI = X(3)+TAU(I)*X(6) IF((ABS(ZI)-PAR(3)).LT.1.E-6)THEN C C .... Set SNXT to the smallest positive TAU,only if C the intersection point is inside the Z limits C SNXT = MIN(SNXT,REAL(TAU(I))) ENDIF ENDIF 50 CONTINUE 60 CONTINUE C IF(SAFZ.GT.0.)THEN C C .... Check intersection whit Z planes C IF(X(3).GT.0.) ZI = PAR(3) IF(X(3).LT.0.) ZI = -PAR(3) C TAUZ = (ZI-X(3))/X(6) XZ = X(1)+X(4)*TAUZ YZ = X(2)+X(5)*TAUZ IF((XZ*XZ/A2+YZ*YZ/B2).LE.1.) SNXT = TAUZ ENDIF C 999 END