* * $Id: ggordq.F,v 1995/10/24 10:20:49 cernlib Exp $ * * $Log: ggordq.F,v $ * Revision 1995/10/24 10:20:49 cernlib * Geant * * #include "geant321/pilot.h" *CMZ : 3.21/02 29/03/94 15.41.28 by S.Giani *-- Author : SUBROUTINE GGORDQ (IVO) C. C. ***************************************************************** C. * * C. * Find and order the boundaries of the contents of the * C. * IVOth volume, with respect to coordinate IAX : * C. * IAX = 1 X Axis * C. * IAX = 2 Y Axis * C. * IAX = 3 Z Axis * C. * IAX = 4 Rxy * C. * IAX = 5 Rxyz * C. * IAX = 6 PHI (PHI=0 => X axis) * C. * IAX = 7 THETA (THETA=0 => Z axis) * C. * All values of IAX will be tried and then that value is * C. * chosen, that results in the smallest number of volumes per * C. * division. * C. * Called by : GGCLOS * C. * Author: Stephan Egli (large parts are copies of GGORD) * C. * * C. ***************************************************************** C. #include "geant321/gcbank.inc" #include "geant321/gcunit.inc" * DIMENSION CLOW(500),CHIGH(500),CORD(1000),ITYPE(1000), +ICONT(500),ICON(1000),ICONS(500) EQUIVALENCE (CLOW(1),WS(1)),(CHIGH(1),WS(501)) EQUIVALENCE (CORD(1),WS(1001)),(ITYPE(1),WS(2001)) EQUIVALENCE (ICONT(1),WS(3001)),(ICON(1),WS(3501)) EQUIVALENCE (ICONS(1),WS(4501)) C CHARACTER*4 NAME C. ------------------------------------------------------------------ * JVO = LQ(JVOLUM-IVO) CALL UHTOC(IQ(JVOLUM+IVO),4,NAME,4) NIN = Q(JVO+3) IAXNOW = 0 IF(IQ(JVO-2).EQ.NIN+2) THEN * * *** This is to allow re-entry in the routine from the interactive * *** version. JNEAR = LQ(JVO-NIN-1) IF(JNEAR.GT.0) THEN JSB = LQ(JNEAR) IF(JSB.GT.0) THEN IAXNOW = Q(JSB+1) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF IF(IAXNOW.EQ.0) THEN IAXNOW=-Q(JVO+1) ENDIF * assume that ordering can not be done unless proven otherwise Q(JVO+1)=0. RBEST=1.E9 * try all possible axes DO 1 IAX=1,7 * count number of additional words needed and total number of volumes * in all divisions NCOALL=0 * * *** Find the upper and lower coordinates of each content * DO 50 IN = 1,NIN CALL GFCLIM (JVO, IN, IAX, CLOW(IN), CHIGH(IN), IERR) IF (IERR.NE.0) GOTO 1 50 CONTINUE * * *** Order the coordinate limits, keeping track of the associated * content number * CALL GFCORD (NIN, CLOW, CHIGH, CORD, ITYPE, ICON) NC = NIN*2 * * ** Count and load up the distinct boundaries * IBO = 0 DO 60 IC = 1,NC IBO = IBO +1 IF (IBO.EQ.1) GO TO 60 IF (CORD(IC)-CORD(IC-1).LT.1.E-4) IBO = IBO -1 60 CONTINUE NDIV = IBO -1 IF (IAX.EQ.6) NDIV = IBO * * Load up number of contents in each section * IDIV = 0 NCONT = 1 ICONT(1)= ICON(1) IF (IAX.NE.6) GO TO 70 NCONT = 0 NSTOR = 0 ICONT(1)= 0 DO 65 IN = 1,NIN IF (CHIGH(IN).GT.CLOW(IN)) GO TO 65 * (this content straddles PHI=0.) NSTOR = NSTOR +1 ICONS(NSTOR) = IN IF (ICON(1).EQ.IN) GO TO 65 * (IN is in 1st division as well) NCONT = NCONT +1 ICONT(NCONT) = IN 65 CONTINUE * IF (ITYPE(1).EQ.2) GO TO 70 * (first boundary is a low, add the new content) NCONT = NCONT +1 ICONT(NCONT) = ICON(1) * 70 CONTINUE * DO 130 IC = 2,NC IDIV = IDIV +1 IF (CORD(IC)-CORD(IC-1).LT.1.E-4) GO TO 90 * * New division, load up last division * IF (NCONT.LE.0) GO TO 100 NCOALL=NCOALL+NCONT GO TO 100 90 CONTINUE IDIV = IDIV -1 * 100 CONTINUE * * Update contents of current division * IF (ITYPE(IC).EQ.1) GO TO 120 * * This boundary was a high, so one less content * ICP = 0 DO 110 ICNT = 1,NCONT IF (ICONT(ICNT).EQ.ICON(IC)) ICP=1 IF (ICP.EQ.1) ICONT(ICNT) = ICONT(ICNT+1) 110 CONTINUE NCONT = NCONT -1 GO TO 130 * 120 CONTINUE * * This boundary was a low, so one extra content * NCONT = NCONT +1 ICONT(NCONT) = ICON(IC) * 130 CONTINUE * IF(IAX.EQ.6) NCOALL = NCOALL+NSTOR RNOW=FLOAT(NCOALL)/NDIV IF(RNOW.LT.RBEST)THEN IAXOPT=IAX RBEST=RNOW NDIVB=NDIV ENDIF * end of loop over IAX 1 CONTINUE * now the best axis is selected - compare with axis requested by CALL * to GSORD (if any) IF(IAXNOW.GT.0)THEN WRITE (CHMAIL,1002) NAME,NIN,IAXOPT,NDIVB,RBEST,IAXNOW CALL GMAIL (0, 0) 1002 FORMAT(' GGORDQ : Volume ',A4,2X,'NIN=',I4,' IAX=',I2,2X, + 'NDIV=',I3,2X,'NVOL/DIV=',F5.1,2X,'IAX wanted by user:',I2) ELSE WRITE (CHMAIL,1003) NAME,NIN,IAXOPT,NDIVB,RBEST CALL GMAIL (0, 0) 1003 FORMAT(' GGORDQ : Volume ',A4,2X,'NIN=',I4,' IAX=',I2,2X, + 'NDIV=',I3,2X,'NVOL/DIV=',F5.1) ENDIF * overwrite old axis and store sorting information for new axis Q(JVO+1)=-IAXOPT CALL GGORD(IVO) END