* * $Id: readme.F,v 1995/10/24 10:20:45 cernlib Exp $ * * $Log: readme.F,v $ * Revision 1995/10/24 10:20:45 cernlib * Geant * * #include "geant321/pilot.h" *CMZ : 3.21/02 29/03/94 15.41.32 by S.Giani *-- Author : * * INFORMATION ABOUT THE GEANT-SET-INTERFACE (CADINT 1.20) * C The interface is available in the CMZ patch CADINT. (CAR file CADINT.car) C An updated GXINT as well as command file CDF are also required. C C You must recompile gxint and cdf, then you copy the interface code to your C directory in CMZ (YTOC cadint.car.) C C You have to specify the name of the volume where you want to C start your conversion and the number of division instances to be written C into the SET file. This is useful in a case of many divisions. C C Selection of volumes to export into SET is done with the visibility C attribute command (SATT volume SEEN x). Volume names will C be written into SET with an index to distinguish different instances C of a volume. In a case of many divisions, the indexing of slices will be C reset in each division. C C The colors of the volumes will be transformed inte SET file as well. C C When you export GEANT geometry to a CAD system, C be a bit careful not to have C too many volumes, because this will fill up the CAD system. (Divided C volumes which contains 100's of equal daughters are C therefore better to be SATT volume SEEN -2, or you can define the number C of division instances). C C A good strategy is to make several SET files, C one for each sub part of the detector. C Material information is currently written into .mat file as well as C the tree information. C C Remember that you must specify the drawing parameters again if you C want to draw your detector after you have used the interface command. C C Contact Nils Hoimyr/CN/CE or Jouko Vuoskoski/CN/AS if you have any C questions regarding the interface.