* * $Id: gpgset.F,v 1995/10/24 10:20:46 cernlib Exp $ * * $Log: gpgset.F,v $ * Revision 1995/10/24 10:20:46 cernlib * Geant * * #include "geant321/pilot.h" *CMZ : 3.21/02 29/03/94 15.41.32 by S.Giani *-- Author : SUBROUTINE GPGSET(PAR) C- C- Created 26-JUN-1991 Nils Joar Hoimyr C- Modified 21.02.1992 Jouko Vuoskoski C- C--------------------------------------------------------- C- Calculates the sectional face of 1 cell of the PGON shape. This face is C- copied and rotated around the Z-axis to make "the other side" of the first C- cell. A ruled solid is generated between the 2 faces, to created the cell. C- The rest of the cells are created by copying and rotation of the first cell. C- The final result is obtained with a Boolean fusion of the cells. (The whole C- creation history is written to the SET file.) C---------------------------------------------------------- C #include "geant321/gcsetf.inc" C DIMENSION PAR(50) REAL PX,PY,PZ,PHIC,PHI1,RMIN,RMAX REAL R1,R2,R3,R4,R5,R6,R7,R8,R9 C C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C C Calculates range of each cell C PHI1= (PAR(1)+180)/180*3.14159265359 NZ= PAR(4) NPDV= PAR(3) PHIC= (PAR(2)/PAR(3))/180*3.14159265359 C Rotation around the Z-axis. Coeffisients of rotation: R1= COS(PHI1) R2= -SIN(PHI1) R3= 0.0 R4= SIN(PHI1) R5= COS(PHI1) R6= 0.0 R7= 0.0 R8= 0.0 R9= 1.0 C Face defined in the yz-plane (x=0) C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C WRITE(BLKSTR,10000)N1 CALL GJWRIT C--------------------------------------------------------- C 1. Definition point for the face: C N3= 2 PX= 0.0 C PY= PAR(6) PZ= PAR(5) C--------------------------------------------------------- C WRITE(BLKSTR,10100)PX,PY,PZ CALL GJWRIT C--------------------------------------------------------- C Loops over the other definition points: C DO 10 K=1,NZ N3=N3+3 PY= PAR(N3+2) PZ= PAR(N3) RMIN= PAR(N3+1) RMAX= PAR(N3+2) IF (RMIN .GE. RMAX) GOTO 10 C C C--------------------------------------------------------- WRITE(BLKSTR,10100)PX,PY,PZ CALL GJWRIT C--------------------------------------------------------- C 10 CONTINUE C DO 20 L=2,NZ PY= PAR(N3+1) PZ= PAR(N3) C C--------------------------------------------------------- WRITE(BLKSTR,10100)PX,PY,PZ CALL GJWRIT C---------------------------------------------------------- N3=N3-3 20 CONTINUE C C Geometric Transformation C* WRITE SET @302,N1..#301,R1,R2,R3,R4,R5,R6,R7,R8,R9 C N1=N1+1 NG= N1 WRITE(BLKSTR,10200)N1,R1,R2,R3,R4,R5,R6,R7,R8,R9 CALL GJWRIT C------------------------------------------------- C---First FACE: C* WRITE SET @113,F2..#101,!F1,N1 C------------------------------------------------ C N1=N1+1 WRITE(BLKSTR,10300)N1,N1-2,N1-1 CALL GJWRIT C--------------------------------------------------------- C Next step is to obtain the right position of the second face to C create a cell: C Rotation around the Z-axis. Coeffisients of rotation: R1= COS(PHIC) R2= -SIN(PHIC) R3= 0.0 R4= SIN(PHIC) R5= COS(PHIC) R6= 0.0 R7= 0.0 R8= 0.0 R9= 1.0 C C Geometric Transformation C* WRITE SET @302,N1..#301,R1,R2,R3,R4,R5,R6,R7,R8,R9 C C------------------------------------------------------------ N1=N1+1 NG= N1 WRITE(BLKSTR,10200)N1,R1,R2,R3,R4,R5,R6,R7,R8,R9 CALL GJWRIT C-------------------------------------------------------------- C Second Face: C C The first cell of the PGON is defined as a ruled solid between two C faces. The second face is defined as a copy of the first face that is C rotated PHIC degrees around the Z-axis. C C* WRITE SET @113,F2..#101,!F1,N1 C------------------------------------------------ C N1=N1+1 WRITE(BLKSTR,10300)N1,N1-2,N1-1 CALL GJWRIT C C------------------------------------------------- C* WRITE SET @100,N2..#145,!F1,!F2 C------------------------------------------------ C N1=N1+1 WRITE(BLKSTR,10400)N1,N1-3,N1-1 CALL GJWRIT C C-------------------------------------------------------------- C The rest of the cells are defined as rotated copies of the first cell: N2=N1 DO 30 K=2, NPDV C* WRITE SET @100,N3..#101,!N1-1,!NG C C------------------------------------------------ C N1=N1+1 WRITE(BLKSTR,10500)N1,N1-1,NG CALL GJWRIT C 30 CONTINUE C------------------------------------------------------------ C The final shape is a Boolean union of the cells C* WRITE SET @100,N4..#100,2,!N1-NPDV....!N1-1 C------------------------------------------------ C N1=N1+1 WRITE(BLKSTR,10700)N1 CALL GJWRIT C------------------------------------------------ DO 40 K=N2, N1-1 C WRITE(BLKSTR,10600)K CALL GJWRIT C 40 CONTINUE C 10000 FORMAT('@103,',I10,',:5,2#3,3,2') 10100 FORMAT(',',G14.7,',',G14.7,',',G14.7) 10200 FORMAT('@302,',I10,',:5,2#301,',G14.7,',',G14.7,',',G14.7 + ,',',G14.7,',',G14.7,',',G14.7,',',G14.7,',',G14.7,',',G14.7) 10300 FORMAT('@113,',I10,',:5,2#101,!',I10,',!',I10) 10400 FORMAT('@100,',I10,',:5,2#145,!',I10,',!',I10) 10500 FORMAT('@100,',I10,',:5,2#101,!',I10,',!',I10) 10600 FORMAT(',!',I10) 10700 FORMAT('@100,',I10,',:5,2#100,2') C END