* * $Id: gkhits.F,v 1995/10/24 10:20:30 cernlib Exp $ * * $Log: gkhits.F,v $ * Revision 1995/10/24 10:20:30 cernlib * Geant * * #include "geant321/pilot.h" *CMZ : 3.21/02 29/03/94 15.41.27 by S.Giani *-- Author : SUBROUTINE GKHITS (IUSET,IUDET,EPSILO) C. C. ****************************************************************** C. * * C. * Prints the hit picked (using the graphics cursor) * C. * from all the hits of all tracks in detector IUDET * C. * of set IUSET, in case that the spatial coordinates * C. * of the hits had been stored as the first three words * C. * in the argument vector of GSAHIT. * C. * If the character typed to pick is 'K' or 'k' then the * C. * kinematics of the corresponding track is also printed. * C. * The picking is repeated until the character typed is * C. * 'Q' or 'q'. * C. * EPSILO is the pick aperture, i.e. the first hit that * C. * falls into the square centered at U0,V0 (the pick point) * C. * with half length EPSILO is kept. * C. * If EPSILO is negative then its absolute value is taken * C. * and in addition the pick square is drawn. * C. * If EPSILO is zero there is no pick aperture and over all * C. * the hits the one nearest to the pick point is taken. * C. * * C. * ==>Called by : , * C. * Authors : R.Brun, W.Gebel, P.Zanarini ********* * C. * * C. ****************************************************************** C. #include "geant321/gcbank.inc" #include "geant321/gcdraw.inc" #include "geant321/gcunit.inc" DIMENSION HITS(3,10) DIMENSION U(10),V(10) DIMENSION UP(5),VP(5) CHARACTER*4 IUSET,IUDET,KIUSET,KIUDET C. C. ------------------------------------------------------------------ C. CALL UCTOH('OFF ',IOFF,4,4) C C Set IOBJ to HIT C IOBJ=3 C 10 CONTINUE C CALL GDCURS(U0,V0,KCHAR) IF (KCHAR.EQ.0) GO TO 160 C IF (JHITS.LE.0) GOTO 160 NSET = IQ(JSET-1) NS1 = 1 NS2 = NSET IF (IUSET(1:1).EQ.'*') GOTO 20 CALL GLOOK(IUSET,IQ(JSET+1),NSET,ISET) IF (ISET .LE.0) GOTO 160 NS1 = ISET NS2 = ISET C 20 CONTINUE C EPSIL=ABS(EPSILO) EPSU=PLTRNX*EPSIL/20. EPSV=PLTRNY*EPSIL/20. IHITNR=0 DISTPK=1000000. C C Draw the pick box C IF (EPSILO.LT.0) THEN UP(1)=U0-EPSU VP(1)=V0-EPSV UP(2)=U0+EPSU VP(2)=VP(1) UP(3)=UP(2) VP(3)=V0+EPSV UP(4)=UP(1) VP(4)=VP(3) UP(5)=UP(1) VP(5)=VP(1) CALL GDRAWV(UP,VP,5) ENDIF C C loop on all selected sets C DO 140 ISET=NS1,NS2 C JS = LQ(JSET-ISET) JH = LQ(JHITS-ISET) IF(JS.LE.0)GO TO 140 IF(JH.LE.0)GO TO 140 NDET = IQ(JS-1) ND1 = 1 ND2 = NDET IF (IUDET(1:1).EQ.'*') GOTO 30 CALL GLOOK(IUDET,IQ(JS+1),NDET,IDET) IF (IDET .EQ.0) GOTO 140 ND1 = IDET ND2 = IDET 30 CONTINUE C C loop on selected detectors for this set C DO 130 IDET=ND1,ND2 C JD = LQ(JS-IDET) JHD = LQ(JH-IDET) IF (JHD .LE.0) GOTO 130 JDH = LQ(JD-1) ILAST = IQ(JH+IDET) IF (ILAST.EQ.0) GOTO 130 NV = IQ(JD+2) NH = IQ(JD+4) NW = IQ(JD+1) + IQ(JD+3) + 1 C C Now loop on all hits to get their space coordinates C MH = 0 IHIT = 0 DO 120 I=1,ILAST,NW IHIT = IHIT + 1 ITRA = IQ(JHD+I) C C Is THRZ option set on (R-Z projection) C and the cut lateral (vertical or horizontal) ? C IF (ITHRZ.NE.IOFF) THEN IF (ICUT.EQ.1.OR.ICUT.EQ.2) ITR3D=-ITRA ELSE ITR3D=0 ENDIF C C Skip words with volume numbers C NK = 1 K = 1 IF (NV.LE.0) GOTO 50 DO 40 IV=1,NV NB = IQ(JD+2*IV+10) IF (NB.EQ.0) NB=32 K = NB + K IF (K.LE.33) GOTO 40 NK = NK + 1 K = NB + 1 40 CONTINUE NK = NK + 1 C C Get unpacked (first three !) HITS. C Hits origin is shifted. Division by scale factor. C 50 CONTINUE IF (NH.LE.2) GOTO 120 MH = MH + 1 K=1 DO 90 IH=1,3 NB = IQ(JDH+4*IH-2) IF (NB.GT.0) GOTO 60 IF (K.GT.1) THEN NK=NK+1 ENDIF KHIT = IQ(JHD+I+NK) K = 1 NK = NK + 1 GOTO 80 60 IF (K+NB.LE.33) GOTO 70 K = 1 NK = NK + 1 70 KHIT = IBITS(IQ(JHD+I+NK),K-1,NB) K = K + NB 80 CONTINUE HITS(IH,MH)= FLOAT(KHIT)/Q(JDH+4*IH) - Q(JDH+4*IH-1) 90 CONTINUE C C Scan the hits (usually 10 at a time); C flush HITS vector if C --loop on this detector volume is to finish, C --loop on current track is to finish, C --HITS vector is full. C IF ((ILAST-I).LT.NW) GOTO 100 ITRN = IQ(JHD+I+NW) IF (ITRA.NE.ITRN) GOTO 100 IF (MH .NE. 10) GOTO 120 C 100 CONTINUE C CALL GDFR3D(HITS(1,1),MH,U,V) C DO 110 IP=1,MH C IF (EPSILO.NE.0) THEN IF (U(IP).LT.U0-EPSU) GO TO 110 IF (U(IP).GT.U0+EPSU) GO TO 110 IF (V(IP).LT.V0-EPSV) GO TO 110 IF (V(IP).GT.V0+EPSV) GO TO 110 II=IP IHITNR=IHIT-MH+II JS = LQ(JSET-ISET) CALL UHTOC(IQ(JSET+ISET),4,KIUSET,4) CALL UHTOC(IQ(JS+IDET) ,4,KIUDET,4) KITRA=ITRA GO TO 150 ELSE DIST=(U(IP)-U0)*(U(IP)-U0)+(V(IP)-V0)*(V(IP)-V0) IF (DIST.LT.DISTPK) THEN DISTPK=DIST II=IP IHITNR=IHIT-MH+II JS = LQ(JSET-ISET) CALL UHTOC(IQ(JSET+ISET),4,KIUSET,4) CALL UHTOC(IQ(JS+IDET) ,4,KIUDET,4) KITRA=ITRA ENDIF ENDIF C 110 CONTINUE C MH=0 C 120 CONTINUE C 130 CONTINUE C 140 CONTINUE C IF (EPSILO.EQ.0) GO TO 150 C C Hit not picked C WRITE (CHMAIL,1000) CALL GMAIL(0,0) C C Restart for another pick operation C GO TO 10 C C Hit picked C 150 CONTINUE C C Highlight the picked hit C UDELTA=0.05*PLTRNX/20. VDELTA=0.05*PLTRNY/20. UP(1)=U(II)-UDELTA VP(1)=V(II)-VDELTA UP(2)=U(II)+UDELTA VP(2)=VP(1) UP(3)=UP(2) VP(3)=V(II)+VDELTA UP(4)=UP(1) VP(4)=VP(3) UP(5)=UP(1) VP(5)=VP(1) CALL GDRAWV(UP,VP,5) C C Print parameters of the picked hit C IPKHIT=IHITNR IF (IPKHIT.GT.0) CALL GPHITS(KIUSET,KIUDET) IPKHIT=0 CALL GPKINE(KITRA) C C Restart for another pick operation C GO TO 10 C 160 CONTINUE C C Reset ITR3D to 'standard projection' C ITR3D=0 IOBJ=0 C 1000 FORMAT (' GKHITS: No hit picked') RETURN END