* * $Id: gdraw.F,v 1995/10/24 10:20:24 cernlib Exp $ * * $Log: gdraw.F,v $ * Revision 1995/10/24 10:20:24 cernlib * Geant * * #include "geant321/pilot.h" *CMZ : 3.21/02 29/03/94 15.41.26 by S.Giani *-- Author : SUBROUTINE GDRAW(NAME,UTHET,UPHI,UPSI,UU0,UV0,SU,SV) C. C. ****************************************************************** C. * * C. * This routine draws the object called NAME, with its * C. * contents, at the screen point (UU0,UV0), with the * C. * screen factors SU and SV acting on the U and V * C. * dimensions respectively; * C. * the object is rotated by an angle UTHET along Y-axis * C. * and UPHI along Z-axis and the resulting 2-D picture * C. * is also rotated by an angle UPSI along the line of * C. * projection (i.e. the normal to the 2-D view plane). * C. * * C. * If IDRNUM<>0 then /GCVOLU/ is already filled by GLVOLU * C. * and a special case is handled (GDRAW called by GDRVOL). * C. * * C. * ==>Called by : , , GDPRTR, GDRAWC, GDRAWX, * C. * GDSPEC * C. * Authors : R.Brun, A.McPherson, P.Zanarini, ********* * C. * J.Salt, S.Giani * C. ****************************************************************** C. ***SG************************************************************************** * * * Most important improvements in this new version : * * * * Problems with the number of faces are solved, so that it's * * possible to use all the memory available; moreover it's * * now possible to use HIDE ON on CRAY-like machines; * * * * Problems with number of volumes now only depends upon the * * size of Zebra store : a message will tell the number of * * words you need more; problems in iterated drawings have * * been solved too. * * * * A NEW SIZE EVALUATION is performed separately for Hide Structure and * * Wire Structure with a resolution of 1 word ; this is the new logic: * * create immediately HIDE and WIRE structures and perform the * * drawing WHILE evaluating the memory used; if memory booked in the * * zebra store is not enough, then go on evaluating the number of * * words needed and print it. * * * * Multi-colour view of the different parts of a detector is now * * available in Hidden Line Removal; a new bank is created for this. * * Enjoy clipping now !! * * Different line styles and width work as well !! * * * * Zooming is now possible in Hidden Line Removal too; Dspec works * * even when Cvol is on and Seen attribute setting has been * * optimized. * * * * Speed in drawing divided volumes can be increased by a factor about * * linear with the number of volumes (a factor 30 for 900 tubes)!!! * * At the same time, the number of words used can be decreased by a * * factor 50!!! For example, in Gexam1 is possible to draw 22500 tubes * * using much less than 800000 words. * * * * HIDDEN FACE REMOVAL algorithm has been implemented; it allows to * * increase speed and decrease memory used by the same factors as * * above for any kind of drawings!!! For example, it's now possible * * to draw the complete L3 geometry using less than 3 Mwords (before * * we needed 1 Gigabyte !!!) * * * * The new command CVOL has been created: it allows to clip EACH * * VOLUME in the detector by a different SHAPE; moreover, it's possible* * to clip twice each volume. You can clip each volume by the following* * shapes: BOX , TUBE, CONE, SPHE ! * * * * The new command SHIFT has been created: it allows to translate each * * volume in the detector into a more visible place; for each volume, * * the last shift you asked is performed. * * * * The option 'one' has been implemented in the shift command to allow * * the shifting of a single copy for each volume; the new command * * BOMB has been created to allow 'exploded' view of detectors. * * * * A new bank is booked to create CG objects: it's now possible to draw * * in HIDE ON the following shapes as well: PCON, TUBS, SPHE, TRAP * * and Pyramids as TRAP having 4 edges in the same point. Moreover, * * the new shape CTUB has been created even in hide on. * * * * The number of words to draw TUBS, CONS, PCON, PGON can be decreased * * even by a factor 10; moreover, several problems about edge visi- * * bility have been solved. * * * * A REFLECTION algorithm has been implemented for hidden line removal * * as well; finally, a new logic scanning the geometrical tree has * * been created to simulate, without alterate, the date structure. * * * * A new SURFACE SHADING algorithm has been written to fill faces with * * solid colours with varying intensity according to the light * * inclination. Please see details in the documentation of the * * routines which are concerned. * * * ***SG************************************************************************** * #include "geant321/gcbank.inc" #include "geant321/gcvolu.inc" #include "geant321/gcunit.inc" #include "geant321/gcdraw.inc" #include "geant321/gconst.inc" #include "geant321/gcnum.inc" #include "geant321/gcmutr.inc" #include "geant321/gcgobj.inc" #if defined(CERNLIB_CG) #include "geant321/cghpar.inc" #endif #include "geant321/gchiln.inc" #include "geant321/gcspee.inc" * * - The following common to be used by GXPICK * COMMON /QUEST/ IQUEST(100) COMMON/GCVHLP/NVLAST COMMON/SP3D/ISPFLA COMMON/INIFIR/NFIRST * CHARACTER*4 NAME,NAMEE2 DIMENSION X(3),ATT(10) DIMENSION LVOLS(15),LINDX(15),LNAMES(15) DIMENSION GPAR(50,15) #if defined(CERNLIB_CG) DIMENSION V(3),T(4,3) #endif SAVE IFIRST, LFIRST DATA IFIRST,LFIRST/2*0/ * Save info for GXPICK in case is needed CALL UCTOH(NAME, NVLAST, 4, 4) *** CALL IGSET('SYNC',1.) * * Hidden flag 'ON" (Default) * CALL UCTOH('ON ',IFLH,4,4) * ***SG * IF(NFIRST.EQ.0)THEN CALL GDCOTA NFIRST=1 ENDIF #if defined(CERNLIB_CG) IF(IHIDEN.EQ.IFLH)THEN IF(LFIRST.EQ.0) THEN * Link area for the banks CALL MZLINT(IXSTOR,'/GCHILN/',LARECG,ICLIP1,ICLIP2) LFIRST = 1 ELSE IF(JCGCOL.NE.0) CALL MZDROP(IXSTOR, JCGCOL, ' ') IF(JCGOBJ.NE.0) CALL MZDROP(IXSTOR, JCGOBJ, ' ') IF(JCOUNT.NE.0) CALL MZDROP(IXSTOR, JCOUNT, ' ') IF(JCLIPS.NE.0) CALL MZDROP(IXSTOR, JCLIPS, ' ') IF(IMPOIN.NE.0) CALL MZDROP(IXSTOR, IMPOIN, ' ') IF(IMCOUN.NE.0) CALL MZDROP(IXSTOR, IMCOUN, ' ') IF(JSIX.NE.0) CALL MZDROP(IXSTOR, JSIX, ' ') IF(JSIY.NE.0) CALL MZDROP(IXSTOR, JSIY, ' ') IF(JSIZ.NE.0) CALL MZDROP(IXSTOR, JSIZ, ' ') IF(JPXC.NE.0) CALL MZDROP(IXSTOR, JPXC, ' ') IF(JPYC.NE.0) CALL MZDROP(IXSTOR, JPYC, ' ') IF(JPZC.NE.0) CALL MZDROP(IXSTOR, JPZC, ' ') ENDIF LARECG(1)=1 * * Initialization * * NWHS1: n. of words for Hide Structure * NWWS1: n. of words for Wire Structure * NWFLAG: Indicates if the size of CG bank is precise * =0 , it is * =-9, it isn't * IPAS: This flag indicates if the Size Evaluation has been performed * =0 , it does not * =1 , it does * NOBJ: Counter of CG objects * NUVO: Counter of CG volumes * II: Counter for volumes' line attributes * KGG: Flag for booking line attributes bank * LSTEP: Number of CG objects forming each volume * IFACST: Flag indicating final status of Hide Structure * =0 , it's ok * <0 , internal error * >0 , total number of words needed for Hide Structure * NCLAS2: Total number of volumes * S1...SS3: Min and Max values of volume scope * SRAGMX,SRAGMN: Max values of volume scope along R * NFILT= n. of words for HIDE+totalWIRE structures+CG+Line * NTCUR= n. of words for HIDE+instantWIRE structures+CG+Line * KSTART: Flag for Hidden Volume Removal * IOLDOL: Nlevel of last volume setting bounds for scope * * NWHS1=0 * NWWS1=0 * NWFLAG=0 IPER=0 IPEOLD=0 NOBJ=0 NUVO=0 IPAS=0 II=0 KGG=0 LSTEP=1 IFACST=0 * IWORK=0 NCLAS1=0 NCLAS2=0 NCLAS3=0 IIIIII=0 * Initialization of Hidden Volume and Face Removal S1=0 S2=0 S3=0 SS1=0 SS2=0 SS3=0 SRAGMX=0 SRAGMN=0 RAINT1=0 RAINT2=0 ISCOP=0 KSTART=0 IOLDOL=0 * Initialisation for Shift NIET=0 IOLDSU=0 PORGX=0 PORGY=0 PORGZ=0 DO 10 J=1,15 POX(J)=0 POY(J)=0 POZ(J)=0 10 CONTINUE DO 20 J=1,100 IVECVO(J)=0 20 CONTINUE IVOOLD=0 * IMENO=0 IPRELE=0 * Resetting IHPOIN=0 IWPOIN=0 ICLIP1=0 ICLIP2=0 IVOLNA=0 LPASS=0 NWHS=0 MFLA=0 MVENLE=0 MVECOL=0 LFLA=0 LVENLE=0 LVEWID=0 LFFLA=0 LFENLE=0 LVEFIL=0 IXCG=IXSTOR+1 JMEMT1=0 JMEMT3=0 JMEMT2=0 * Resetting IF(JCG.NE.0)THEN CALL MZDROP(IXSTOR, JCG, ' ') CALL MZGARB(IXSTOR+1,0) ENDIF * Booking bank to create CG objects CALL MZNEED(IXCG,30000,'G') CALL MZBOOK(IXCG,JCGOBJ,JCGOBJ,1,'CGOB',0,0,30000,3,-1) CALL MZNEED(IXCG,33000,'G') CALL MZBOOK(IXCG,JCLIPS,JCLIPS,1,'CGCLIP',0,0,33000,3,-1) ICLIP1=JCLIPS+1 ICLIP2=JCLIPS+16500 JMEMT1=IQUEST(11)*.013 IF(JMEMT1.LT.10000)JMEMT1=10000 CALL MZNEED(IXCG,JMEMT1,'G') CALL MZBOOK(IXCG,JCOUNT,JCOUNT,1,'CGCONT',0,0,JMEMT1,2,-1) IQ(JCOUNT+1)=1 IQ(JCOUNT+2)=4000 IQ(JCOUNT+3)=8000 LLEP=ABS(LEP) IF(LLEP.NE.1)THEN CALL MZNEED(IXCG,54000,'G') CALL MZBOOK(IXCG,JSIX,JSIX,1,'XGEN',0,0,9000,3,-1) CALL MZBOOK(IXCG,JSIY,JSIY,1,'YGEN',0,0,9000,3,-1) CALL MZBOOK(IXCG,JSIZ,JSIZ,1,'ZGEN',0,0,9000,3,-1) CALL MZBOOK(IXCG,JPXC,JPXC,1,'XPAR',0,0,9000,3,-1) CALL MZBOOK(IXCG,JPYC,JPYC,1,'YPAR',0,0,9000,3,-1) CALL MZBOOK(IXCG,JPZC,JPZC,1,'ZPAR',0,0,9000,3,-1) JMEMT3=JMEMT1 CALL MZNEED(IXCG,JMEMT3,'G') CALL MZBOOK(IXCG,IMCOUN,IMCOUN,1,'SHCONT',0,0,JMEMT3,2,-1) IQ(IMCOUN+1)=1 IQ(IMCOUN+2)=4000 IQ(IMCOUN+3)=8000 JMEMT2=IQUEST(11)*.1 CALL MZNEED(IXCG,JMEMT2,'G') CALL MZBOOK(IXCG,IMPOIN,IMPOIN,1,'SHAFAC',0,0,JMEMT2,2,-1) ENDIF * Resetting CALL GDCGRS NFILT=0 NTCUR=0 NTNEX=0 NAIN=0 ITSTCU=0 ENDIF #endif * ***SG C C Set IOBJ to VOLUME C IOBJ=1 C IF (IFIRST.NE.0) GO TO 40 C IFIRST=1 DPHI=PI/20. PHI=0. C DO 30 I=1,40 GSIN(I)=SIN(PHI) GCOS(I)=COS(PHI) PHI=PHI+DPHI 30 CONTINUE C GSIN(41)=GSIN(1) GCOS(41)=GCOS(1) C 40 CONTINUE C C Save /GCVOLU/ if necessary C IFCVOL=0 IF (NLEVEL.NE.0) THEN CALL GSCVOL IFCVOL=1 ENDIF IF (NLEVEL.LT.0) NLEVEL=IABS(NLEVEL) C C If in cut-mode then open the GDRAWV line buffer C else reset ICUT that could have been set by GDRAWC/GDRAWX C IF (ICUTFL.EQ.1) THEN CALL GDRAWV(0.,0.,-1) ELSE ICUT=0 ENDIF C C Start of general code C CALL GLOOK(NAME,IQ(JVOLUM+1),NVOLUM,IVO) IF(IVO.LE.0)GO TO 280 C C Theta, phi and psi angles are normalized in [0-360[ range C GTHETA=MOD(ABS(UTHET),360.) GPHI=MOD(ABS(UPHI),360.) GPSI=MOD(ABS(UPSI),360.) GU0=UU0 GV0=UV0 GSCU=SU GSCV=SV IMOD=0 * #if defined(CERNLIB_CG) * Set Transformation Matrix T for CG Package * IF(IHIDEN.EQ.IFLH)THEN V(1)=GTHETA V(2)=GPHI V(3)=GPSI CALL GDCGVW(V,T) CALL CGTSET(NTRCG,T,IREP) IF(IREP.EQ.-1)THEN WRITE(CHMAIL,10200) CALL GMAIL(0,0) ENDIF IF(IREP.EQ.-2)THEN WRITE(CHMAIL,10300) CALL GMAIL(0,0) ENDIF * * Obtaining the IMOD flag for setting the run mode * IF(IPAS.EQ.0)THEN IMOD=0 IF(ICUT.NE.0)IMOD=1 IF(IHOLE.EQ.1)IMOD=2 ELSE IMOD=3 IF(ICUT.NE.0)IMOD=4 IF(IHOLE.EQ.1)IMOD=5 IF(ICUT.NE.0.OR.IHOLE.EQ.1)THEN IFCG=4 ILCG=3 ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF #endif *JS * 77 CONTINUE SINPSI=SIN(GPSI*DEGRAD) COSPSI=COS(GPSI*DEGRAD) GU0=UU0 GV0=UV0 NGVIEW=0 JVO=LQ(JVOLUM-IVO) C C Initialize JIN to switch correctly CALL GFPARA/GFIPAR C JIN=0 C LEVSEE=1000 C IF (IDRNUM.NE.0) GO TO 70 C C Initialize for new geometry structure C IF (JGPAR.EQ.0) CALL GMEDIN CALL GLMOTH(NAME,1,NLEV,LVOLS,LINDX) DO 50 J=1, NLEV LNAMES(J)=IQ(JVOLUM+LVOLS(J)) 50 CONTINUE NLEV=NLEV+1 CALL UCTOH(NAME,LNAMES(NLEV),4,4) LINDX(NLEV)=1 DO 60 KLEV=2,NLEV JVOF = LQ(JVOLUM-LVOLS(KLEV-1)) NIN = Q(JVOF+3) IF(NIN.GT.0) THEN JIN = LQ(JVOF-LINDX(KLEV)) ICOPY = Q(JIN+3) ELSE ICOPY = 1 ENDIF LINDX(KLEV) = ICOPY 60 CONTINUE CALL GLVOLU(NLEV, LNAMES, LINDX, IER) C NLVTOP=NLEVEL C 70 CONTINUE C NLMIN=NLEVEL NLMAX=NLEVEL C IF (IDRNUM.NE.0) GO TO 110 C CALL GFPARA(NAME,1,1,NPAR,NATT,GPAR(1,NLEVEL),ATT) C IF (NPAR.LE.0) GO TO 290 C DO 100 LLL=1,NLEVEL DO 90 I=1,3 GTRAN(I,LLL)=0.0 X(I)=0.0 DO 80 J=1,3 K=(I-1)*3+J GRMAT(K,LLL)=0.0 80 CONTINUE K=I*4-3 GRMAT(K,LLL)=1.0 90 CONTINUE GRMAT(10,LLL)=0.0 100 CONTINUE C C Ready for general case code C 110 CONTINUE *SG * Taking volume name and shape from Zebra Structure * IMENO=IVOLNA IVOLNA=IQ(JVOLUM+IVO) ISHAPE=Q(JVO+2) *SG GSCU=SU GSCV=SV C IF (IDRNUM.NE.0) GO TO 120 C IF (NLEVEL.EQ.NLVTOP) GO TO 130 C 120 CONTINUE C IF (IDRNUM.NE.0.AND.JIN.EQ.0) THEN CALL UHTOC(NAMES(NLEVEL),4,NAMEE2,4) CALL GFPARA(NAMEE2,NUMBER(NLEVEL),1,NPAR, + NATT,GPAR(1,NLEVEL),ATT) ELSE NPAR=Q(JVO+5) NATT=Q(JVO+6) JATT=JVO+7+NPAR CALL UCOPY(Q(JATT),ATT,NATT) ENDIF C 130 CONTINUE C WORK=ATT(1) SEEN=ATT(2) * LINSTY=ATT(3) LINWID=ATT(4) LINCOL=ATT(5) LINFIL=ATT(6) IF(LLEP.EQ.1)LINFIL=0 *SG * New logic setting the line attributes * IF(NLEVEL.EQ.1)THEN *** CALL GDCOTA IF(LINFIL.LT.0)THEN LINFIL=ABS(LINFIL) CALL ISFACI(LINFIL) CALL ISFAIS(1) CALL IGBOX(0.,20.,20.,0.) CALL ISFAIS(0) LINFIL=2 ENDIF ENDIF IF(LINCOL.LT.2)THEN IF(MFLA.EQ.1.AND.NLEVEL.GT.MVENLE)LINCOL=MVECOL IF(NLEVEL.LE.MVENLE)MFLA=0 IF(LINCOL.LT.0)THEN MVECOL=ABS(LINCOL) LINCOL=MVECOL MVENLE=NLEVEL MFLA=1 ENDIF ENDIF IF(LINWID.LT.2)THEN IF(LFLA.EQ.1.AND.NLEVEL.GT.LVENLE)LINWID=LVEWID IF(NLEVEL.LE.LVENLE)LFLA=0 IF(LINWID.LT.0)THEN LVEWID=ABS(LINWID) LINWID=LVEWID LVENLE=NLEVEL LFLA=1 ENDIF ENDIF IF(LINFIL.LT.1)THEN IF(LFFLA.EQ.1.AND.NLEVEL.GT.LFENLE)LINFIL=LVEFIL IF(NLEVEL.LE.LFENLE)LFFLA=0 IF(LINFIL.LT.0)THEN LVEFIL=ABS(LINFIL) LINFIL=LVEFIL LFENLE=NLEVEL LFFLA=1 ENDIF ENDIF *SG CALL MVBITS(LINCOL,0,8,LINATT,16) CALL MVBITS(LINWID,0,3,LINATT,7) CALL MVBITS(LINSTY,0,3,LINATT,10) CALL MVBITS(LINFIL,0,3,LINATT,13) * ***SG * * New logic scanning the geometrical tree: * A volume can set bounds OR be compared with bounds; * this can happen only IF a relationship mother-daughters exists. * * Optimization for Hidden Volume and Face Removal: * POS and DIV cases are considered at the same time. * IF(IPAS.EQ.0)GOTO 170 IPORLI=0 ISUBLI=0 IF(KSTART.EQ.1)THEN * IF(NLEVEL.GT.IOLDOL)THEN IF(LPASS.EQ.0)THEN ISUBLI=1 ELSE IPORLI=1 S1=0 S2=0 S3=0 SS1=0 SS2=0 SS3=0 SRAGMX=0 SRAGMN=0 RAINT1=0 RAINT2=0 ISCOP=0 LPASS=0 IF(SEEN.EQ.0.OR.SEEN.EQ.-1)LPASS=1 IOLDOL=NLEVEL ENDIF * ELSE IF(NLEVEL.LE.IOLDOL)THEN IPORLI=1 S1=0 S2=0 S3=0 SS1=0 SS2=0 SS3=0 SRAGMX=0 SRAGMN=0 RAINT1=0 RAINT2=0 ISCOP=0 LPASS=0 IF(SEEN.EQ.0.OR.SEEN.EQ.-1)LPASS=1 IOLDOL=NLEVEL ENDIF * IF(NLEVEL.LE.IPRELE)THEN IF(IVOLNA.NE.IMENO)THEN NIET=2 IF(SEEN.EQ.0.OR.IPORLI.EQ.1.OR.SEEN.EQ.-1)THEN DO 140 I=1,15 IF((NLEVEL-I).GE.1)THEN IF(POX(NLEVEL-I).NE.0.OR.POY(NLEVEL-I) + .NE.0.OR. POZ(NLEVEL-I).NE.0)THEN PO1=POX(NLEVEL-I) PO2=POY(NLEVEL-I) PO3=POZ(NLEVEL-I) GOTO 150 ENDIF ENDIF 140 CONTINUE POX(NLEVEL)=0. POY(NLEVEL)=0. POZ(NLEVEL)=0. PORGX=0. PORGY=0. PORGZ=0. GOTO 160 150 CONTINUE POX(NLEVEL)=PO1 POY(NLEVEL)=PO2 POZ(NLEVEL)=PO3 ENDIF 160 CONTINUE ENDIF ENDIF IPRELE=NLEVEL ENDIF * IF(IOLDOL.EQ.0.AND.(SEEN.EQ.1.OR.SEEN.EQ.-2 + .OR.SEEN.EQ.9))THEN KSTART=1 IPORLI=1 LPASS=0 IOLDOL=NLEVEL IPRELE=NLEVEL ENDIF 170 CONTINUE * ***SG * C C WORK attribute enabled ? C IF(WORK.LE.0.)GO TO 270 C C SEEN attribute processing C IF (SEEN.LT.50.) GO TO 180 ISEENL=SEEN/10.+0.5 SEEN=ISEENL-10 180 CONTINUE IF(NLEVEL.LE.LEVSEE)LEVSEE=1000 IF(SEEN.EQ.-1.)GO TO 270 IF (NLEVEL.GT.LEVSEE) GO TO 270 IF(SEEN.EQ.0.)GO TO 220 IF (SEEN.EQ.-2.) LEVSEE=NLEVEL *JS * * Logic has been modified >>>>> * C C For the Standard Mode: Draw the shape C For CG Mode : Make a CG-Object for each shape C IF(IHIDEN.EQ.IFLH)THEN * * CG Mode: * * * Case : divided without clipping * ****SG * Optimization for setting seen attributes * NIN=Q(JVO+3) IF(SEEN.EQ.9.AND.NIN.NE.0)THEN LPASS=1 ITSTCU=0 ICGP=0 IIIIII=1 GOTO 190 ELSE IIIIII=0 ENDIF IF(NIN.LT.0.AND.((ISHAPE.GT.1.AND.ISHAPE.LT.5).OR. + (ISHAPE.GT.9.AND.ISHAPE.LT.13)))THEN IF(IPORLI.EQ.1)ISCOP=1 ENDIF IF(SEEN.EQ.1.AND.NIN.LT.0)GOTO 190 IF(SEEN.NE.-2.AND.NIN.LT.0.AND.(IMOD.EQ.0.OR.IMOD.EQ.3)) + GOTO 240 190 CONTINUE * #if defined(CERNLIB_CG) * * Creating, clipping and counting CG objects * Inserting the visible ones in Hide and Wire Structures * IF(IIIIII.EQ.1)GOTO 200 IMSE=IMOD IF(ISHAPE.EQ.11)LSTEP=GPAR(4,NLEVEL)-1 IF(ISHAPE.EQ.12)LSTEP=GPAR(3,NLEVEL)-1 CALL GDCGOB(IMSE,ISHAPE,GPAR(1,NLEVEL),NOBJ,NWWS,IVOLNA, +LSTEP) 200 CONTINUE NOBJ=NOBJ+LSTEP NUVO=NUVO+1 LSTEP=1 IF(IPAS.NE.0)THEN IF(NCLAS2.GT.1000)THEN IPER=(100*NOBJ)/NCLAS2 IF(IPER.EQ.10.OR.IPER.EQ.20.OR.IPER.EQ.30.OR.IPER.EQ. + 40.OR.IPER.EQ.50.OR.IPER.EQ.60.OR.IPER.EQ.70.OR.IPER + .EQ.80.OR.IPER.EQ.90)THEN IF(IPER.NE.IPEOLD)THEN WRITE(CHMAIL,11800)IPER CALL GMAIL(0,0) IPEOLD=IPER ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF * * Setting line attributes volume by volume * IF(IHIDEN.EQ.IFLH) THEN IF(IPAS.NE.0.AND.KGG.EQ.1) THEN ** IF(ITSTCU.NE.0.AND.IVFUN.NE.0) THEN IF((ITSTCU.NE.0).OR. ((ISHAPE.EQ.11.OR.ISHAPE.EQ.12) + .AND.(ICGP.NE.0)))THEN IF(ISHAPE.EQ.11.OR.ISHAPE.EQ.12)LSTEP=ICGP LL=II+1 II=II+LSTEP DO 210 KHH=LL,II IQ(JCGCOL+KHH)=LINATT 210 CONTINUE LSTEP=1 ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF * * * Logic has been modified again : * do the size evaluation while creating Hide Structure * do the same for Wire Structure * * If number of words booked for Hide Structure or for * Wire Structure is not sufficient, then evaluate the * the right number of words needed and send a mail. * IF(KCGST.EQ.-9)THEN * * Ten words more for safety * NWHS1 = NCLAS1+ 10 CALL CGHEVA(Q(IHPOIN),HISI) IF(HISI.GT.NWHS1)NWHS1=HISI IWORH = NWHS1 - NWHS IWORH1= IWORH * 1.666666 WRITE(CHMAIL,11500)IWORH1 CALL GMAIL(0,0) GOTO 320 ELSE IF(KCGST.EQ.-10)THEN NWWS1 = NCLAS3+ 10 IWORW = NWWS1 - NWWS IWORW1= IWORW * 2.5 WRITE(CHMAIL,11400)IWORW1 CALL GMAIL(0,0) GOTO 320 ELSEIF(KCGST.EQ.-4.OR.KCGST.EQ.-1.OR.KCGST.EQ.-2) THEN * Exiting without having made evaluation of size GOTO 320 ENDIF ****SG * Case: Volume placed by GSPOS, not clipped and 'closed' * *XX * IF(NIN.GT.0.AND.(IMOD.EQ.0.OR.IMOD.EQ.3). * + AND.KSHIFT.EQ.0.AND.GBOOM.EQ.0.) GOTO 150 *XX #endif ELSE * * Standard Mode: Draw the shape * CALL IGPID(1,'Pick',IVO,' ') CALL IGPID(2,'Pick',IQ(JVOLUM+IVO),' ') IF (ICUTFL.EQ.1) THEN CALL GDRWSC(ISHAPE,GPAR(1,NLEVEL)) ELSE CALL GDRAWS(ISHAPE,GPAR(1,NLEVEL)) ENDIF * ENDIF *JS JVO=LQ(JVOLUM-IVO) C IF(SEEN.EQ.-2.)GO TO 270 C 220 CONTINUE C *** IF (IDRNUM.NE.0) GO TO 999 C C Skip User shapes (not yet implemented) C ** ISEARC=Q(JVO+1) C C Now go down the tree C NIN=Q(JVO+3) IF(NIN.EQ.0) GO TO 270 IF(NIN.LT.0) GO TO 240 C C Contents placed by GSPOS C IN=0 IF(NLMAX.GT.NLEVEL) IN=LINDEX(NLEVEL+1) IN=IN+1 IF(IN.GT.NIN.AND.NLEVEL.EQ.NLMIN) GO TO 300 * IF(IN.GT.NIN) GO TO 260 * CALL GMEPOS(JVO,IN,X,0) JIN = LQ(JVO-IN) * NPAR=IQ(JGPAR+NLEVEL) DO 230 I=1,NPAR GPAR(I,NLEVEL)=Q(LQ(JGPAR-NLEVEL)+I) 230 CONTINUE * IVO=LVOLUM(NLEVEL) JVO=LQ(JVOLUM-IVO) NLMAX=NLEVEL GO TO 110 C 240 CONTINUE C C Contents by division C IN=0 IF(NLMAX.GT.NLEVEL) IN=LINDEX(NLEVEL+1) IN=IN+1 CALL GMEDIV(JVO,IN,X,0) JIN = LQ(JVO-IN) * IF (IN.EQ.0) GO TO 260 * NPAR=IQ(JGPAR+NLEVEL) DO 250 I=1,NPAR GPAR(I,NLEVEL)=Q(LQ(JGPAR-NLEVEL)+I) 250 CONTINUE * IF (IN.EQ.0) GO TO 260 * IVO=LVOLUM(NLEVEL) JVO=LQ(JVOLUM-IVO) NLMAX=NLEVEL GO TO 110 C 260 CONTINUE NLMAX=NLEVEL 270 CONTINUE NLEVEL=NLEVEL-1 IF(NLEVEL.LT.NLMIN) GO TO 300 IVO=LVOLUM(NLEVEL) JVO=LQ(JVOLUM-IVO) GO TO 220 C 280 WRITE(CHMAIL,10000)NAME CALL GMAIL(0,0) GO TO 300 C 290 CONTINUE C C TOP OF THE TREE HAS PARAMETERS SET BY GSPOSP. C BUT GDRAW DOES NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE IN BANK C WHICH PLACED IT IN ITS MOTHER. C WRITE(CHMAIL,10100) NAME CALL GMAIL(0,0) C 300 CONTINUE * ***SG * #if defined(CERNLIB_CG) * * CG Mode * IF(IHIDEN.EQ.IFLH) THEN * * In CG Mode the program flow has two scanning of the geometrical tree: * the first one is to count the number of volumes (IPAS=0); * the second one is to compute volumes' visibility with Hidden Volume * and Face Removal, inserting them in the Hide and Wire structures if * the size of Zebra store is sufficient (IPAS=1). * IF(IPAS.EQ.0)THEN * * Creating a bank for setting line attributes volume by volume. * The number of words needed is just equal to the total number * of visible volumes. * NCLAS2=NOBJ IF(KGG.EQ.0)THEN CALL MZNEED(IXCG,NCLAS2+10,'G') * * Take everything is left but leave 100,000 words just in case * MEMO=IQUEST(11)-(IQUEST(11)*.11) IF(IQUEST(11).LE.0)THEN WRITE(CHMAIL,11300)NCLAS2+10 CALL GMAIL(0,0) GOTO 320 ENDIF CALL MZBOOK(IXCG,JCGCOL,JCGCOL, 1,'LINE',0,0,NCLAS2+10, + 2,-1) ENDIF KGG=KGG+1 NOBJ=0 NUVO=0 IPAS=1 * NFILT=63000+NCLAS2+10 * * Use max Zebra store for Hide and Wire structures * NWHS=0.6*MEMO NWWS=0.4*MEMO CALL MZBOOK(IXCG,JCG,JCG,1,'CG',0,0,MEMO,3,-1) CALL GDCGRS * IHS=1 IHPOIN=JCG+1 * * Creating the Hidden Structure * IF(NWHS.LE.LHHEAD)NWHS=LHHEAD+1 ***SG CALL CGHCRE(NTRCG,0,DUMMY,DUMMY,NWHS,Q(IHPOIN)) NTCUR=NWHS IOLDCU=NTCUR NFILT=NFILT+NTCUR GOTO 40 ENDIF IF(NOBJ.EQ.0)GOTO 320 ****SG * Closing the Hidden Structure * IHPOIN=JCG+1 * * Last size evaluation for Hide Structure * CALL CGHEND(Q(IHPOIN),IFACST,RSHD) IF(IFACST.GT.0)THEN NWHS1 = IFACST+ 10 IWORH = NWHS1 - NWHS IWORH1= IWORH * 1.666666 WRITE(CHMAIL,11500)IWORH1 CALL GMAIL(0,0) GOTO 320 ENDIF * * IFACST shouldn't be negative now * IF(IFACST.LT.0)THEN WRITE(CHMAIL,10500) CALL GMAIL(0,0) GOTO 320 ENDIF * * Setting the right colours * and * Drawing the CG Objects * IF(ILCG.LT.IFCG)THEN WRITE(CHMAIL,10400) CALL GMAIL(0,0) ELSE IF(LEP.GE.0.AND.ISPFLA.NE.1)THEN WRITE(CHMAIL,11900) CALL GMAIL(0,0) ENDIF *** call write_dxf_sect_entity( 1 ) DO 310 K=IFCG,ILCG IF(IDVIEW.NE.0)THEN IF(ILCG.GT.1000)THEN IPER=(100*K)/ILCG IF(IPER.EQ.10.OR.IPER.EQ.20.OR.IPER.EQ.30.OR.IPER. + EQ. 40.OR.IPER.EQ.50.OR.IPER.EQ.60.OR.IPER.EQ.70.O + R.IPER .EQ.80.OR.IPER.EQ.90)THEN IF(IPER.NE.IPEOLD)THEN WRITE(CHMAIL,12000)IPER CALL GMAIL(0,0) IPEOLD=IPER ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF LINATT=IQ(JCGCOL+K-IFCG+1) IWPOIN=JCG+IQ(JCOUNT+K) IF(ISPFLA.EQ.1)ISPFLA=2 IF(LLEP.NE.1)THEN MMPOIN=IMPOIN+IQ(IMCOUN+K) CALL GD16V((IQ(JCOUNT+K)-1),IQ(MMPOIN)) ELSE CALL GD16V((IQ(JCOUNT+K)-1),0) ENDIF IF(ISPFLA.EQ.2)ISPFLA=1 310 CONTINUE ENDIF *** call write_dxf_sect_entity( 2 ) * * Printing statistics * IF(LEP.GE.0.AND.ISPFLA.NE.1)THEN NFILT=NFILT-NWHS+RSHD INFILT=NFILT IRSHD=RSHD MEMO1=MEMO+63000+NCLAS2+10+JMEMT2+JMEMT1+JMEMT3+54000 RSWR =NFILT-RSHD-63000-NCLAS2-10 IRSWR=RSWR ICGOB=63000 RATIO=RSHD/RSWR JJIIKK=0 JPARGE=0 IF(LLEP.NE.1)THEN JJIIKK=ILCG-IFCG+1 JPARGE=54000 ENDIF WRITE(CHMAIL,10600)INFILT+NTNEX+ILCG-IFCG+1+JJIIKK+JPARGE CALL GMAIL(0,0) WRITE(CHMAIL,10700)MEMO1 CALL GMAIL(0,0) WRITE(CHMAIL,10900)NCLAS2+10 CALL GMAIL(0,0) WRITE(CHMAIL,10800)ICGOB CALL GMAIL(0,0) WRITE(CHMAIL,11000)IRSHD CALL GMAIL(0,0) WRITE(CHMAIL,11100)IRSWR+ILCG-IFCG+1 CALL GMAIL(0,0) WRITE(CHMAIL,11200)NTNEX+JJIIKK+JPARGE CALL GMAIL(0,0) * WRITE(CHMAIL,10799)RATIO * CALL GMAIL(0,0) WRITE(CHMAIL,11600)ILCG-IFCG+1 CALL GMAIL(0,0) WRITE(CHMAIL,11700)NCLAS2 CALL GMAIL(0,0) ENDIF * ENDIF * * Dropping + resetting parameters * 320 CONTINUE IF(IHIDEN.EQ.IFLH)THEN ICUT=0 IF(JCG.NE.0)CALL MZDROP(IXSTOR,JCG,' ') IF(JCGOBJ.NE.0)CALL MZDROP(IXSTOR,JCGOBJ,' ') CALL GDCGRS IF(JCGCOL.NE.0)CALL MZDROP(IXSTOR,JCGCOL,' ') IF(JCOUNT.NE.0)CALL MZDROP(IXSTOR,JCOUNT,' ') IF(JCLIPS.NE.0)CALL MZDROP(IXSTOR,JCLIPS,' ') IF(IMPOIN.NE.0)CALL MZDROP(IXSTOR,IMPOIN,' ') IF(IMCOUN.NE.0)CALL MZDROP(IXSTOR,IMCOUN,' ') IF(JSIX.NE.0) CALL MZDROP(IXSTOR, JSIX, ' ') IF(JSIY.NE.0) CALL MZDROP(IXSTOR, JSIY, ' ') IF(JSIZ.NE.0) CALL MZDROP(IXSTOR, JSIZ, ' ') IF(JPXC.NE.0) CALL MZDROP(IXSTOR, JPXC, ' ') IF(JPYC.NE.0) CALL MZDROP(IXSTOR, JPYC, ' ') IF(JPZC.NE.0) CALL MZDROP(IXSTOR, JPZC, ' ') LARECG(1)=0 CALL MZGARB(IXSTOR+1,0) * NWHS1=0 * NWFLAG=0 NCLAS1=0 NCLAS2=0 NCLAS3=0 ENDIF * ****SG * #endif IF (IFCVOL.EQ.1) THEN CALL GFCVOL ELSE NLEVEL=0 ENDIF C C If in cut-mode then close the GDRAWV line buffer C IF (ICUTFL.EQ.1) CALL GDRAWV(0.,0.,0) C C Restore permanent value of color and return C * CALL GDCOL(0) IOBJ=0 C 10000 FORMAT(' *** GDRAW *** : Volume ',A4,' does not exist') 10100 FORMAT(' *** GDRAW *** : Top of tree ',A4,' parameters defined', + ' by GSPOSP - info not available to GDRAW.') 10200 FORMAT(' *** GDRAW *** : Illegal Transformation Matrix', + ' Number NTRCG ') 10300 FORMAT(' *** GDRAW *** : >>> Det (T) = 0 ') 10400 FORMAT(' *** GDRAW *** : Warning! Volume is destroyed.') *SG 10500 FORMAT(' *** GDRAW *** : Internal error, please report to', + ' GEANT support team') 10600 FORMAT(' *** GDRAW *** : Total memory used =',I10,' words.') 10700 FORMAT(' *** GDRAW *** : Total memory booked =',I10,' words.') 10800 FORMAT(' *** GDRAW *** : Memory used for CGOB =',I10,' words.') 10900 FORMAT(' *** GDRAW *** : Memory used for LINE =',I10,' words.') 11000 FORMAT(' *** GDRAW *** : Memory used for HIDE =',I10,' words.') 11100 FORMAT(' *** GDRAW *** : Memory used for WIRE =',I10,' words.') 11200 FORMAT(' *** GDRAW *** : Memory used for SHAD =',I10,' words.') 11300 FORMAT(' *** GDRAW *** : Memory needed for the LINE attributes', + ' =',I10,' words.') *10799 FORMAT(' *** GDRAW *** : HIDE/WIRE=',F4.2,'.') 11400 FORMAT(' *** GDRAW *** : Please, increase size of Zebra store', + ' by',I10,' words to create WIRE structure.') 11500 FORMAT(' *** GDRAW *** : Please, increase size of Zebra store', + ' by',I10,' words to create HIDE structure.') 11600 FORMAT(' *** GDRAW *** : Visible volumes =',I10,'.') 11700 FORMAT(' *** GDRAW *** : Total volumes =',I10,'.') 11800 FORMAT(' *** GDRAW *** :',I2,'% of volumes analysed.') 11900 FORMAT(' *** GDRAW *** : Now the drawing is starting !') 12000 FORMAT(' *** GDRAW *** :',I2,'% of volumes drawn.') * *SG END