* * $Id: gdopen.F,v 1.2 1997/01/24 14:16:06 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: gdopen.F,v $ * Revision 1.2 1997/01/24 14:16:06 mclareni * NZLEFT 2nd argument 0 instead of blank for Msoft * * Revision 1997/01/21 11:24:20 mclareni * All mods for Winnt 96a on winnt branch * * Revision 1995/10/24 10:20:23 cernlib * Geant * * #include "geant321/pilot.h" *CMZ : 3.21/02 29/03/94 15.41.26 by S.Giani *-- Author : SUBROUTINE GDOPEN(IVIEW) C. C. ****************************************************************** C. * * C. * Open view bank IVIEW for storing; if IVIEW=0 then * C. * none view bank is opened and drawing is done * C. * on the screen. * C. * * C. * Q(JDRAW+IVIEW) contains a control word that is : * C. * * C. * 1 for empty banks (created just to avoid gaps) * C. * or for deleted banks * C. * * C. * 2 for opened banks (all banks that have been opened) * C. * * C. * 3 for protected banks (all banks that can't be deleted * C. * by the user) * C. * * C. * ==>Called by : , * C. * Authors : R.Brun, P.Zanarini ********* * C. * * C. ****************************************************************** C. #include "geant321/gcbank.inc" #include "geant321/gcflag.inc" #include "geant321/gcdraw.inc" #include "geant321/gcunit.inc" COMMON/GCLOCA/NLOCAL(2),JLOCA(19),JV C. C. ------------------------------------------------------------------ C. C C Book JDRAW structure for view banks if not there C IF (JDRAW.LE.0) CALL MZBOOK(IXCONS,JDRAW,JDRAW,1,'DRAW',0,0,0,3,0) C C Previous view number must be 0 (screen) C IF (IDVIEW.NE.0) GO TO 60 C C If want open a view bigger than current number of views C then do a pushing of view banks C IF(IVIEW.LE.0)GO TO 999 IF (IVIEW.GT.NKVIEW) GO TO 20 C C Cannot open a view already used C IF (LQ(JDRAW-IVIEW).NE.0) GO TO 40 IDVIEW=IVIEW IF (IDVIEW.EQ.0) GO TO 999 C C Open view number IDVIEW C 10 Q(JDRAW+IDVIEW)=2. CALL MZBOOK(IXCONS,JV,JDRAW,-IDVIEW,'DRAW',6,6,22,3,0) C C Set number of words for creation and for pushing of banks C graphic unit, graphic segment, text unit, text segment C C NLEFT=NZLEFT(IXCONS,0) NL=NLEFT/10 MAXGS=MIN(NL,10000) MAXGU=MAXGS/10 MORGS=MAXGS/2 MORGU=MAXGU/2 MAXTU=10 MORTU=MAXTU MAXTS=100 MORTS=MAXTS C Q(JV+2)=MAXGU Q(JV+3)=MORGU Q(JV+5)=MAXGS Q(JV+6)=MORGS Q(JV+8)=MAXTU Q(JV+9)=MORTU Q(JV+11)=MAXTS Q(JV+12)=MORTS C Q(JV+16)=PLTRNX/2. Q(JV+17)=PLTRNY/2. C C Set ICUT of the view bank to 0 C Q(JV+22)=0. C C Graphic unit, graphic segment, text unit, text segment C pointers are reset to zero C IGU=0 IGS=0 ITU=0 ITS=0 C C Create view banks C ND1=Q(JV+2) ND2=ND1 ND3=Q(JV+8) ND4=Q(JV+5) ND5=ND4 ND6=Q(JV+11) CALL MZBOOK(IXCONS,LBANK,JV,-1,'DRAW',0,0,ND1,3,0) CALL MZBOOK(IXCONS,LBANK,JV,-2,'DRAW',0,0,ND2,3,0) CALL MZBOOK(IXCONS,LBANK,JV,-3,'DRAW',0,0,ND3,3,0) CALL MZBOOK(IXCONS,LBANK,JV,-4,'DRAW',0,0,ND4,3,0) CALL MZBOOK(IXCONS,LBANK,JV,-5,'DRAW',0,0,ND5,3,0) CALL MZBOOK(IXCONS,LBANK,JV,-6,'DRAW',0,0,ND6,3,0) GO TO 999 C C Push view banks C 20 IDVIEW=IVIEW NDL=IDVIEW-NKVIEW CALL MZPUSH(IXCONS,JDRAW,NDL,NDL,'I') IF(IEOTRI.NE.0)GO TO 50 DO 30 I=NKVIEW+1,IDVIEW-1 Q(JDRAW+I)=1. 30 CONTINUE NKVIEW=IDVIEW GO TO 10 C 40 WRITE (CHMAIL,1000) CALL GMAIL(0,0) GO TO 999 C 50 WRITE (CHMAIL,1100) CALL GMAIL(0,0) GO TO 999 C 60 WRITE (CHMAIL,1200) CALL GMAIL(0,0) C 1000 FORMAT (' ERROR IN GDOPEN: VIEW ALREADY EXISTING') 1100 FORMAT (' ERROR IN GDOPEN: MEMORY OVERFLOW IN PUSHING A BANK') 1200 FORMAT (' ERROR IN GDOPEN: ANOTHER VIEW IS ALREADY OPENED') 999 RETURN END