* * $Id: gdfr3d.F,v 1995/10/24 10:20:23 cernlib Exp $ * * $Log: gdfr3d.F,v $ * Revision 1995/10/24 10:20:23 cernlib * Geant * * #include "geant321/pilot.h" *CMZ : 3.21/02 29/03/94 15.41.26 by S.Giani *-- Author : SUBROUTINE GDFR3D(X,NPOINT,U,V) C. C. ****************************************************************** C. * * C. * Routine to convert the N 3D points given by array X * C. * to the 2D points in U and V * C. * * C. * If IGMR=1 then 3D points are not projected onto * C. * U-V plane but used to build the APOLLO-GMR 3D structure * C. * * C. * ITR3D = 0 for standard projection; * C. * <> 0 for rotation + projection i.e. R-Z projection * C. * with sign of R located in ITRSGN [ITR3D] * C. * * C. * * C. * Steps from 3D to 2D when NPOINT>0 : * C. * * C. * a) for volumes (IOBJ=1) : * C. * transformation of the 3D point (x',y',z') in DRS * C. * (Daughter Reference System) into the 3D point (x,y,z) * C. * in MARS (MAster Reference System); * C. * * C. * for tracks/hits (IOBJ<>1) after GDRVOL with NRS<>0 : * C. * transformation of the 3D point (x',y',z') in MARS * C. * into the 3D point (x,y,z) in DRS; * C. * * C. * for tracks/hits (IOBJ<>1) after GDRAW/GDRAWC : * C. * nothing * C. * * C. * b) transformation of the 3D point (x,y,z) in MARS/DRS * C. * into the 3D point (xx,yy,zz) in PRS (Projection * C. * Reference System); PRS has its z axis along * C. * the observer's line of sight (going to into the eye) * C. * * C. * c) transformation of the 3D point (xx,yy,zz) in PRS * C. * into the 2D point (u,v) in the plane normal to the * C. * observer's line of sight; at that stage if ITR3D=0 * C. * (standard projection) then u=xx and v=yy, * C. * but if ITR3D <> 0 (rotation + projection i.e. R-Z) * C. * then the 3D point (xx,yy,zz) in PRS is rotated along * C. * xx axis until it is onto the xx-yy plane and finally * C. * u=xx (unchanged by the rotation) and v=yy * C. * * C. * ==>Called by : , GDAHIT, GDARC, GDAXIS, GDCIRC, * C. * GDCIRR, GDCIRY, GDCUT, GDCXYZ, GDLINE, * C. * GDPART, GDRECT, GDSURF, GDXYZ * C. * Authors : R.Brun, P.Zanarini ********* * C. * * C. ****************************************************************** C. #include "geant321/gcvolu.inc" #include "geant321/gcdraw.inc" DIMENSION XC(3),XYZ(3),VL(3),VM(3),VN(3),X(3,1),U(1),V(1) DIMENSION XP(3,50) SAVE VL,VM,VN C C. C. ------------------------------------------------------------------ C. CALL UCTOH('PERS',IPERS,4,4) C IF(NPOINT.EQ.0)GO TO 100 N=NPOINT IF(NPOINT.LT.0)N=-NPOINT IF(NGVIEW.NE.0) GO TO 40 C C First call compute the rotation matrix C PH = ABS(MOD(GPHI,360.)) THET = ABS(MOD(GTHETA,360.)) IF(THET.LE.180.)GO TO 10 PH = PH + 180. THET = 360. - THET C 10 ST = SIN(THET * 0.017453) CT = COS(THET * 0.017453) SP = SIN(PH * 0.017453) CP = COS(PH * 0.017453) C C VN is new nu axis C VN(1) = ST * CP VN(2) = ST * SP VN(3) = CT C IF(ABS(VN(2)).GT.0.99999)GO TO 20 C VM(1) = 0. VM(2) = 1. VM(3) = 0. C C Define new lambda axis C CALL CROSS(VM,VN,VL) CALL VUNIT(VL,VL,3) C C Define new mu axis C CALL CROSS(VN,VL,VM) GO TO 30 C C Special case when observer line of sight is along mu: C in this case one chooses arbitrarily the vertical axis of C plane of projection as the lambda axis and the horizontal C as the nu axis C 20 VL(1) = 0. VL(2) = 0. VL(3) = 1. VM(1) = 1. VM(2) = 0. VM(3) = 0. 30 CONTINUE C NGVIEW=1 C 40 CONTINUE C C Begin of a call with viewing tranformation unchanged (NGVI C DO 90 I=1,N C IF (NPOINT.LT.0) THEN C C NPOINT < 0 : X is in MARS C IF (IGMR.EQ.1) THEN DO 50 J=1,3 50 XP(J,I)=X(J,I) GO TO 90 ENDIF C C Transform X (MARS) in XYZ (PRS) C i.e. project onto U,V,W C XYZ(1)=X(1,I)*VL(1)+X(2,I)*VL(2)+X(3,I)*VL(3) XYZ(2)=X(1,I)*VM(1)+X(2,I)*VM(2)+X(3,I)*VM(3) XYZ(3)=X(1,I)*VN(1)+X(2,I)*VN(2)+X(3,I)*VN(3) C ELSE C IF (IOBJ.NE.1) THEN C C NPOINT > 0 and IOBJ <> 1 : X belongs to a track or hit or C so it must be transformed from MARS to last DRS used by GD C (otherwise GTRAN0 and GRMAT0 are the unitary transformatio C and X is still expressed in MARS) C CALL GTRNSF(X(1,I),GTRAN0,GRMAT0,XC) C ELSE C C NPOINT > 0 and IOBJ = 1 : X belongs to a volume, C so it must be transformed from DRS to MARS C CALL GINROT(X(1,I),GRMAT(1,NLEVEL),XC) DO 60 J=1,3 60 XC(J)=XC(J)+GTRAN(J,NLEVEL) C ENDIF C IF (IGMR.EQ.1) THEN DO 70 J=1,3 70 XP(J,I)=XC(J) GO TO 90 ENDIF C C Transform XC (MARS or DRS) in XYZ (PRS) C i.e. project onto U,V,W C XYZ(1)=XC(1)*VL(1)+XC(2)*VL(2)+XC(3)*VL(3) XYZ(2)=XC(1)*VM(1)+XC(2)*VM(2)+XC(3)*VM(3) XYZ(3)=XC(1)*VN(1)+XC(2)*VN(2)+XC(3)*VN(3) C ENDIF C C Scale, shift and rotate in in U and V C 80 CONTINUE C C R-Z projection ? C IF (ITR3D.NE.0) CALL GDTHRZ(XYZ) C C Perspective projection ? C IF (IPRJ.EQ.IPERS) THEN IF (XYZ(3).GE.DPERS) XYZ(3)=DPERS-0.0001 XYZ(1)=XYZ(1)*DPERS/(DPERS-XYZ(3)) XYZ(2)=XYZ(2)*DPERS/(DPERS-XYZ(3)) ENDIF C UU=XYZ(1)*GSCU VV=XYZ(2)*GSCV U(I)=GU0+UU*COSPSI-VV*SINPSI V(I)=GV0+UU*SINPSI+VV*COSPSI C C Zoom processing C U(I)=U(I)*GZUA+GZUB+GZUC V(I)=V(I)*GZVA+GZVB+GZVC C 90 CONTINUE C IF (IGMR.EQ.1) CALL GM3POL(XP,N) C 100 CONTINUE END