* * $Id: gdcgvw.F,v 1995/10/24 10:20:21 cernlib Exp $ * * $Log: gdcgvw.F,v $ * Revision 1995/10/24 10:20:21 cernlib * Geant * * #include "geant321/pilot.h" *CMZ : 3.21/03 29/08/94 11.37.51 by S.Giani *-- Author : * SUBROUTINE GDCGVW (VPAR,VMA) C. C. ****************************************************************** C. * * C. * Subroutine evaluates the Viewing Matrix from Viewing Angles * C. * * C. * Input Parameters: * C. * * C. * VPAR(3) : Viewing Angles (VPAR(1)=THETA, VPAR(2)=PHI, * C. * VPAR(3)=PSI) * C. * * C. * Output Parameters: * C. * * C. * VMA(4,3): Viewing Matrix * C. * * C. * ==>Called by : GDINIT,GDRAW * C. * * C. * Author : J.Salt ********* * C. * * C. ****************************************************************** C. #include "geant321/gcdraw.inc" #include "geant321/gconsp.inc" * DIMENSION VPAR(3),AMTR(4,4),VMA(4,3) DIMENSION VL(3),VM(3),VN(3) COMMON/PROSP/SVN(3) *.______________________________________ * * CALL ISCLIP(1) IERR=0 DO 20 KK=1,4 DO 10 JJ=1,4 AMTR(KK,JJ)=0. 10 CONTINUE 20 CONTINUE * * Normalise theta, phi and psi angles to [0-360] range * THETA = MOD(ABS(VPAR(1)),180.) PHI = MOD(ABS(VPAR(2)),360.) PSI = MOD(ABS(VPAR(3)),360.) * * Ensure theta is in the range [0-180] * IF (THETA.GT.180.) THEN PHI = PHI + 180. THETA = 360. - THETA ENDIF SINPSI = SIN(PSI * DEGRAD) COSPSI = COS(PSI * DEGRAD) ST = SIN(THETA * DEGRAD) CT = COS(THETA * DEGRAD) SP = SIN(PHI * DEGRAD) CP = COS(PHI * DEGRAD) * * VN is new nu axis * VN(1) = ST * CP SVN(1)=VN(1) VN(2) = ST * SP SVN(2)=VN(2) VN(3) = CT SVN(3)=VN(3) * IF (ABS(VN(2)).LT.0.99999) THEN * * Y-axis is default mu axis (view up vector) * VM(1) = 0. VM(2) = 1. VM(3) = 0. * * Define new lambda axis * VL(1)=VM(2)*VN(3)-VM(3)*VN(2) VL(2)=VM(3)*VN(1)-VM(1)*VN(3) VL(3)=VM(1)*VN(2)-VM(2)*VN(1) VAVL=SQRT(VL(1)**2+VL(2)**2+VL(3)**2) VL(1)=VL(1)/VAVL VL(2)=VL(2)/VAVL VL(3)=VL(3)/VAVL * * Define new mu axis * VM(1)=VN(2)*VL(3)-VN(3)*VL(2) VM(2)=VN(3)*VL(1)-VN(1)*VL(3) VM(3)=VN(1)*VL(2)-VN(2)*VL(1) * ELSE * * Special case when observer line of sight is along mu: * in this case one chooses arbitrarily the vertical axis of the * plane of projection as the lambda axis and the horizontal axis * as the nu axis * VL(1) = 0. VL(2) = 0. VL(3) = 1. VM(1) = 1. VM(2) = 0. VM(3) = 0. ENDIF * * Get the view up vector by rotating the mu axis * PSI degrees in the view plane (= mu-nu plane) * VUPX = COSPSI * VM(1) + SINPSI * VL(1) VUPY = COSPSI * VM(2) + SINPSI * VL(2) VUPZ = COSPSI * VM(3) + SINPSI * VL(3) * * Values for View Reference Point in NDC (CSw =1) * VRPX = 0.5 VRPY = 0.5 VRPZ = 0.5 VPNX = VN(1) VPNY = VN(2) VPNZ = VN(3) * * Evaluate view matrix * CALL GDCGEM(VRPX,VRPY,VRPZ,VUPX,VUPY, VUPZ,VPNX, VPNY,VPNZ,IERR, +AMTR) * IF (IERR.NE.0)RETURN * VMA(1,1)=AMTR(1,1)*GSCU VMA(2,1)=AMTR(1,2)*GSCU VMA(3,1)=AMTR(1,3)*GSCU VMA(4,1)=GU0 * VMA(1,2)=AMTR(2,1)*GSCV VMA(2,2)=AMTR(2,2)*GSCV VMA(3,2)=AMTR(2,3)*GSCV VMA(4,2)=GV0 * DO 30 K=1,4 VMA(K,3)=AMTR(3,K) 30 CONTINUE * END