* * $Id: rchanv.F,v 1995/10/24 10:19:58 cernlib Exp $ * * $Log: rchanv.F,v $ * Revision 1995/10/24 10:19:58 cernlib * Geant * * #include "geant321/pilot.h" *CMZ : 3.21/02 29/03/94 15.41.44 by S.Giani *-- Author : *$ CREATE RCHANV.FOR *COPY RCHANV * *=== rchanv ===========================================================* * SUBROUTINE RCHANV #include "geant321/dblprc.inc" #include "geant321/dimpar.inc" #include "geant321/iounit.inc" * #include "geant321/hadflg.inc" #include "geant321/reac.inc" #include "geant321/redver.inc" #include "geant321/split.inc" * COMMON / FKABLT / AM (110), GA (110), TAU (110), ICH (110), & IBAR (110), K1 (110), K2 (110) * Note: 296 are the total number of energy at which data are tabulated * (of course for the 17 reactions considered, depending on the * reaction there could be different numbers of tabulated * energies) * 268 is the number of possible exit channels * Umo (ieii(ire)+ie) is the cms energy corresponding to the ieth * energy at which data are tabulated for the reaction ire * Plabf (ieii(ire)+ie) is the corresponding lab momentum * Siin (ieii(ire)+ie) is the cross section DIMENSION HWT(460) DIMENSION HWK(40) DIMENSION SI(5184) EQUIVALENCE (WK(1),SI(1)) C*** WEIGHTS FOR THE SAMPLING PROCEDURE (ADDED ONE TO EACH OTHER IN C*** CORRESP. CHANNELS) SPECIFIC FOR NUCRIN ONLY C*** CALCULATION OF THRESHOLD ENERGY OF THE REACTION CHANNELS C IREG=16 * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | Loop on the possible reactions (pi+ p, .... ) DO 222 IRE=1,IREG * | Initial index for the exit channel sigmas/weights for reaction IRE * | (wk(ire+1)-wk(ire+iee), weights at the various energies for the * | first channel, wk(ire+(ik-1)*iee+ie), weight of the ikth channel * | at ieth energy) IWKO=IRII(IRE) * | Number of energy tabulations for reaction ire IEE=IEII(IRE+1)-IEII(IRE) * | Number of exit channels of reaction ire IKE=IKII(IRE+1)-IKII(IRE) * | Index for the initial energy tabulation for reaction ire (this is * | for index 1!!, ieii is for index 0) IEO=IEII(IRE)+1 * | Index for the initial exit channel of the reaction ire * | (the initial channel is IIKI + 1) IIKI=IKII(IRE) * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | This loop checks the threshold (expressed in invariant mass) * | | for the several reaction channels: * | | Channels resulting in two exit particles/resonances are * | | checked for Thresh >= m(1) + m(2) * | | Channels resulting in only one resonance are checked for * | | Thresh >= Min_j (m_j(1)+m_j(2)+m_j(3)), where the minimum * | | is carried out looping over all possible decay channels j * | | and now also looking for the mass of the resonance * | | less 5 x width DO 226 IK=1,IKE INRK1 = NRK(1,IIKI+IK) INRK2 = NRK(2,IIKI+IK) AM111 = AM (INRK1) * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* * | | | Two particles/resonances exit channels IF ( INRK2 .GT. 0 ) THEN AM222 = AM (INRK2) THRESH (IIKI+IK) = AM111 + AM222 * | | | * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* * | | | One resonance exit channel ELSE IF ( GA (INRK1) .GT. ANGLGB ) THEN AM111 = AM111 - 5.D+00 * GA (INRK1) ELSE AM111 = 0.D+00 END IF INRKK = K1(INRK1) AMSS = 5.D+00 INRKO = K2(INRK1) * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | Loop over the decay channels DO 228 INKK=INRKK,INRKO INZK1=NZK(INKK,1) INZK2=NZK(INKK,2) INZK3=NZK(INKK,3) AMS = AM(INZK1)+AM(INZK2)-2.D+00*(GA(INZK1)+GA(INZK2)) IF (INZK3 .GT. 0) AMS =AMS+AM(INZK3)-2.D+00*GA(INZK3) IF (AMSS .GT.AMS) AMSS=AMS 228 CONTINUE * | | | | * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* AMS = MAX (AMSS,AM111) IF ( AMS .LT. UMO(IEO) ) AMS = UMO (IEO) THRESH (IIKI+IK) = AMS END IF * | | | * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* 226 CONTINUE * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* SINORC = 1.D+00 * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | Loop on the energy tabulations DO 221 IE=1,IEE SIS=ANGLGB/10.D+00 PLASQ = PLABF (IEO+IE-1)**2 UMOSQ = ( SQRT ( AM (INNURE(1,1,IRE))**2 + PLASQ ) & + AM (INNURE(2,1,IRE)) )**2 - PLASQ IF ( INNURE (1,2,IRE) .GT. 0 ) & UMOSQ = MAX ( UMOSQ, ( SQRT ( AM (INNURE(1,2,IRE))**2 & + PLASQ ) + AM (INNURE(2,2,IRE)) )**2 - PLASQ ) * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* * | | | Loop on the exit channels DO 223 IK=1,IKE * | | | IWK index of the sigma (weight) of the IKth exit channel of * | | | reaction IRE at energy IE IWK=IWKO+IEE*(IK-1)+IE * | | | NRK (i,iiki+ik), i=1,2 are the two resonances produced by * | | | the exit channel ik of the reaction ire: 0 means no second * | | | resonance * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | Check that cross section is 0 below the computed * | | | | threshold IF ( UMOSQ .GE. THRESH (IIKI+IK)**2 ) THEN SIS=SIS+SI(IWK)*SINORC * | | | | * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | ELSE SI(IWK)=0.D+00 END IF * | | | | * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* 223 CONTINUE * | | | * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* SIIN(IEO+IE-1)=SIS SIO=0.D+00 * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* * | | | IF (SIS.LE.ANGLGB) THEN SIS=1.D+00 SIO=1.D+00 END IF * | | | * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* * | | | DO 224 IK=1,IKE IWK=IWKO+IEE*(IK-1)+IE SIO=SIO+SI(IWK)/SIS*SINORC HWK(IK)=SIO 224 CONTINUE * | | | * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* * | | | DO 225 IK=1,IKE IWK=IWKO+IEE*(IK-1)+IE WK(IWK)=HWK(IK) 225 CONTINUE * | | | * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* 221 CONTINUE * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* 222 CONTINUE * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | DO 3 J=1,460 HWT(J)=0.D+00 3 CONTINUE * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | DO 1 I=1,110 IK1=K1(I) IK2=K2(I) HV=0.D+00 DO 2 J=IK1,IK2 HV=HV+WT(J) HWT(J)=HV JI=J 2 CONTINUE IF (ABS(HV-1.D0).GT.1.D-4)WRITE(LUNOUT,101) 101 FORMAT(44H ERROR IN HWT BECAUSE OF FALSE USE OF RCHANW) 1 CONTINUE * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | DO 4 J=1,460 WT(J)=HWT(J) 4 CONTINUE * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * Set a flag for hadrin that elastic collisions must be reduced * because they will occur inside nuclei IELFLG = -1 ICXFLG = -1 RETURN END